教育部已将中等职业教育列为我国教育工作的战略重点之一,为职业教育的发展带来新的契机。在大力倡导职业教育发展的同时,对职业教育改革也提出了要求,课程与教材改革就是其中的重要内容。为了适应中等职业学校英语教学的改革和发展,高等教育出版社引进了英国MMP ublications出版公司的NEW PLus系列英语教材,委托熟悉中等职业学校英语教学的专家及教师根据教育部中等职业学校课程改革的精神进行了改编。多年来本系列第1版教材在全国许多省份使用,受到广大师生的普遍欢迎。本系列教材共4册,第1一3册供中等职业学校三个学期使用,“预备级”可供低起点的学生选用,也可供学生复习初中所学内容使用。 本教材以全新的视角体现了目前国内外英语教学研究的成果,以与学生生活贴近的“话题”为核心,以结构和功能为主线,通过形式多样而又便于操作的“活动”方式,刨设有意义的语言情境,综合训练学牛听、说、读、写四项基本技能,切实培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。 本书有以下突出特点: 1.以新的英语交际语言教学理念为依据改编 本教材注重学生运用英语的能力培养,体现了“素质教育”和“能力本位”的教学思想。教学内容覆盖中等职、比学校英语课程中的“语法项目”和“交际话题”。 2.综合训练听、说、读、写等技能 听、说、读、写四项技能是相互联系的统一体。本教材注重对学生进行听、说、读、写等技能的综合训练,使学生的语言技能得以协调发展。
UNIT 1 PeopleListeningSpeakingReading & WritingDescription of a personUNIT 2 Places/BuildingsListeningSpeakingReading & WritingDescription of a place / buildingUNIT 3 Every lifeListeningSpeakingReading & WritingInformal letter (I) - to give news, talk about plans, congratulate, thank, apologise.UNIT 4 CommunicationListeningSpeakingReading & WritingAn e-mail in a business contextUNIT 5 HolidaysListeningSpeakingReading & WritingInformal letter (11) - to invite, give directions, make arrangements,accept or refuse an invitationUNIT 6 AdvertisingListeningSpeakingReading & WritingFormal letter (I) - to ask for informationUNIT 7 News reportsListeningSpeakingReading & WritingReport (Ⅰ) - to report newsUNIT 8 EntertainmentListeningSpeakingReading & WritingReport (Ⅱ) - to report events and experiencesUNIT 9 Family/RelationshipsListeningSpeakingReading & WritingInformal letter (Ⅲ) - to ask for adviceUNIT 10 Employment/CareerListeningSpeakingReading & WritingFormal letter (11) - to apply for a jobUNIT 11 Environment/AnimalsListeningSpeakingReading & WritingArticle (Ⅰ) - to state your opinion, make suggestions, give informationUNIT 12 EducationListeningSpeakingReading & WritingArticle (Ⅱ) - to talk about advantages and disadvantagesGRAMMARVOCABULARY
Although in many countries school uniforms have been abolished, school childrenin Britain and a number of other countries still have to wear them. This shows that adecision has not been reached as to whether students should wear a school uniform ornot. It is clear then, that there are both advantages and disadvantages to wearing one.On the whole, there are advantages and disadvantages to wearing a school uniform.In my opinion, each school should have the right to choose whether its students shouldhave to wear a uniform or not. However, not everyone likes the idea of wearing a school uniform. One reason whystudents dislike uniforms is that they are not considered fashionable. What is more,sometimes uniforms may not be comfortable or even appropriate in extreme weatherconditions. They may be too hot to wear in summer or not warm enough in winter.