

樊葳葳 著 高等教育出版社





樊葳葳 著  






  随着全球化进程的深入中国与国际接轨的步伐不断加怏,中国与世界的跨文化交际不仅关系到国家的经济发展和文化交流,对国家形象的建立、国际关系的维护和国际地位的提升都起着举足轻重的作用,跨文化交际人才培养成为21世纪人才培养的一项至关重要的任务。为了迎接时代的挑战、满足社会对人才的渴求,跨文化交际能力的培养已被写入教育部最新制定的《高等学校英语专业教学大纲》;2007年教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》也第一次明确地将“跨文化交际”列为大学英语教学的主要内容之一。  语言是重要的交际工具,语言能力是成功的跨文化交际必不可少的。然而,语言能力并不等同于跨文化交际能力。跨文化交际能力除了语言交际能力之外,还包括对母语文化和异文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性。为了更好地实现这一目标,20世纪90年代后期以来,越来越多的高校在语言课程之外增设了“跨文化交际”课程,各种跨文化交际教材也相继出版,这些都有力地促进了跨文化交际能力的培养。然而,迄今为止,国内尚无以影视片段等视听材料来辅助跨文化交际教学的视听说教材。  本教材的编写宗旨是以影视片段、相关文章和交际案例等视听素材为载体,通过视听、阅读,以及师生之间、生生之间的口语交互活动来促进跨文化理解、增强跨文化意识。全书共分为六个部分。第一部分介绍了文化、交际、跨文化交际等基本概念。第二部分介绍了最具影响力的几个文化价值观理论,只有对这些“隐蔽文化”深刻理解才能深入地洞察“外显文化”。第三、四部分分别阐释了跨文化语言交际和跨文化非语言交际。第五部分讨论了跨文化适应过程中的障碍和跨越障碍的桥梁。第六部分集中讲述了国内最常见的两大跨文化情境(教育情境和商务情境)中的种种跨文化实践。全书共十六章,每一章都由影视片段、阅读材料和案例分析三部分组成。影视片段通过真实的跨文化交际情境使学生对跨文化交际产生感性的认识。阅读材料是在参考国内外相关资料和研究成果的基础上、根据我们自己多年的教学经验编写而成的,语言简洁、精炼,深入浅出地讲解跨文化理论和知识,可以作为课堂上教师的讲稿,也可供学生课外自学之用。案例分析是在透彻理解的基础上运用相关理论和知识去解决跨文化交际的实际问题。每一部分都设计了相关练习。练习有两种类型:一类旨在促进对影视、阅读和案例的理解;另一类以帮助学生进行深入思考为目的。每一章的教学大约需要2个课时,整个教材大约需要32课时。  本书是集体智慧和劳动的结晶。樊葳葳教授主持召开了多次编写会议,教材的整体构思、章节的敲定、影片的选择、阅读材料的编写和全书体例等等都是在集体讨论中确定下来的。参加编写的作者们全都是奋战在跨文化交际教学第一线的老师。美国自由撰稿人Paul wright先生对本书的编写提出了很多建设性意见,还在百忙之中抽出时间对全书的语言做了修改和润色。在此我们对他表示诚挚的感谢。




Part Ⅰ Basic ConceptsChapter 1 Culture 9Chapter 2Communication 21Chapter 3 Intercultural Communication 34Part Ⅱ Cultural Value OrientationsChapter 4 Klucldaohn and Strodtbecks Model 51Chapter 5 Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions 64Chapter 6 Halls Culture Context Model 80Part Ⅲ Verbal CommunicationChapter 7 Cultural Connotation in Language 91Chapter 8 Norms of Social Interaction 107Part Ⅳ Nonverbal CommunicationChapter 9 Body Language 125Chapter 10 Time 139Chapter 11 Space 153Part Ⅴ Barriers and BridgesChapter 12 Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes 165Chapter 13 Culture Shock and Adaptation 182Chapter 14 Acculturation and Identity 198Part Ⅵ Contexts of Intercultural CommunicationChapter 15 Education Context 213Chapter 16 Business Context 225ReferencesKey for Reference


  His deskmate,a student from Japan,shook his head.“Is it necessary to protest over such a minor issue?I can tolerate this noise.And there are some Japanese friends of mine in Class 5.I don’t want to make my friends unhappy just because of their laughter.”  Another Japanese girl stood up,“Let me close our door.Although that will make it hotter,it will be quieter.”  She was stopped by a French student.“Why should we close our door and suffer from the heat?Class 5 should ClOSe t11eir door in order not to bother other classes.”  A few students from Africa suggested,“Why not strike our desks like drums to protest?”  A girl from Russia agreed.“Our class could also laugh together to let them know what the noise sounds like.”  Two Korean students whispered to each other,“Western students really have a hot temper. They just donk know how to stay calm.How could we get along well with other classes if we cant control ourselves?”  A Hungarian girl happened to overhear their comments.She disagreed,“I dont understand you Asians.You wont protest even when your rights have been violated.”  More laughter came from Class 5.Stephen stood up,“No matter what you think about it, Im going to protest.”He went to Class 5 and asked,“How happy you must be today]May we share in your happiness?”Laughter stopped.After a while,Class 5 closed their door.  Stephen came back satisfied and told his Japanese classmates,“Now you Asians can enjoy the peace won by US Westerners.”After the class was over,a few European students from Class 5 came to apologize to me.They weren’t aware that their happy laughter might have bothered Class 4.The Japanese students from Class 5,however,adopted a Chinese nickname for Stephen “fin jin ji jiao”(people who haggle over every ounce).





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