《大学英语选修课/学科课程系列教材》项目组 编
随着我国经济、文化、科技的不断发展,社会对大学生的英语水平提出了更高的要求,大学英语教学改革已成为社会关注的热点之一。为了推动大学英语教学改革,教育部在总结近年来教学改革经验的基础上,对2004年公布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》进行了全面修订,并于2007年8月正式颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》。与以往的《大学英语教学大纲》相比,新的《大学英语课程教学要求》从以下三个方面为大学英语教学带来了新的变化:1.培养目标的变化。《大学英语课程教学要求》提出,大学英语要培养学生的英语综合应用能力,在坚持其通用基础学科定位的同时,提出了与专业学习相结合的专门用途英语,以及以人文、国际交流为核心的文化素质课程的定位;2.教学思想的变化。提出了自主学习的思想,鼓励学生自主选择学习内容和学习方式;3.教学模式的变化。鼓励在教和学的过程中使用以计算机为基础的教育技术,拓展英语学习的渠道,增加语言练习的机会,提高语言输入和输出的质量。 面对新的改革形势,我们明显感到,现行的以英语基础能力发展为核心的大学英语教材体系难以适应新形势的需要,广大师生也盼望着更多与国际文化知识、专业知识、学术交流相结合的新型英语教材,满足正在出现的大学英语的多重定位、学生自主选择学习内容和基于计算机技术的自主学习方式等变化的需要。为此,我们提出开发《大学英语选修课/学科课程系列教材》。 本系列教材为“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”,主要供完成《大学英语课程教学要求》中规定的“一般要求”后,继续学习“较高要求”和“更高要求”英语课程的学生使用,也可供研究生及广大专业技术人员学习专业英语、学术英语,提高英语综合应用能力使用。
面对新的改革形势,我们明显感到,现行的以英语基础能力发展为核心的大学英语教材体系难以适应新形势的需要,广大师生也盼望着更多与国际文化知识、专业知识、学术交流相结合的新型英语教材,满足正在出现的大学英语的多重定位、学生自主选择学习内容和基于计算机技术的自主学习方式等变化的需要。为此,我们提出开发《大学英语选修课/学科课程系列教材》。 本系列教材为“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”,主要供完成《大学英语课程教学要求》中规定的“一般要求”后,继续学习“较高要求”和“更高要求”英语课程的学生使用,也可供研究生及广大专业技术人员学习专业英语、学术英语,提高英语综合应用能力使用。
Unit 1 Job InterviewText A Interview EtiquetteText B Research the Company m An Important Step BeforeInterviewCultural Tips 面试中的禁忌Unit 2 Company StuctureText A Board of Directors, Chairman and CEOText B Job DescriptionsCultural Tips 大型跨国公司组织结构案例Unit 3 On the PhoneText A How to Answer a Phone Call —— Telephone Etiquettefor the Called PartyText B How to Make a Phone Call —— Telephone Etiquette for the CallerCultural Tips 商务电话礼仪Unit 4 At the MeetingText A How to Organize and Run Effective MeetingsText B Meeting Agenda and Meeting MinutesCultural Tips 商务会议礼仪Unit 5 Business TravelText A Business TravelText B Business Dining EtiquetteCultural Tips 国外小费文化Unit 6 Receiving VisitorsText A Receiving VisitorsText B Inviting Clients to a Business LunchCultural Tips 世界各国人的饮食习惯及禁忌Unit 7 ExhibitionText A How to Select a Right Trade ShowText B Exhibit Hall EtiquetteCultural Tips 展会计划时间表Unit 8 NegotiationText A 5 Ways to Negotiate More EffectivelyText B Negotiation —— Planning for a Successful OutcomeCultural Tips 谈判中非言语沟通技巧Unit 9 Customer ServiceText A How to Provide Superior Customer ServiceText B Dealing with ComplaintsCultural Tips 现代客户服务理念Unit 10 Keys to Career SuccessTextA StaffTrainingText B InterDersonaI Relationships and PoliticsCultural Tips 你是同事喜欢耳钉搭档吗?
Use an Ideas Bin —— A "bin" consists of blank sheets (one or two) torn from an easel padand taped to the wall. Any idea that is unrelated to the current topic is written on the easel padpaper (i.e. placed in the bin). The bin serves two valuable purposes: 1) it stores valuable ideas forconsideration at an appropriate and convenient time, and 2) it allows discussion to stay focused onthe agenda topic. Using the bin is an effective way to keep discussion focused and it helps peoplehold onto their thoughts and ideas without being disruptive to the meeting. Explain the use of thebin at the beginning of the meeting. During the meeting the team leader or the facilitator shouldrecord bin items as they come up, or participants should record their own bin items when theyfeel discussion is getting off track. Estabfish and Use Ground Rules —— Ground rzdes are explicit rules that the group agrees tofollow to help them facilitate productive discussions. Whether the group formulates the groundrules or the meeting leader/facilitator presents them, all group members should reach consensuson following the ground rules. The ground rules should be written down on easel pad paper andtaped to the wall for everyone to see. Ground rules lay out the expectations of "the way thingsshould be done at meetings." Ground rules are used to facilitate group interaction, not to restrictit. The group can change the ground rules or add new ones based on group needs. Examples of some typically used ground rules include: arrive and start on time; stick to theagenda; everyone participates; be realistic when accepting follow-up tasks; focus on interests, notpositions; separate people from the problem; respect different viewpoints; share responsibility forfollowing the ground rules.Control Dominating Individuals —— Make sure each individual has a fair chance ofexpressing ideas and opinions. Do not let one person dominate the discussion. Of equalimportance is to ensure that quiet participants are expressing their ideas and opinions. Thismay require the leader or facilitator to directly call on the quiet member and ask them for theiropinion or for any ideas they would like to share. Summarize m Conclude the meeting by summarizing the discussion, decisions made, tasksdelegated, deadlines, and any action required by participants. Depending on the time available,either address bin items or place them on the agenda for the next meeting. Include in thesunnnary any review plans for follow-up or the need to schedule any succeeding meetings. It isfar easier to schedule the next meeting while everyone is at the table then it is to wait and contacteach participant individually.