

王立非,郑玉琪,石云龙 著 高等教育电子音像出版社





王立非,郑玉琪,石云龙 著  




  《表达英语综合教程》Expressing English以最新《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》为指导原则,运用国际第二语言习得理论的新成果,充分体现“以人为本”的思想,突出英语专业的特色和优势,注重培养英语专业学生的语言、认知、逻辑等能力。  本套教材为英语专业本科1-2年级基础阶段编写,核心理念是关注英语表达能力的培养,将思考、听力、口语、阅读、写作、翻译融为一体,综合提高英语表达能力。  一、编写理念  与国内同类教材相比,本套教材在编写和选材理念上突出3个特点:  ·外语教育整体性 强调外语教学中的语言能力、思维能力、策略能力、知识面、人生观的平衡关系和综合发展。  ·外语学习一体性 根据第二语言习得中输入——输出假设原则,将输入与输出有机结合,通过提高语言输入能力,促进语言输出能力发展,达到增强外语表达核心竞争力的目的。  ·外语交际双向性 强调中西文化表达的平衡,在口头表达训练中提供相关中文信息,在笔头表达训练中强调英汉对译。


  《表达英语综合教程3》Expressing English以最新《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》为指导原则,运用国际第二语言习得理论的新成果,充分体现“以人为本”的思想,突出英语专业的特色和优势,注重培养英语专业学生的语言、认知、逻辑等能力。本套教材为英语专业本科1-2年级基础阶段编写,核心理念是关注英语表达能力的培养,将思考、听力、口语、阅读、写作、翻译融为一体,综合提高英语表达能力。


Unit 1 ollege NomadsText A Lost, Alone and Not a Freshman 2Text B College, My Way 11Unit 2 Robots. Our Facilitators?Text A Roomba "s Revenge 18Text B Such a Comfort to Grandma 25Unit 3 Poverty amid AffluenceText A A New Kind of Poverty 32Text B The Afflictions of Affluence 42Unit 4 Net GenerationText A The Generation Lap 48Text B N-Gen as Consumers 57Unit 5 Advice Never Too LateText A The Graduation Advice I Never Got. 62Text B Advice to Youth 69Unit 6 Honesty-Out of Date?Text A Cheating: "But Everybodys Doing It" 76Text B Cheating as Culture: Insights for Foreign Teachers 85Unit 7 Be HappyText A Is Everybody Happy? 100Text B Happiness Is a Domestic Bird 109Unit 8 Mars and VenusText A Death of the Male 114Text B What if Martians Gave Job Interviews? 124Unit 9 Passage to UnderstandingText A Rides of Passage 130Text B Dad, We Need to Talk 138Unit 10 Melting Pot or Cultural MosaicText A Melting Pot 146Text B Multiculturalism in Canada 157Unit 11 Trap or Treat?Text A The New Parent Trap 164Text B My Life as a Wife 175Unit 12 Mystery of the BrainText A Notice Your Pictures and Let Them Go 184Text B Secrets of the Brain: The Mystery of Memory


  4.talk therapy  Talk therapy is simply talking about what is bothering you. Talk therapy can be practiced with a friend or loved one, a family member, or a therapist. Talking about your problems can help you to spot things that are causing problems in your life. A person with a different perspective on your situation can help you decide how to fix the problems you are having, and how to deal with the things you cant fix. Through discussion, you can find ways to handle your problems so that the same issues won,t continually disrupt your life. The three common types of talk therapy are Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy and Interpersonal therapy.  5.an alligator and a crocodile  An alligator is a large, hard-skinned reptile with a long nose that is shorter and slightly wider than that of a crocodile and which lives in and near rivers and lakes in parts of the US and China while a crocodile is a large, hard-skinned reptile with a longer and narrower nose than that of an alligator which lives in and near rivers and lakes in hot, wet places.




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