《高级职业英语》系列教材编写组 编
《高级职业英语》(Advanced Career English)是一套专门针对高职高专学生实际需求而编写的公共英语系列教材。其编写历经两年之久,经过广泛调查研究,获得了大量客观可靠的数据和访谈笔录,并在此基础上进行了科学的定量和定性分析。其编写理念是在对用人单位、毕业生、在校生和教师及教学管理部门进行调查的基础上,采取“能力倒推”的方法,即根据调查统计结果筛选出毕业生实际工作岗位所涉及的岗位英语技能点,再根据目标工作岗位群的特征,将这些技能点按照语言教学的客观规律进行科学的编排和语言精加工,整合成具有共性特征的技能模块,从而形成教材的主要架构。 本系列教材依据教育部颁布的《关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》,遵循“面向社会,针对岗位,强化能力,促进发展”的宗旨,坚持“能力本位、任务驱动、行动导向、教学做一体化”的教学模式和以岗位技能为主线,以职场活动为情景的编写原则,构建“基于工作过程的项目导向”的内容体系,紧扣岗位需求,做到“学中做,做中学”,以“学以致用”、“学以管用”、突出技能训练和全面提高学生完成岗位工作能力为目的。 本系列教材吸收了国内外优秀教材的编写经验,并由外籍专家对语言审定把关,形式新颖,按照听说模块、读写模块和拓展模块分项编写,具有较强的针对性和实用性,为学生通过本教材的学习,掌握职场生存和发展必需的英语基本技能提供了可靠的保障。 《高级职业英语》系列教材共三级,每级由《听说教程》、《读写教程》、《拓展教程》以及《教师参考书》组成。本系列教材每单元围绕同一职业岗位技能展开训练,每个教程既相对独立,又相互联系和互为补充,从而形成一个有机的整体。《听说教程》、《读写教程》、《拓展教程》后都附有MP3光盘,《教师参考书》后附有电子教案光盘。
Unit 1 Conducting a SurveySection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 2 Making a PresentationSection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 3 Proiect ManagementSection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 4 Workflow ManagementSection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 5 Quality ControlSection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 6 Global SourcingSection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 7 SYBOnlineSection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 8 Handling Work StressSection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 9 Occupational Health and SafetySection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingUnit 10 Retrospect and ProspectSection 1 More Things to DoSection 2 Exploration: Reading SkillsSection 3 Preparation: Career PreviewingSection 4 Appreciation: Listening and RecitingNew Words and Expressions
Bebout started her market research by searching the Internet to get ideas from other companies providing the same type of service. Her web research showed shed have no competition for a door-to-door advertising business in Paducah. Bebout also used the Internet to pick up distribution tactics such as street intercepting, or standing on streets and handing out advertising material. "I love the Internet," Bebout says, "I got at least 50 percent of my information offthe Web." Bebout also relied heavily on contacts she made through friends and the SBA. These contacts provided assistance that Internet research couldnt offer. Early on she met with a woman at the SBA who gave her vital information about how to write a business plan as well as some much-appreciated inspiration. "I was coming out of a male- dominated engineering environment, and it was amazing to meet with an intelligent business woman in a position of authority. The experience helped me know I could do it." When she connected with local business owners, Bebout confirmed the need for more advertising companies: area car dealers had boycotted the local newspaper for what they considered high advertising rates. Through her conversations around town, Bebout also learned she was qualified for a special government loan programme available to business owners in towns in need of economic stimulation. Because she was basing her new company in Paducah, Bebout qualified for a $50 000 loan.