

沈艳娟,张虹 著 高等教育出版社





沈艳娟,张虹 著  




  《大学体验英语视听说教程》是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材——《大学体验英语》嘉体似j系列教材的重要组成部分。《大学体验英语视听说教程》在充分贯彻体验式、研究性教学理念的前提下,依据《大学英语课程教学要求》,针对学生开展有效视听和口语交际的训练,重点培养学生的英语综合运用能力,提高学生用英语独立思考和自由表达的能力以及终身自主学习、自我发展的能力,真正实现大学英语教学的培养目标。  《大学体验英语视听说教程》的编写采用主题导航模式,各单元音视频材料、视听活动、口语任务、补充阅读及项目设计等均围绕同一主题展开。本教程单元主题总体与《大学体验英语综合教程》保持一致,选材注重实用性和教育性,兼顾知识性与趣味性,力求将思想内涵、语言、文化和技能有机融合。  《大学体验英语视听说教程》以最新原版英语视听资料为载体,以学生自主性与探究性学习为手段,以英语综合应用能力及多元人文素质培养为目标,依托项目化语言技能训练培养学生的英语综合学习能力,依托独特的任务驱动设计提高学生的研究能力与创新能力,依托网络自主式学习模式开发学生的学习潜能。  本系列教程主要具有以下特色:  1.自主探究式学习与团队协作式学习相结合  本系列教程突出强调培养学生的自主学习意识,提高其自主学习能力,开发学生的学习潜能。不同于传统视听说教程,本系列教程在单元内容编排上打破“视、听、说”的局限,在单元热身部分引入以自主探究式学习方式为主的课前阅读和与主题相关的搜索任务。每个单元还包含一个精心设计的团队项目,从项目实施到成果展示配有一系列相关任务,通过组织团队相互质询与评议锻炼学生信息搜索、团队协作、英语口语表达等能力。这些拓展和尝试旨在为学生创造一个自主探究式学习与团队协作式学习紧密结合、相互促进的英语学习环境,有效提高学生的综合素质。  2,人文素养提高与品格教育兼顾  本系列教程从主题确定到篇目选择都充分考虑到学生人文素养的提高和优秀品格的培养,力求实现寓人文素养与品格教育于外语学习之中。本系列教程在单元开篇引入与主题相关的名人名言,在主题选择中有意识地选取了名人演讲、访谈、大学生心理问题探讨、濒危动物保护与老龄化问题、科技与商业以及网络问题等内容融入教学中,开展励志、解惑、公益、劝诫等方面的教育,以提高学生人文素养,健全品格。  3.独特的口语任务驱动设计保证交流的有效性  本系列教程充分考虑到90后大学生接受新生事物快、乐于参与的特点,采用独特的口语任务驱动设计,通过模拟现实的情景和辩论,加强学生独立分析问题、解决问题的能力,拓展学生的批评性思维,鼓励独到见解,培养会思考的一代。此外,本系列教程在任务设计上注重不同专业学生的可参与性、活动的趣味性和启迪性,激发学生在活动中主动运用所学知识,在知识运用中检验自己所学,弥补不足。




Unit 1 Dont Say GoodbyeUnit 2 Nature or Nurture?Unit 3 Home of the FutureUnit 4 Technology: A Blessing or a Curse?Unit 5 The Power of ArtsUnit 6 Is Tourism a Mixed Blessing?Unit 7 Internet AddictionUnit 8 A Better Way to Fight PovertyAppendixA Supplementary ReadingAppendix B Debating


  So Einsteins brain has given up some of its secrets to Mark and Jim. In the battle of biology versus ideas, Jim and Mark have each scored points. Seemingly, Einstein was born with overlaps in his brain. These overlaps may have meant maths and spatial thinking were more intuitive to him.Thinking like a child let him see the world in a unique way. And his unique, perhaps autistic, levelof concentration, forced his brain to expand like a muscle. Extra glial cells were needed to cope withthe extra demand, possibly helping make the maths area in the brain more than 15% wider thannormal. All these effects united to give Einstein a mind unlike any other, perhaps the greatest mindin history. In the future, could we preserve a genius like Einstein in something better than the jar?Imagine a brave new world, where a genius brain could be copied onto silicon using microscopicrobots called nanobots. This is the vision of the futurologist Ray Kurzweil.  "I think by the 2020s or the late 2020s, we will have completely reverse engineered the brainand understand how all the different regions work. Itll take us longer to be able to scan the entirebrain and get capture of every detail of someones personality. The blood vessels of the brain goeverywhere, and so if we send billions of nanobots through the capillaries of the brain, they can scaneverything in the brain of a specific person at very high resolution. Then you could create a machine,a non-biological entity, that would simulate a specific persons brain and that simulation will act justlike that person, and if you then talk to that simulation, youd be convinced that it was that person."  "I am little worried about whether Im talking to the real Ray or hes at home having a cup of tea."  "Well, I worry about that too. Once we understand the basic principles of operation of how thebrain works, we Can take a brain-like system and expose it to a complicated problem and the systemwill learn on its own. It can actually do it thousands maybe eventually millions of times faster than areal human brain and actually develop skills that are far greater than a human being is able to."  So a future Einstein could be put on a computer, literally a ghost in the machine.  "Do you believe that, you know, just by looking at that, genius is —— or genius is something elsefor you?






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