贾玉新,陈国明 编
This paper first reviews the beginning, growth and landmarks of China's interculturalcommunication (ICC) studies. Then it discusses its special features in the past decade: 1)the publication of articles and books on ICC has increased rapidly; 2) the scope of researchhas widened and a diversified approach is beginning to emerge; 3) research in internationalcommunication has broadened and inter-ethnic communication has also become a topic ofresearch; and 4) a number of intercultural communication classics have been reprinted inmainland China. The limitations of China's ICC studies mainly lie in two aspects: Most ofthose engaged in ICC research are foreign language professors, who are not well-equippedwith theories of communication and psychology and have not had systematic training inICC research methodologies; and secondly, the scope of research is still too limited and theapproach often is not multi-disciplinary. The writer holds that an analogy may be drawn between linguistic studies and ICCstudies in China. While the situation of linguistic studies was much the same as what ICCstudies is like today, remarkable progress has been scored in China's linguistic studies inthe past two decades because of the measures taken over the years. The writer recommendsthat the strengthening of graduate programs and the training of teachers and scholars inICC theoretical and methodological issues should be top priority. Plans should also bemade to work on syllabus design, course development and teaching resources. ……