李霄翔 编
Unit 1 GenerationsUnit 2 Living GreenUnit 3 Counter-terrorist StrategiesUnit 4 Historical FiguresUnit 5 Celebrity WorshipUnit 6 Decision MakingUnit 7 TeamworkUnit 8 Travel and ExperiencingAnswer Key
3. 1)The mass media provides sensational news and makes the situation worse. 2)Money, ego... or self-righteous conviction can motivate people to gain power / for power. 3)The new legislation has some items that protect the privacy and liberty of the individual and the interest of the majority. 4)The events of 11 September, 2001 highlighted the fact that a formidable international terrorist threat does exist. 5)The death of Bin Laden is not only a major blow to Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations but will also greatly inspire global counter-terrorism forces. 4. 1)Because in the US there is a Israeli lobby who are very rich and well financed, who know how to find and persuade the right senator(s) and representative(s), and who are very professional, which is not comparable by any Arab lobby. 2)Foreign policy is least concerned by American voters. / Few American voters care about foreign policy. 3)It is about the politics in Mid-East which tends to exclude each other for one's own interest and right, and there seems no leadership which aims at tolerating and hosting different ethnical and religious groups. / There is only self-righteous political, ethnical and religious groups that tend to exclude rather than tolerate people with different political, ethnical and religious background.4) Nowadays if one terrorist takes full advantage of high-techs, he can cause more devastating damages than before. 5)As recent events have shown, no country is free from attack, and it simply is impossible for anyone to make sure that there is no more terrorist attacks in the future. 5. 1)原因就在于恐怖分子并非是传统军事力量所能阻止的一般意义上的敌人。如果他们是的话,那么恐怖主义就不会存在于以色列了。 2)国防部官员和军事精英们一直都在讨论是否要进行一场军事变革,引进“非对称战争”的概念——即在作战时使用非传统的战术,而不是沿袭作战时部署与敌方规模相当的军事力量和采用相同的军事战术。 3)与其一味地指责美国情报部门“失败”,认为他们未能获悉恐怖主义对五角大楼和世贸大厦恐怖袭击的计划(尽管这听起来似乎不太合情理),还不如集中精力思考我们如何能够做得更好(我们必须意识到,情报的收集和分析工作很难做到准确和十全十美)。 ……