在英语学习中,语法很重要;而要打好语法基础,则需牢固掌握英语时态。假如把语法学习比作建造大楼,那么时态的学习就好比搭造大楼的骨架;有了坚固的框架结构,才能建成高楼大厦。因此,对于英语时态不能小觑。然而,时态种类繁多,区别细微,习惯性强,一向是难点。但困难并非不可以克服,薄冰先生给出的方法是:(一)抓住每个时态的基本概念和用法;(二)对各时态进行比较;(三)做大量练习。《薄冰英语时态》即按此种方法和顺序展开,讨论了传统的一般、完成、进行和完成进行等16个时态的基本概念和基本用法、特殊用法以及区别,并通过多个摘自英美书刊的鲜活例句加以详细解释与说明。 像《薄冰英语时态》这样专门讲解英语时态的同类语法书并不多见,其剖析、讲解、举例相当透彻、详细,弥补了一般语法书对时态的讲解笼统概括的不足。此书自面世以来,曾连年再版,广受读者青睐,现薄冰先生80多岁高龄又对此书作了修订,更显弥足珍贵。我们希望这本书能够帮助读者全面掌握好英语时态,打下坚实的语法基础,取得事半功倍的效果,让英语语法学习变得更轻松容易。
第一章 绪论1.1 什么是时态1.2 时态的“时”1.3 时态的“态”1.4 时态的种类1.5 动词的体第二章 例解2.1 现在一般时(2.1.1-2.1.59)1.表经常(2.1.1-2.1.13)2.表现在(2.1.14-2.1.26)3.表过去(包括先现在)(2.1.27-2.1.41)4.表将来(2.1.42-2.1.59)2.2 过去一般时(2.2.1-2.2.35)1.表过去(2.2.1-2.2.17)2.表现在(2.2.18-2.2.22)3.表将来(2.2.23)4.表过去的将来(2.2.24)5.表过去的过去(2.2.25-2.2.32)6.表“先先过去”(2.2.33)7.与现在一般时连用(2.2.34)……第三章 比较第四章 练习与答案(4.1-4.14)
It is Monday morning, sometime after 1995. As the haze lifts from thepatchwork of commuter towns west of Kuala Lumpur, the rush hour is justbeginning. Up and down the 50-kilometre-long Klang Valley, cars and busesoffload passengers at dozens of new train stations. Thanks to the recently intro-duced express trains, the ride into the capital takes just 20 minutes. How different it all seems. The bumper-to-bumper traffic which onceclogged Kuala Lumpur's feeder roads has thinned. Where passengers once weredeposited at a single rail terminal in the city centre, they may now choose one ofseveral peripheral stations. And outside the stations, modern, air-conditionedbuses are waiting to whisk commuters the final, short hop to the office. A pipe dream? For many Malaysian office workers who have to fight theirway to their desks every morning, it might seem so. But this is the vision behindthe latest proposals to dispel Kuala Lumpur's traffic headaches. ……
专门详解英语时态 例证翔实,内容精益求精 适合初、中级英语水平者使用 中国人学英语必备的语法书