中华人民共和国农业部 编
2008 was an extraordinary year, during which the domestic and world economic conditions underwent drastic changes; the international farm produce market experienced violent ups and downs; prices for means of agricultural production skyrocketed; natural disasters worked havoc; and emergencies were frequent. In face of these stark challenges, however, China s agriculture and rural economy achieved continuous and steady development and made a new, unprecedented breakthrough on the high base of the previous few years. Grain production registered a growth in output for the fifth successive year while farmers also saw their earnings rise fairly rapidly in five consecutive years. Meanwhile, the quality safety of farm products improved steadily and prevention and control of major animal diseases and epidemics obtained remarkable results. Various industries recorded steady and fairly rapid growth and rural public undertakings speeded up their development. The excellent situation of agriculture and rural areas represented strong support to the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government in handling major affairs and dealing with challenges, thus making tremendous contributions to maintaining steady and fairly rapid economic development and safeguarding social harmony and stability. The development of agriculture and the rural economy as a whole now face new opportunities and challenges. Rural reform and development in the past 30 years have laid a solid foundation for reform, development and stability in the country as a whole.
Agricultural production. The sown areas of grain crops totaled 106.79 million hectares in 2008, up 1.15 million hectares from the previous year, while total grain output rose by 5.4% to 528.71 million tons, hitting a historical high. 2008 marked the fifth consecutive year that recorded an increase in grain production, for the first time in 40 years. Per-hectare grain output reached 4,951.5 kilograms for the fifth successive year, for the first time since the founding of New China in 1949.
ForewordAbstractAgricultural Development in 2008Agricultural Development inGeneral SituationCrop FarmingLivestock RaisingVeterinary SectorFisheriesTownship EnterprisesLand Reclamation EconomyPrice and Market of Farm ProductsImport and Export of Farm ProduceIncome and Distribution in Rural AreasFarmers Income and ConsumptionInvestment in AgricultureComprehensive Agricultural DevelopmentPoverty Relief Through DevelopmentAgricultural MechanizationFeed IndustryGrassland Protection and ConstructionAquatic Life Resources and Environmental ProtectionIndustrialized Operation of AgricultureFarm Product ProcessingDevelopment of a Crop Disease and Pest Prevention and Control SystemDevelopment of the Farm Products Market SystemDevelopment of Agricultural Information SystemControl of Agricultural Product Quality SafetyAgricultural Science and Technology, Education and Technology PropagationDevelopment of Talented People for AgricultureImprovement of Agricultural Administrative CapacityAgricultural DisastersSustainable Development of AgricultureInternational Cooperation and Exchanges on AgricultureAgriculture and Rural Policy in 2008Overall EvaluationSupport for Development of Agricultural ProductionIncreases in Subsidies to AgricultureRural Land Contract ManagementManagement of Rural Collective Assets and FinancesLightening Farmers BurdensPromoting Overall Rural ReformPromoting Development of Farmers Professional CooperativesDeepening Rural Banking ReformReform of Grain Circulation SystemReform and Buildup of Agricultural Technique Propagation SystemReform of Livestock Veterinary Management SystemTransfer of Rural Labor Force to Other SectorsAgricultural LegislationAgricultural Development and National Economy in 2008General SituationContribution of Agriculture to National EconomyAgriculture and Distribution of National IncomeDevelopment of Rural Non-Agriculture Sectors and National Economic GrowthProportional Relations Between Industrial and Agricultural DevelopmentDisparity Between Urban and Rural Residents IncomesConsumption Differences Between Urban and Rural ResidentsRegional Differences in Economic DevelopmentTrend of Agricultural Development in 2009Development Objectives and TasksConditions for Agricultural DevelopmentTrend of Agricultural Development ForecastFiguresFigure 1 Area Sown to Various Crops in 1990 and 2008Figure 2 Total Output of Grain in 1992-2008Figure 3 Total Output of Oil-bearing Crops in 1992-2008Figure 4 Total Output of Cotton in 1992-2008Figure 5 Total Output of Sugar-bearing Crops in 1992-2008Figure 6 Total Output of Fruits in 1992-2008Figure 7 Total Output of Meat in 1992-2008Figure 8 Total Output of Aquatic Products in 1992-2008Figure 9 Changes in Year-end Number of Employees of Township Enterprises in 2007,2008Figure 10 Value Added of Township Enterprises in 2007, 2008Figure 11 Monthly Wholesale Prices of Pork, Silver Carp and Vegetables in 2008Figure 12 Indices of Agricultural Producer Prices and Means of Agricultural Production Prices in 1992-2008Figure 13 Volume of Chemical Fertilizer Application and Price Index in 1992-2008Figure 14 Monthly Retail Prices of Urea in 2008Figure 15 Volume of Farm Pesticide Application and Retail Price Index in 1994-2008Figure 16 Output and Import of Chemical Fertilizer in 1992-2008Figure 17 Consumer Price Indices of Urban and Rural Residents in 1992-2008Figure 18 Farm Produce Export in Proportion to National Total in 1992-2008Figure 19 Farm Produce Import in Proportion to National Total in 1992-2008Figure 20 Import and Export of Grain (not include soybean) in 1992-2008Figure 21 Per Capita Costs of Living of Rural Residents in 1992-2008Figure 22 Acreage Hit by Natural Disasters in 1992-2008Figure 23 Disaster-stricken Acreage in 1992-2008Figure 24 Changes in the Acreage of Cultivated Land in China in 1996-2008Figure 25 Changes in the Structure of Reductions in Cultivated Land in 2000-2008Figure 26 Changes in Proportion of Value Added of Agriculture to GDP in 1992-2008Figure 27 Changes in Proportion of Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in Rural Areas to National Total in 1992-2008Figure 28 Changes in Incomes of Urban and Rural Residents in 1992-2008Figure 29 Changes in Engel s Co-efficient for Urban and Rural Residents in 1992-2008Figure 30 Changes in Average Per-Capita Grain Consumption by Urban and Rural Residents in 1992-2008Figure 31 Changes in Average Per-Capita Consumption of Pork, Beef and Mutton by Urban and Rural Residents in 1992-2008Figure 32 Shares of Value Added of Township Enterprises in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions in 2007 and 2008Figure 33 Rural Residents Average Per-Capita Net Income Levels in China s Provinces,Autonomous Regions and Municipalities in 2008ColumnsAppendix
Rural tourism was booming, giving a strong impetus to the development of the tertiary industry in the countryside, while the farm product processing industry continued to grow rapidly, leading to increases in farmers earnings. 3. Investments in agriculture rose by a big margin The state allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture a total of 59.52 billion yuan in various kinds of funds for agriculture in 2008, up 66.6% from the previous year. The funds included 19.24 billion yuan for infrastructure construction and 40.28 billion yuan for special purposes, mainly for the improvement of the production capacity of bulk farm products such as grains and oils and "food basket" products, the innovation capacity of agricultural science and technology, disaster prevention and reduction capacity, circular agriculture, ecological conservation, and the quality safety and service system of farm products. In 2008, investments in comprehensive agricultural development amounted to 36.89 billion yuan, including 12.98 billion yuan from the budget of the central government, 8.55 billion yuan from local budgets, and 15.37 billion yuan in money and labor raised from farmers, loans from banks and funds raised by enterprises. The money was used to establish 1,531 agricultural businesses with industrialized management, set up 42,170 hectares of high-quality and high-yielding crop farming bases, and develop aquaculture on 966,670 hectares of water areas. 4. New progress was made in agricultural science and technology A major research project was officially launched for genetically modified crops, and efforts started to develop modern agricultural technology systems for 40 main farm products, thus further improving the system of agricultural science and technology. Agricultural technical services played an important role in fighting disasters and providing disaster relief and energetically supported the disaster areas in the recovery and development of agricultural production. The project to take agricultural science and technology to the farmer household was pushed ahead in an all-around way, with 95% of main varieties of crops and techniques reaching farmer households. Techniques such as soil test-based fertilizer application, the prevention and control of major crop diseases and insect pests, use of agricultural plastic film, and dry and water-efficient farming were widely used in large tracts of areas or throughout the country. Farmers education and training were carried out in a deep-going way, improving the quality of rural labor force and facilitating the transfer of rural laborers to jobs in other sectors. 5. Industrialized management of agriculture made remarkable results in boosting agriculture s growth and farmers earnings Key enterprises in the industrialized management of agriculture actively dea t with the international financial crisis, speeded up restructuring, and expanded domestic demand while stabilizing external demand. As a result, they maintained a good momentum of steady growth in terms of their overall scale and economic returns and played an important role in keeping jobs and boosting earnings for farmers. They put emphasis on raising product quality, guaranteeing supply, increasing input in the development of production bases, carrying out cross-regional cooperation and undertaking gradient industrial transfer. They thus became the backbone force in promoting the development of the regional economy. 6. The quality safety of farm products further improved In 2008, vegetables and animal and aquatic products were 95% up to standard on average in regard to residues of main drugs. The Ministry of Agriculture spared no effort to provide support to dairy farmers, bring order to the feed industry and milk collection stations and severely crack down on the illegal action of adding melamine to fresh raw milk and feed. The incident of eggs contaminated by melamine was handled timely while false information about "poisonous peanuts", "the Chinese citrus fly causing diseases" and "swine hepatitis" was clarified quickly, thus providing effective guidance to public opinion. Notable achievements were made in the supervision and management of agricultural input products. The action to support the Olympic Games was successful. The work for agricultural standardization forged ahead in a deep-going way while famous brands of farm products developed rapidly and an examination and testing system for farm products had taken shape.