郅力,张海燕,姜红 主编
经过各位老师的辛勤努力,这套包括阅读、听力、写作和口语的lELTS考前冲刺丛书终于和广大读者见面了。 本丛书依据全新的学习理念,以全新的构思,用全新的素材编写而成。内容贴近现实,语言朴实易懂,分析全面透彻。相信它会使您受益无穷。 丛书特色: 编者对历年雅思考试真题的难点、重点进行了深入的讨论和分析,在系列丛书模拟题中体现了原题的真谛,正确反映了真题特点,而且实用性突出。 在理论讲解方面,内容精炼,浓缩精华,使考生在较短时间内尽快掌握解题思路,了解做题规律,提升自己的英语及实际应用水平。 编者深刻领会雅思考试规律,总结分析考试现状,依据考生的学习心理,讲解典型实例培养考生举一反三的思维能力。 丛书既重视阅读、听力等语言输入环节,同时也关注写作、口语等语言输出环节,各分册形成一个有机整体,全方位提高考生的整体语言素质。 各分册特点: 各分册均由相关专业教师编写,具有以下鲜明特点: 《阅读》 再现原汁原味的国外原版材料。 剖析雅思9大题型及其应试步骤、解题高招,并设计了相应的练习,便于读者在练习中熟悉做题技巧。 在选材上力求丰富多样,包括自然、科技、社会、历史、动物、人类、教育等方面的文章。 快速扩充词汇量:结合阅读记忆单词,文章后面的单词表包含了每篇文章的雅思核心单词和专业性词汇。 《听力》 把雅思听力考试近年来,尤其是2005年以来的难度及内容变化趋势同广大考生在备考过程中的难点和存在的问题密切结合,紧扣常规9大题型和题型所常涉及的情景,系统地分析了各个题型的特点及考生可能存在的问题和难点,提出雅思听力实战的做题思路和方法。
本书可供IELTS考生考前冲刺使用,内容以应试为主,指导考生快速学会解答听力题型。本书第1章首先介绍了IELTS听力考试的各个题型及其应试方法,并以相应的示例加以说明;第2章按照IELTS听力考试的不同场景进行划分,并以实际考试真题为范本,各给出两篇范文,供考生参考,此外还提供了该场景的常考词汇;第3章为了便于考生对所学内容的自测,给出了5篇模拟试题,巩固考生所学知识;第4章提供了录音原文,配合考生使用本书;在附录部分,还给出了IELTS听力考试的基础和偏难词汇,以便考生全面复习。此外,我们还聘请了外籍教师对所举示例进行美语录音,使考生仿佛身临考场。 本书不仅适合参加IELTS考试的考生使用,由于录音发音地道,范文涉及诸多实际留学中的生活场景,因此也适合参加其他出国考试的考生使用。
丛书序前言IELTS听力考试简介Unit 1 IELTS听力考试题型强攻策略 Gap Filling (填空题) Checking (判断题) Matching (搭配、配对题) Multiple Choices (多项选择题) Answering Questions (问题回答题) Table Filling (填表题) Maps (图表题) Maps (地图题) Illustration (图例题) Pictures (图片题)Unit 2 IELTS听力考试场景分类强攻策略 社会 自然 科技 历史 动物 教育 图书馆 经济 租房 旅游Unit 3 突击测试 TEST 1 TEST 2 TEST 3 TEST 4 TEST 5附录 附录A IELTS听力基础词汇(其他场景及补充词汇) 附录B IELTS听力偏难词汇 附录C 最近几年IELTS听力考过的题材
there are differences between tinted, reflective, photochromic and polarizing sunglasses.The style of the frame and size of the lenses also make a difference. Is that $200 pair ofSerengeti sunglasses really any better than a $10 pair from the flea market? In this section, well take the mystery out of sunglasses and help you understandwhat to look for when you buy a pair. You will be amazed at how complex andsophisticated a simple pair of dark glasses can be. A pair of sunglasses seems so simple——its two pieces of tinted glass or plastic insome sort of plastic or metal frame. How much more straightforward can something get?It turns out that there are many different things you can do with two pieces of glass, andthese things can have a big effect on you when you use the lenses. There really is adifference between the various sunglasses youll find out there. There are four things that a good pair of sunglasses should do for you: Sunglasses provide protection from ultraviolet (UV) rays in sunlight. Sunglasses provide protection from intense light. Sunglasses provide protection from glare. Sunglasses eliminate specific frequencies of light. When you buy a pair of cheap sunglasses, you often give up all of these benefitsand can even make things worse. For example, if your sunglasses offer no UVprotection, you increase your exposure to UV rays. The cheap sunglasses block someof the light, causing your iris to open to allow more light in. This lets in more of the UVlight as well, increasing the damage UV light can cause to the retina. So there is a difference. Buying the right pair of good sunglasses for the conditionsin which you use them gives you maximum protection and performance. The biggest problem with cheap sunglasses is in the way the lenses are made.Inexpensive sunglasses have lenses made of ordinary plastic with a thin tinted coatingon them. While the tint color and a similar frame design may make them look likeOakley X-Metal Romeos or Ray-Ban Predators, the actual lenses are very different. Youwill learn exactly how different they are, and how important the differences are, in thefollowing sections. Good sunglasses are extremely effective "light conditioners". They modify incominglight to match it to your eyes. When we talk about light in reference to sunglasses, threetypes of light are important: direct light, reflected light and ambient light. Sunglasses can also be tremendously useful as safety devices. By reducing glare,they allow you to be more visually aware of your surroundings. You may have noticedthat most highway patrol officers wear sunglasses. Their sunglasses increase theirability to focus on objects, such as your car speeding by at 75 mph (121 kph), withouthaving to squint.