伴随着经济全球化和我国经济国际化的进程,国内外大中型企业、跨国公司等对既懂商务又会英语的复合型人才的需求与日俱增,这也促进了我国高等教育商务英语专业的快速发展。目前,全国有700多所高等院校开设了外贸英语、商务英语等课程,工商管理、金融等商科专业也都开设了以商务为核心内容的英语课程,部分院校甚至设立了商务英语专业。近几年来,全国性的商务英语教学、学术研讨会频频召开。我国国际商务的快速发展、人才市场对商务英语人才的强劲需求以及外语就业市场人才多元化推动了英语专业的教学改革和教材建设,各院校都迫切需要一套能体现商务特色与人才培养规格相适应的新教材,以改变英语教材与人才培养和需求不相适应的状况。 商务英语属于专门用途英语,国外大学多将其归为ESP(English for specialPurposes)。目前,我们国内这样系统的专业教材并不是很多。王正元教授领衔总主编、由全国20余所大学40余名英语教授、副教授、讲师历时两年多编写的这套“新时代大学商务英语系列教材”是我国高等教育商务英语教材建设的一个新成果。 这套教材共14本,包括读写、视听说、写作、口译,涵盖了商务英语的基本主体课程。编者基于“商务知识+英语能力=核心竞争力”的编写理念,力求在企业战略、市场营销、人力资源、企业文化、经营运作等商务语境中培养学生的英语交际能力。商务知识与英语能力相结合、商务语境与语言活动相结合、能力培养与就业需求相结合的编写思路使这套教材商务内容丰富,英语操练有的放矢,凸显了人才培养规格,给这套教材带来了亮点。
为了编写这套教材,我们反复地学习了教育部高等学校英语教学大纲,访问了毕业生用人单位,举行了英语毕业生座谈会,广泛地听取了师生的意见。 高等学校英语专业《英语教学大纲》指出:“我们也应当清醒地面对这样一个现实,即我国每年仅需要少量外语与文学,外语与语言学相结合的专业人才以从事外国文学和语言学教学的研究工作,而大量需要的则是外语和其他相关学科——如外交、经贸、法律、新闻等结合的复合型人才,培养这种复合型外语及专业人才是社会主义市场经济对外语专业提高的要求,也是新时代的要求。”我们将这一精神作为我们这套教材编写的指导思想,并努力使这套教材达到这样的目标: 1)教材内容要有较强的时代性、实用性、针对性、系统性。 2)安排好商务英语专业知识、语言训练及文化背景知识。 3)教材要有利于培养学生英语思维力、创新力、语用能力。 4)运用任务型的教学方法,为学生自己学习提供平台。
序前言Unit1 Financial New York Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focus Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit2 Harvard Business School Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focus Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit3 The Profit Sharing Program Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focus Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit4 History of Dow Jones Industrial Average Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focus Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit5 Should the UK Adopt the Furo Single Currency? Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focus Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit6 Multinational Companies:Good or Bad Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focus Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit7 The Salesmans Role in the New Buying Envirorment Objectives Listening Reading Vocabulary Drills Grammar Focus Speaking Skills Translation Drills Writing DrillsUnit8 Growth of the Canadian Forest Indeustry in the Nineteenth-CenturyUnit9 E-mail and On-Iine ShoppingUnit10 Bill Gates——A Story of SuccessUnit11 Jack Welch:My ParentsUnit12 The Development of Japanese Automobile IndustryUnit13 World Needs“Common Win”Economic GlobalizationUnit14 How Wal-Mart WorksUnit15 KFC and Its StoryUnit16 Shopping in Paris附录
[ 3 ] New York has been among the most ethnically diverse cities in theworld since the 1640s, when fewer than1,000 total residents spoke more than15 languages. Between 1880 and 1919, more than 23 million Europeansimmigrated to the United States. At least 17 million of them disembarked inNew York. No one knows how many remained there, but as early as 1880,more than half the citys working population was foreign-born, providing NewYork with the largest immigrant labor force on earth. [4] Half a century later, the city still contained 2 million foreigu-bomresidents (including 517-;000 Russians and 430,000 Italians) and an evenlarger number of persons of foreign parentage. And at the end of the 20thcentury, the pattern remained the same, In 1996 the US Census Bureaureported that naore than 11 out of every 20 New Yorkers were immigrants orthe children of immigrants. Nearly half of all Bronx residents and one-third ofManhattans were Hispanic and nearly one-fifth of the population of Queenswas Asian-American. Researchers estimated that immigrants would makeup about 33 percent of the citys population in 2000, approaching the 20%century peak of about 40 percent, reached in 1910.