任雁,黄一瑜 主编
这是一套由全国知名的医学博士英语统考培训机构“环球卓越”策划,联手医学博士英语资深辅导专家,为众多志在考取医学博士的考生量身定做的应试辅导用书。 本丛书全称“卓越医学考博英语应试教材”,是紧密结合最近几年卫生部组织的医学博士英语统一考试命题情况,针对最新《考试大纲》编写而成的。丛书包括《全国医学博士英语统考词汇巧战通关》、《全国医学博士英语统考综合应试教程》、《全国医学博士英语统考实战演练》3个分册,内容从基础到综合再到真题实战演练,让考生在有限的时间里能快速准确地把握每一个进度,在考前作好全面细致的准备。 本丛书的特点如下: 一、名师执笔,实用性强 策划编写本丛书的老师均为首都医科大学常年在环球卓越北京总校、上海分校、广州分校、郑州分校等地授课的著名医学博士英语辅导专家。丛书内容是他们多年辅导经验的提炼和结晶,实用性非常强,专为医学考博考生定制,是目前较全面、系统的医学考博应试教材。 二、紧扣新大纲,直击考试真题 本丛书紧扣最新大纲,体例设置与大纲保持一致;同时各部分考点紧密结合最新历年真题,命题思路分析透彻,重点突出,讲解精确;各部分内容严格控制在大纲规定的范围之内,让考生准确把握考试的重点、难点及命题趋势。 三、内容精炼,讲练结合 本丛书充分考虑到考取医学博士人员的学习能力特点,避免了采用传统的各个专项分册的丛书构架方式(如将系列丛书分为5-6册乃至更多),而是采用《全国医学博士英语统考词汇巧战通关》、《全国医学博士英语统考综合应试教程》和《全国医学博士英语统考实战演练》简单精炼的三册制,通过突破词汇基础关、讲解各个题型应试方法和高质量实战训练,让考生在有限的时间内能够全面复习,重点把握,比较系统地完成考前准备。 四、超值服务,助考生一臂之力 本丛书配有超值赠送服务,由北京环球卓越在线为每位购书读者提供专业的服务和强大的技术支持。
本书是卫生部组织的全国医学博士英语统一考试辅导丛书之一。 本书共分为五章,第一章为听力理解,第二章为词汇,第三章为完形填空,第四章为阅读理解,第五章为写作。本书具备讲解内容全面、针对性强、编写质量过硬三大特点。全书紧密围绕大纲要求和历年真题这一主线进行编写,详细讲解各种题型的命题特点和应试方法,是一本很有针对性的应试教材。
丛书序前言第一章 听力理解 一、考试大纲要求、试卷结构与考试特点 二、考查内容及相应的应试技巧 三、听力考试常见用语第二章 词汇 一、考试大纲的要求及试卷结构 二、真题演练与解析 三、考查内容及相应的应试技巧 四、词汇记忆方法 五、常用词根、词缀 六、常用词组 七、词汇专项练习及解析第三章 完形填空 一、考试大纲的要求 二、真题演练与解析 三、考查内容及相应的应试技巧 四、完形填空专项练习及解析第四章 阅读理解 一、考试大纲的要求 二、真题演练与解析 三、阅读理解所需语法知识及专项训练 四、考查内容及相应的应试技巧 五、阅读理解专项练习及解析第五章 写作 一、考试大纲的要求 二、真题演练与解析 三、评卷人掌握的评分原则 四、写作中存在的问题及对策 五、写作常用词语和句子 六、写作专项练习及解析
Eating is related to emotional as well as physiologic needs. Sucking, which is the infants means of gaining both food and emotional security, conditions the association of eating with well-being or with deprivation. If the child is breast-fed and has supportive body contact as well as good milk intake, if the child is allowed to suck for as long as he or she desires, and if both the child and mother enjoy the nursing experience and share their enjoyment, the child is more likely to thrive both physically and emotionally. On the other hand, if the mother is nervous and resents the child or cuts him or her off from the milk supply before either the childs hunger or sucking need is satisfied, or handles the child hostilely during the feeding, or props the baby with a bottle rather than holding the child, the child may develop physically but will begin to show signs of emotional disturbance at an early age. If, in addition, the infant is further abused by parental indifference or intolerance, he or she will carry scars of such emotional deprivation throughout life. Eating habits are also conditioned by family and other psychosocial environments If an individuals family eats large quantities of food, then he or she is inclined to eat large amounts. If an individuals family eats mainly vegetables, then he or she will be inclined to like vegetables. If mealtime is a happy and significant event, then the person will tend to think of eating in those terms. And if a family eats quickly, without caring what is being eaten and while fighting at the dinner table, then the person will most likely adopt the same eating pattern and be adversely affected by it. This conditioning to food can remain unchanged through a lifetime unless the individual is awakened to the fact of conditioning and to the possible need for altering his or her eating patterns in order to improve nutritional intake. Conditioning spills over into and is often reinforced by religious beliefs and other customs so that, for example, a Jew, whose religion forbids the eating of pork, might have guilt feelings if he or she ate pork. An older Roman Catholic might be conditioned to feel guilty if he or she eats meat on Friday, traditionally a fish day.
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