刘瑛,王侃,张从鹏 编
图书市场上机电专业英语类的图书并不少见,然而教学效果往往不尽如人意。究其原因,在于教材基本都停留在较为陈旧的模式上:大篇的科技文章后面跟着生词表以及难句翻译和注释。教师拿到这种教材,往往只好逐句讲解,平铺直叙,没有重点,学生在课堂中的参与程度很低,兴趣难以被激发,其英语应用水平也难以得到比较大的提升。 以前人们常说,好教师就是一个好演员,学生就是观众,这种看法体现了以教师为中心的教学理念。而本教材的设计,将教师转换到了导演的位置上,而学生成了真正的演员。教师可通过各种形式,激发学生的积极性,让他们在大量的互动与参与中提高英语应用水平。这种变化,体现在精心设计的内容上。比如在口语实战(Speaking practice)练习中,会刻意制造一些信息障碍,从而激发学生交流的欲望——成对练习的A和B两名学生分别看不同的凸轮结构图,并用英语向同伴描述该凸轮的结构组成、运动类型、工作原理等,同伴再根据其描述用图的形式将该机构表现出来。这种目的性很强的练习会极大地激发学生的能动性,课堂将变得十分活跃。此外,本教材中还有5课设计为风趣幽默的情景剧形式,而内容均与专业相关,教师可以组织学生在课堂上进行表演,相信同学们对专业英语的兴趣和应用能力都会在开心的笑声中得到提升。 本书涵盖30个单元,下面对每个单元的具体构成以及这30个单元的内容安排脉络给予说明,让读者对本书有一个较为清晰和全面的了解。
本书为北京市精品立项教材,是一部以提高学习者专业英语应用水平为目标的,具有很强参与性与趣味性的机械与电气专业英语教材。 本书从工程的概念开始,内容涵盖简单机械、工程材料、工程力学、简单电路、健康和安全、工程制图、加工中心、电动机、注塑成型、电冰箱、中央供暖系统、腐蚀、应变仪、汽车发动机、液压和气压系统、机器人技术等知识,最后还介绍了该行业的职业类型以及如何求职等实用性非常强的内容。此外,还提供了5课专供学生表演的风趣幽默的戏剧脚本,脚本内容也均与专业密切相关。本书提供的练习非常注重调动学生的积极性,使学生在课堂上脑、耳、眼、口并用,达到最佳学习效果。随书附有相关音频资料、课后习题参考答案、补充阅读材料及书中所有图稿,以方便教师教学和学生自学。 本书为高等院校机械、电气等专业的专业英语教材,也可以作为工程技术人员自学参考用书。
PrefaceUnit 1 What Is Engineering 什么是工程?Unit 2 Choosing 8 Course 选择专业Unit 3 Simple Machines 简单机械Unit 4 More Mechanisms 更多机械装置Unit 5 The Door 门Unit 6 Engineering Materials 工程材料Unit 7 Forces in Engineering 工程力学Unit 8 Basic Circuits 简单电路Unit 9 Computer Hardware 计算机硬件Unit 10 The Switch 开关Unit 11 Health and Safety 健康和安全Unit 12 Engineering Drawing 工程制图Unit 13 Graphs and Charts 图表Unit 14 Machining Centers 加工中心Unit 15 The Cupboard 橱柜Unit 16 The Electric Motor 电动机Unit 17 Injection Moudling 注塑成型Unit 18 The Refrigerator 电冰箱Unit 19 Central Heating System 中央供暖系统Unit 20 The Bath 浴室Unit 21 Corrosion 腐蚀Unit 22 Scales and Strain Gauges 秤和应变仪Unit 23 Car Engines 汽车发动机Unit 24 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems 液压和气压系统Unit 25 The Floor Sander 地板磨光机Unit 26 The Future Car 未来的汽车Unit 27 Waste Recycling Plant 废品回收厂Unit 28 Robotics 机器人技术Unit 29 Careers in Engineering 工程职业Unit 30 Applying for a Job 工作申请Appendix Ⅰ Student A Speaking PracticeAppendix Ⅱ Student B Speaking PracticeAppendix Ⅲ Translation of the TextsAppendix Ⅳ Glossary of Engineering TermsAppendix Ⅴ Mechanism SymbolsAppendix Ⅵ Circuit SymbolsReferences
After that, the residue is carried by conveyor belt to an air classifier, a stream of air is blown through the classifier, which has a zig-zag shape. Low density materials such as plastic, paper, and some organic substances rise .to the top of the classifier. Higher density materials such as glass and non-ferrous metals fall to the bottom and are discarded. These could be further separated out using a range of processes. For example, an eddy current mechanism could screen out aluminum waste. Froth flotation techniques could recover glass. The low density portion is carried to a rotating drum where it is screened. Fine organic materials pass through the screen leaving a mixture which consists mainly of plastic and paper. The organic residue can be used for compost or to make bricks. The next stage is to separate the plastic from the paper. This was initially a problem as both are similar in density. The solution is to wet the mixture. The paper absorbs water and as a result becomes denser than the plastic. In the final stage, the wetted mixture is passed through a second air-classifier where the lighter plastic leaves from the top and the denser wet paper from the bottom. The recovered paper could be fed to pulp mills for further recycling. The remaining plastic is a mixture of thermosets and thermoplastics. It is not easy to separate these out but the mixture can be melted and formed into insulating materials for building.