任何一门外语的学习,都离不开阅读。通过阅读提高语言水平历来是一个广为接受的、有效的语言学习途径。基础汉字、语法、词汇是汉语阅读的基础,阅读是对基础语言知识的强化。通常情况下,要读懂一般的汉语材料,外国学生需要掌握3000~5000个汉语常用词汇。然而,由于汉字与汉语词汇的自身特点,外国学生要掌握31300个常用词难度非常大。再加上文化背景不同及各种语言障碍,外国学生阅读汉语小说更是有着难以想象的困难。但是学生们却渴望用他们有限的词汇进行汉语阅读。本人在威尼斯大学中文系任教期间,了解到学生们很需要这方面的阅读材料。《汉语分级阅读》是针对外国学生汉语学习的需要,将一些中国当代著名作家的中短篇小说分别简写成汉语1000词、2000词和3000词的简写本。其主要目的是提高汉语为外语的学生的汉语阅读能力。《汉语分级阅读》既可以作为课堂的汉语阅读教材,也可作为课外的汉语泛读材料。 《汉语分级阅读》所选的故事都是中国当代著名作家的中短篇小说,有些是获奖作品。所选作品重点突出了作品的可读性和语言的实用性。
Shi Ji is an associate professor at Chinese Teaching Center of Southwest Jiaotong University. She has been engaged in teaching Chinese language courses since 1996 including those at Venice University in Italy from November 2004 to November 2006. As an experienced teacher of Chinese as a second language, she has published a dozen articles in this field.
This story was written by Chen Zhongshi (陈忠实 ) ,a famous contemporary writer. At a beautiful night twofriends are sitting by a river enjoying the quiet night inthe countryside. However, their perspectives are quitedifferent because of their different life style and enviro-ment. The narrator, T, lives in the countryside while "he"only comes to the countryside to work for a short time."I" seems sincere and simple, and feels that life is hard inthe countryside. "He" seems impractical and hypocriti-cal, and feels life in the countryside is poetic. "He", fromthe city, sees only the quietness, fresh air and fresh fruitsin the countryside, and regrets that his granddaughter can-not have all these. It seems that "he" is tired of the noiseand pollution of city life. However, during their conversa-tion "he" does not seem to either notice, or care, that hisfriend has difficultly in supporting his family in the coun-tryside. The question is whether "he" is really tired of citylife or not.
1.精心选编中国当代作家的短篇小说,反映中国当代普通人生活;2.全书汉语词汇量控制在1000个,参照《中国汉语水平考试(HSK)大纲》的基本词汇,从甲级1033个词中选出大约870个常用词汇,在此基础上根据《汉语分级阅读3(注音版)》的内容补充了约130个常用词汇,书后附1000个常用词汇表;3.多用常用词,且常用词复现率高,句子力求简短,结构完整;4.全文标注拼音,难懂词、句子加英文旁注,附中文例句;5.每篇故事有英文“阅读指导”、“作者简介”和中文“思考题”;6.配有插图和MP3格式光盘,并特制“拼音隐形卡”,不需要借助拼音阅读的读者可以用卡将拼音遮盖起来。1.谁生活得更美好(原著张洁)A storyhappened in the 1970s among two youngmen and a beautiful bus conductress.2.《陈奂生上城》(原著高晓声)A farmerwent to the city at the beginning stage of thereform and opening up in the 1980s inChina.3.《夜之随想曲》(原著陈忠实)Twofriends chat a beautiful night away by ariver.As one lives in the country,the otherin the city,the gap.between country andurban life iS revealed.4.《雪窗帘》(原著迟子建)A funny yetbitter story takes place on a train when anold lady from the countryside got on thetrain with her berth ticket.5.《城乡简史》 (原著范小青)A lostaccount book brings about an interestingstory.6.《故乡的雨》(原著程树榛)An overseasChinese invests in the cOnstructiOn of hishometown in China.