(美)丹尼尔斯,(美)拉德巴赫,(美)沙利文 著
本书主要阐述国际商务方面的主要内容,包括全球化及对国际商务的冲击,环境(宏观经济环境、政治与法律环境、社会文化环境)对国际商务的影响,国际贸易理论,政府与国际组织在国际贸易中的作用,汇率、资本市场与跨国经营财务,国际商务战略与组织,全球营销、加工、供应与人力资源。 本书适用于MBA学员、管理和经济学科硕士生、高年级本科生、涉及国际经贸的政府机构人员、高级经理和高层进修学员以及相关研究人员。
约翰D.丹尼尔斯(John D.Daniels),迈阿密大学Samuel N.Friedland执行管理主席。于密歇根大学获博士学位。他的学位论文获得了国际商务学会竞赛一等奖。从此,他一直积极参与学术研究。他的文章经常出现在《管理协会》杂志、《加利福尼亚管理评论》、《哥伦比亚国际商务
第一部分 国际商务背景 第1章 全球化与国际商务第二部分 环境框架比较 第2章 文化环境 第3章 政治与法律环境 第4章 经济环境 第5章 全球化与社会第三部分 理论和制度:贸易与投资 第6章 国际贸易和要素流动理论 第7章 政府对贸易的影响 第8章 国际合作与国际协定第四部分 全球金融环境 第9章 全球外汇及资本市场 第10章 汇率的确定第五部分 全球战略,结构和执行 第11章 国际商务战略 第12章 对国家的评价和选择 第13章 进出口战略 第14章 直接投资与合作策略 第15章 国际商务的组织结构第六部分 国际运营的管理 第16章 全球营销 第17章 全球生产和供应链管理 第18章 国际会计问题 第19章 跨国财务管理 第20章 人力资源管理
插图:Hidden Costs in DistributionWhen companies consider launching products in foreign markets, they must determinewhat final consumer prices will be to estimate sales potential. Because of differentnational distribution systems, the cost of getting products to consumers varies widelyfrom one country to another. Five factors that often contribute to cost differences in dis-tribution are infrastructure conditions, the number of levels in the distribution system,retail inefficiencies, size and operating-hours restrictions, and inventory stock-outs.In many countries, the roads and warehousing facilities are so poor that gettinggoods to consumers quickly, at a low cost, and with minimum damage or loss en routeis problematic.Many countries have multitiered wholesalers that sell to each other before the pro-duct reaches the retail level. For example, national wholesalers sell to regional ones,who sell to local ones, and so on. Japan, although changing rapidly, has had many morelevels of distribution than such countries as France and the United States.67 Becauseeach intermediary adds a markup, they drive product prices up.In some countries, particularly low-income countries, low labor costs and a basicdistrust by owners of all but family members result in retail practices that raise con-sumer prices. This distrust is evident in companies' preference for counter-servicerather than self-service. In the former, customers wait to be served and shown mer-chandise. A customer who decides to purchase something gets an invoice to take to acashier's line to pay. Once the invoice is stamped as paid, the customer must go toanother line to pick up the merchandise after presenting the stamped invoice. Insome countries counter service is common for purchases as small as a pencil. Theadditional personnel add to retailing costs, and the added time people must be in thestore means fewer people can be served in the given space. In contrast, most retailersin some (mainly high-income) countries have equipment that improves the efficiencyof handling customers and reports, such as electronic scanners, cash registers linkedto inventory control records, and machines connecting purchases to credit-card com-panies.
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