姜宏,季琼,马永钦 编著
对于国际贸易从业人员来说,能够讲两种以上的语言是必须的。大部分世界贸易是通过英语磋商的,英语的重要性随着中国加入世界贸易组织和国际经贸合作的广泛深入发展而日益突出。 《国际贸易实用英语》一书旨在使学生熟悉国际贸易领域的基本词汇。对于那些即将从事进出口业务的人员,以及那些已经在该领域立足并希望通过提高英语水平进而发展事业的专业人员来说,本书也是非常有用的。 对于进出口商来说,必须具备商务谈判与沟通、运输、保险、国际结算、营销和商法等多个商业领域的基础知识,本书以口头和书面的形式包含了这些主题,对话在编写时有意识地使用专业人士在日常活动中常用的口头语和惯用语。 本书以进出口业务流程为主线,从进口商询盘开始,内容包括商务谈判、包装、信用证、运输、保险、制单结汇、争端解决等,旨在培养学生在上述商业领域的英语沟通能力和业务操作能力。本书共分7个单元。第1单元“商务谈判”内容包括询盘与发盘、还盘与接受、贸易术语及销售合同;第2单元“包装”介绍包装方式及包装标志;第3单元“信用证”讨论付款方式、申请开立信用证并分析信用证条款;第4单元“运输”内容包括商讨运输条件、寻找货运代理、选择运输方式及计算运费;第5单元“保险”包括区分风险、损失和险别、投保、确定保险金额和保险费、保险索赔和理赔;第6单元“制单结汇”内容包括结汇单据、商业发票、海运提单、保险单和汇票;第7单元“争端解决”包括提出索赔、进行理赔、寻求仲裁等内容。 需要指出的是,尽管本书的技术内容在各个方面都是准确的,但本书的主要目的不是教授国际贸易,本书也不是为英语初学者设计的。本书的适用对象应该是那些对于国际贸易相关领域已经比较熟悉、对英语的语法和词汇也具备较好基础的人。使用本书的目的是出于个人的兴趣或者职业发展的需要而提高国际贸易专业英语水平。 本书的基本结构是情景对话,然后是用于阅读理解的短文。单元练习使学生能够处理该单元中某些有用而且较为复杂的词及句型。本书的最后还附有各单元练习题的答案、正文阅读理解的译文及专业词汇表。为帮助学生发音,生词后面配有国际音标。 本书的编写分工如下(按章节顺序):弓永钦编写第1单元、第2单元和第7单元;姜宏编写第3单元和第6单元;季琼编写第4单元和第5单元。全书由姜宏负责统稿。 在本书编写过程中,对外经济贸易大学王志勇教授提供了宝贵的外文资料,并对本书的编写提出了宝贵的意见和建议,在此深表感谢。我们的学生关雁飞、吴颖、刘莹迎为本书的排版设计做了认真细致的工作,在此表示感谢。
本书基于国际贸易业务流程设计教学单元。从进口商询价开始,内容包括出口商报价、双方进行交易磋商并达成一致、签订国际货物买卖合同;然后基于国际货物买卖合同,进口商申请开立信用证,出口商审核信用证并办理托运、投保、装运等事宜;待货物装运后,制单结汇,收取货款。本书在相关业务环节中,采用企业真实的发票、箱单、提单、保险单、汇票等单据,读者可以直接接触实际业务资料和单据表格。 本书包含各领域的情景对话、阅读理解和实际操作练习项目,能够综合培养读者国际贸易英语的口头表达能力、阅读理解能力和英文单据的缮制与操作能力。 本书适合于高职高专国际商务、国际贸易、商务英语等涉外专业的学生提高国际贸易英语的应用能力,也适合正在从事国际贸易工作的企业人员提高自己的英语水平。
Preface Unit 1 Business Negotiations 1.1 Making Inquiry and Offer 1.2 Making Counteroffer and Acceptance 1.3 Understanding Terms of Contract 1.4 Drafting Sales Contract Unit 2 Packing 2.1 Learning Packing Methods 2.2 Using Packing Marks Unit 3 Letter of Credit 3.1 Discussing Modes of Payment 3.2 Applying for a Letter of Credit 3.3 Analyzing L/C Terms and Conditions Unit 4 Transportation 4.1 Discussing Shipment Terms 4.2 Finding Freight Forwarders 4.3 Choosing Modes of Transportation 4.4 Going Through Shipment Procedures 4.5 Calculating Freight Rates Unit 5 Insurance 5.1 Differentiating Risks, Losses and Types of Policies 5.2 Applying for Insurance 5.3 Determining Value Insured and Calculating Insurance Premium 5.4 Lodging a Claim under Policy Unit 6 Documentation for Payment 6.1 Preparing Documents for Payment 6.2 Commercial Invoice 6.3 Bill of Lading 6.4 Insurance Policy 6.5 Bill of Exchange Unit 7 Dispute Settlement 7.1 Raising Claims 7.2 Settling Claims 7.3 Using Arbitration Appendix Appendix A Technical Terms and Expressions Appendix B Keys to Exercises Appendix C Reference Translation of Dialogues and Texts References
(Mr.Wang and Mr.Brown are confirming terms and conditions of the contract.) Brown: First,there'S a spelling mistake in our company'S address:Messrs China Native Products,INC,Los Angeles,California,U.S.It's M-E-S-S-R-S,not messes;and INC instead of Co. Wang: I'm sorry about that.I guess it was a typing error but l should have noticed it. Brown: No Problem.Let'S confirm the commodities I Ordered and the prices we settled on.The Product name is Hung Mei Brand Baby Clams in Clear Soup,there are 48 tins in each carton,and each tin weighs 256 grams,1 00 cartons in total. Wang:That'S right.And with 5%more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the seller'S option. Brown: Ok.I remember we agreed the price to be 52 dollars per carton,but it says differently on the draft. Wang: We first agreed to price it on CFR basis,but later changed to CIF.So the price turned from 52 t0 60. Brown: Oh,sorry for my bad memory!It was 1 who proposed that the insurance be covered by your side,for 1 1 0%of the invoice value against All Risks,right? Wang: Right.That'S our usual practice. Brown: And all the goods must be shipped before September 1 0,2009. Wang: Yes,we have stipulated it clearly here.And we agree that payment will be made by a confirmed,irrevocable Ietter of credit.This must reach uS by the end of August and will remain valid until the 1 5th day after the date of shipment. Brown: Yes.And don't fowet about the Inspection Certificate.It shall be regarded as evidence of the seller'S delivery. Wang: Sure.And we would choose the Commodity Inspection Bureau in Tianjin as the inspection authority. Brown: No problem.It is famous for its irness in export and import field.I think we have covered most of the points in the contract.We can sign the contract after it iS revised. ……