My goal in writing this text has been to write an accessible and inviting introduction to number theory. Foremost, I wanted to create an effective tool for teaching and learning.I hoped to capture the richness and beauty of the subject and its unexpected usefulness.Number theory is both classical and modem, and, at the same time, both pure and applied. In this text, I have strived to capture these contrasting aspects of number theory. I have worked hard to integrate these aspects into one cohesive text. This book is ideal for an undergraduate number theory course at any level. No formal prerequisites beyond college algebra are needed for most of the material, other than some level of mathematical maturity. This book is also designed to be a source book for elementary number theory; it can serve as a useful supplement for computer science courses and as a primer for those interested in new developments in number theory and cryptography. Because it is comprehensive, it is designed to serve both as a textbook and as a lifetime reference for elementary number theory and its wide-ranging applications. This edition celebrates the silver anniversary of this book. Over the past 25 years,close to 100,000 students worldwide have studied number theory from previous editions.Each successive edition of this book has benefited from feedback and suggestions from many instructors, students, and reviewers. This new edition follows the same basic approach as all previous editions, but with many improvements and enhancements. I invite instructors unfamiliar with this book, or who have not looked at a recent edition, to carefully examine the sixth edition. I have confidence that you will appreciate the rich exercise sets, the fascinating biographical and historical notes, the up-to-date coverage, careful and rigorous proofs, the many helpful examples, the rich applications, the support for computational engines such as Maple and Mathematica, and the many resources available on the Web.
本书特色: 经典理论与现代应用相结合。通过丰富的实例和练习,将数论的应用引入了更高的境界,同时更新并扩充了对密码学这一热点论题的讨论。 内容与时俱进。不仅融合了最新的研究成果和新的理论,而且还补充介绍了相关的人物传记和历史背景知识。 习题安排别出心裁。书中提供两类由易到难、富有挑战的习题:一类是计算题,另一类是上机编程练习。这使得读者能够将数学理论与编程技巧实践联系起来。此外,本书在上一版的基础上对习题进行了大量更新和修订。
Kenneth H.Rosen,1972年获密歇根大学数学学士学位,1976年获麻省理工学院数学博士学位,1982年加入贝尔实验室,现为AT & T实验室特别成员,国际知名的计算机数学专家。Rosen博士对数论领域与数学建模领域颇有研究,并写过很多经典论文及专著。他的经典著作《离散数学及其应
PrefaceList of SymbolsWhat Is Number Theory?1 The Integers 1.1 Numbers and Sequences 1.2 Sums and Products 1.3 Mathematical Induction 1.4 The Fibonacci Numbers 1.5 Divisibility2 Integer Representations and Operations 2.1 Representations of Integers 2.2 Computer Operations with Integers 2.3 Complexity of Integer Operations3 Primes and Greatest Common Divisors 3.1 Prime Numbers 3.2 The Distribution of Primes 3.3 Greatest Common Divisors and their Properties 3.4 The Euclidean Algorithm 3.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 3.6 Factorization Methods and the Fermat Numbers 3.7 Linear Diophantine Equations4 Congruences 4.1 Introduction to Congruences 4.2 Linear Congruences 4.3 The Chinese Remainder Theorem 4.4 Solving Polynomial Congruences 4.5 Systems of Linear Congruences 4.6 Factoring Using the Pollard Rho Method5 Applications of Congruences 5.1 Divisibility Tests 5.2 The Perpetual Calendar 5.3 Round-Robin Tournaments 5.4 Hashing Functions 5.5 Check Dieits6 Some Special Congruences 6.1 Wilson's Theorem and Fermat's Little Theorem 6.2 Pseudoprimes 6.3 Euler's Theorem7 Multiplicative Functions 7.1 The Euler Phi-Function 7.2 The Sum and Number of Divisors 7.3 Perfect Numbers and Mersenne Primes 7.4 M6bius Inversion 7.5 Partitions8 Cryptology 8.1 Character Ciphers 8.2 Block and Stream Ciphers 8.3 Exponentiation Ciphers 8.4 Public Key Cryptography 8.5 Knapsack Ciphers 8.6 Cryptographic Protocols and Applications9 Primitive Roots 9.1 The Order of an Integer and Primitive Roots 9.2 Primitive Roots for Primes 9.3 The Existence of Primitive Roots 9.4 Discrete Logarithms and Index Arithmetic 9.5 Primality Tests Using Orders of Integers and Primitive Roots 9.6 Universal Exponents10 Applications of Primitive Roots and the Order of an Integer 10.1 Pseudorandom Numbers 10.2 The E1Gamal Cryptosystem 10.3 An Application to the Splicing of Telephone Cables11 Quadratic Residues 11.1 Quadratic Residues and Nonresidues 11.2 The Law of Quadratic Reciprocity 11.3 The Jacobi Symbol 11.4 Euler Pseudoprimes 11.5 Zero-Knowledge Proofs12 Decimal Fractions and Continued Fractions 12.1 Decimal Fractions 12.2 Finite Continued Fractions 12.3 Infinite Continued Fractions 12.4 Periodic Continued Fractions 12.5 Factoring Using Continued Fractions13 Some Nonlinear Diophantine Equations 13.1 Pythagorean Triples 13.2 Fermat's Last Theorem 13.3 Sums of Squares 13.4 Pell's Equation 13.5 Congruent Numbers14 The Gaussian Integers 14.1 Gaussian Integers and Gaussian Primes 14.2 Greatest Common Divisors and Unique Factorization 14.3 Gaussian Integers and Sums of SquaresAppendix A Axioms for the Set of IntegersAppendix B Binomial CoefficientsAppendix C Using Maple and Mathematica for Number Theory C.1 Using Maple for Number Theory C.2 Using Mathematica for Number TheoryAppendix D Number Theory Web LinksAppendix E Tables Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises Bibliography Index of Biographies Index Photo Credits
插图:Experimentation and exploration play a key role in the study of number theory. Theresults in this book were found by mathematicians who often examined large amounts ofnumerical evidence, looking for patterns and making conjectures. They worked diligentlyto prove their conjectures; some of these were proved and became theorems, others wererejected when counterexamples were found, and still others remain unresolved. As youstudy number theory, I recommend that you examine many examples, look for patterns,and formulate your own conjectures. You can examine small examples by hand, much asthe founders of number theory did, but unlike these pioneers, you can also take advantageof today's vast computing power and computational engines. Working through examples,either by hand or with the aid of computers, will help you to learn the subject——and youmay even find some new results of your own!
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