

张福强 编 机械工业出版社





张福强 编  




本书由基础知识、综合训练、应用文体和附录4部分组成。基础知识部分主要系统讲解专业英语的特点、专业英语中一些常用及突出的问题与技能,为读者系统了解、掌握并熟练运用专业英语奠定基础。该部分是本书的特色与创新之一。综合训练部分主要提供一些电子信息技术专业基础知识与新技术方面的阅读文章,每篇文章后面的练习和测试主要是让读者运用基础知识进行阅读、翻译、写作、口语表达等方面的训练。应用文体部分主要针对学习与工作中遇到的一些常用的应用文体特点及其写作要领进行必要的讲解,同时提供范文以便进行写作练习。附录部分主要把常用的一些专业英语资料汇集编排,便于读者查阅。 本书可作为各类高等职业学校电子信息技术专业及相关专业的英语教材,也可供相关技术人员参考。


出版说明前言概述单元1 基础知识 1.1 词汇 1.1.1 专业词汇的构成方式 1.1.2 翻译中词义的确定 1.2 数字及其大小关系表示法 1.2.1 数字的表示法 1.2.2 数字大小关系表示法 1.3 时间和空间关系的表达 1.3.1 时间关系表达 1.3.2 一维空间关系表达 1.3.3 二维空间 1.3.4 三维空间 1.4 专业文献中的符号、公式以及方程 1.4.1 常见电子信息专业度量单位及其读音 1.4.2 希腊字母 1.4.3 纯数学公式以及方程 1.5 否定的表示方法 1.5.1 一般否定的表示方法 1.5.2 全部否定与局部否定 1.6 翻译技巧 1.6.1 被动语态的翻译技巧 1.6.2 一些特殊的以It作主语的被动语态 1.6.3 强调句的翻译 1.6.4 长句的翻译技巧单元2 综合训练 Lesson 1 Television Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:电视 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 2 Optical Fiber Communication Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:光纤通信 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 3 Multimedia Technology Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:多媒体技术 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 4 Office Automation Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:办公自动化 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 5 Supercomputer and Robotics Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:超级计算机和机器人技术 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 6 Computer Network Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:计算机网络介绍 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 7 Computer Security Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:计算机安全 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 8 Third-Generation Mobile Communications System Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:3G移动通信系统 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 9 Modem Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:调制解调器 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 10 Communication Network Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:通信网络 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 11 Correspondence Network Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions3 Notes to the Text4 参考译文:通信网络化4 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 12 Microphones Pre-reading Text1 New Words and Expressions1 Notes to the Text1 参考译文:传声器(话筒) Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 13 Radio Transmitters Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:无线电发射机 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 14 Communication System Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:通信系统 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文 Lesson 15 Introduction of GPS Pre-reading Text New Words and Expressions Notes to the Text 参考译文:全球定位系统(GPS)介绍 Exercises Reading Materials 阅读材料参考译文单元3 应用文体 请帖(Invitations) 告示与通知(Notices) 信函(Letters) 履历(Curriculum Vitae) 课程介绍与作业布置(Course Outlines and Assignments) 说明书(Instructions) 小册子(Brochures)Appendix Appendix A(附录A) Appendix B(附录B) Appendix C(附录C) Appendix D(附录D)参考文献


  A group of modems focused on a box or shell, the sharing of a power supply, are widely usedin Internet, Telecommunications, campus networks, financial institutions, such as the center of thenetwork room.  Buying and using a modem used to be relatively easy. Not too long ago, almost all modemstransferred data at a rate of 2400 Bps (bits per second) . Today, modems not only run faster,they are also loaded with features like error control and data compression. So, in addition toconverting and interpreting signals, modems also act like traffic cops, monitoring andregulating the flow of information. That way, one computer doesn't send information until thereceiving computer is ready for it. Each of these features, modulation, error control, and datacompression, requires a separate kind of protocol and that's what some of those terms you see likeV.32bis, V.42bis and MNP5 refer to.  If your computer didn't come with an intemal modem, consider buying an external one,because it is much easier to install and operate. For example, when your modem gets stuck (notan unusual occurrence) , you need to turn it off and on to get it working properly. With an internalmodem, that means restarting your computer  a waste of time. With an external modem it's aseasy as flipping a switch.  Until the end of 1995, the conventional wisdom was that 28.8 Kbit/s was about the fastestspeed you could squeeze out of a regular copper telephone line. Today, you can buy 33.6 Kbit/smodems, and modems that are capable of 56 Kbit/s. The key question for you, is knowing whatspeed modems your Internet service provider (ISP) has. If your ISP has only 28.8 Kbit'smodems on its end of the line, you could have the fastest modem in the world, and only be able toconnect at 28.8 Kbit/s. Before you invest in a 33.6 Kbit/s or a 56 Kbit/s modem, make sure yourISP supports them.  ……




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