钱晓琳,唐妍 编
在快速发展的模具设计与制造领域,大量的原版英文技术资料和国外最新的技术信息与动态,对于专业技术的学习和提高有着举足轻重的作用。目前,我国很多职业院校的模具专业都将“模具专业英语”作为一门专业知识拓展课程。 本书是以提高学生对专业英语的阅读、理解能力,扩展和深化学生对模具设计和制造领域关键技术的认知,为学生职业生涯的可持续发展搭建平台为目的,本着先进、实用、简明、系统的组织原则,从高职教育以实践为主的实际出发,结合多年的专业英语教学实践来编写的。 本书的内容均选自英、美国家专业教材及专业刊物的原文,共8个单元,27篇课文,27篇阅读材料。全书内容涉及机械基础(材料及热处理、传统加工)、冷冲压工艺及模具、塑料模具、模具成形机械、模具制造技术(数控加工、特种加工)、CAD/CAM、模具寿命和失效的相关内容以及模具常用术语,基本涵盖了模具设计与制造专业所需的技术知识。本书可以作为高职、高专模具设计与制造专业的英语教材,也可以作为工程技术人员的自学参考书。 在编写过程中,本书力求体现下列特点: 1)面向广大高职、高专教育对象,重点在于扩充学生的专业英语词汇量,提高读者对科技英语的阅读、理解能力。 2)以培养模具设计与制造专业能力为主线来选取文章,单元模块式的结构组织便于教师的灵活选用。 3)在内容上注重选材的实用性,在形式上注重图文并茂,正文中生词均斜体加粗,疑难句有注释,便于读者阅读。 4)文章均为原版英文文献,英语表达地道,力求兼顾知识的基础性与专业性,同时反映专业发展的新趋势。 5)在精讲课文内设有引导阅读的小问题,便于教师组织教学。 本书的参考学时为30~60个学时,教师可根据教学计划对内容作适当增减。
《模具专业英语》是本着先进、实用、简明、系统的组织原则,从职业教育的实际出发,结合多年的专业英语教学实践编写的。 《模具专业英语》内容均选自英、美国家的专业教材及专业刊物的原文,内容涉及机械基础、冷冲压工艺及模具、塑料模具、模具成形机械、模具制造技术、CAD/CAM等,基本涵盖了模具设计与制造专业所需的技术知识。《模具专业英语》在内容上注重选材的实用性,英语表达地道,力求兼顾知识的基础性和专业性,可以作为高职、高专模具设计与制造专业的英语教材,也可以作为工程技术人员的参考书。
前言Unit One Basic Knowledge of Die or MoldLesson 1 What Is Die or Mold?Reading Materials: (1) The Definition of a Die(2) Blanking DieLesson 2 Die and Mold SteelsReading Materials: Engineering Materials'Categories and PropertiesLesson 3 Heat Treatment of SteelReading Materials: Common Methods in Heat TreatmentUnit Two Sheet Forming Processes and Die DesignLesson 4 Sheet Forming TechniqueReading Materials: Five Factors in BlankingLesson 5 Piercing Die and Blanking DieReading Materials: Methods of Reducing Cutting ForcesLesson 6 Compound DieReading Materials: Drawing DieLesson 7 Bending DieReading Materials: Die Part — Stock StopUnit Three Other Forming ProcessesLesson 8 ForgingReading Materials: The Properties of the Forging ProcessLesson 9 ExtrusionReading Materials: No-Draft ForgingLesson 10 Pressure Die-Casting DieReading Materials: The Die InsertUnit Four Plastic Molding ProcessesLesson 11 What Is Plastics?Reading Materials: FillersLesson 12 Injection MoldReading Materials: The Elements in a Conventional Two-Plate Injection MoldLesson 13 Compression Mold (1)Reading Materials: Compression Mold (2)Lesson 14 Transfer MoldReading Materials: Characteristics of Forming for PlasticsUnit Five Forming MachinesLesson 15 Types of PressReading Materials: The Specifications of PressLesson 16 Main Components of a PressReading Materials: Parting SurfaceLesson 17 Injection-Molding MachineReading Materials: The Specifications of Injection Molding MachineLesson 18 Components of Injection Molding MachineReading Materials: EnjectionUnit Six Dies and Molds ManufactureLesson 19 Introduction to Mold Making Methods (1)Lesson 20 Introduction to Mold Making Methods (2)Lesson 21 Types of CNC MachinesReading Materials: Basic Functions of CNC Machine ControlLesson 22 Non-traditional MachiningReading Materials: (1) Electrochemical Machining (ECM)(2) Laser–Beam Machining (LBM)Lesson 23 Bench FittingReading Materials: Rapid Prototyping TechnologiesUnit Seven CAD/CAM/CAELesson 24 Concepts of CAD/CAMReading Materials: Interactive Computer Graphics (ICG)Lesson 25 Applications of CAD/CAMReading Materials: Industrial RobotsLesson 26 Introduction of a CAE Software—MoldflowReading Materials: Constraints between CAD and CAMUnit Eight Life and Failure of DieLesson 27 Types and Reasons of Die FailureReading Materials: Effects of Surface Treatment and Lubricant on Die LifeAppendixAppendixⅠ Glossary of Terms塑料模术语 Terminology for Plastics Mold冲模术语 Terminology for Die热处理术语 Terminology for Heat TreatmentAppendixⅡ VocabularyReferences
Irrespective of the machine tool or technique used to manufacture the various parts of the mold, the final responsibility for the finishing of the individual parts and for fitting them together lies with the bench fitter. The various stages in the bench fitting involved in the manufacture of a simple mold are listed as follows: 1. Finishing the impression When the mold plates are received from the machine tool section, the impression form on both sides is in the rough machined state. Cutter marks, burrs, etc., are very apparent on the surface. The bench fitter's first job is to produce a cavity and core free of machine marks and to the shape and dimensions specified on the mold detail drawing. 2. Aligning cavity and core This operation is to align the two parts with respect to each other so that the molding produced will have the correct wall section. This is achieved by using packing pieces between the cavity and core. The two mold plates are clamped together and returned to the milling of boring machine to have guide holes bored through both plates. When this operation is complete, the clamps are removed, the mold plates separated and the guide pillars and guide bushes fitted. The two mold plates are again brought together and checked to ensure that the core is in alignment with the cavity. 3. Bedding down This is the process of "marrying" the two opposing mold halves together to prevent the plastic material escaping between the two surfaces when the material is injected into the impression. ……