(澳)Michael Negnevitsky
The main objective of the book remains the same as in the first edition - to provide the reader with practical understanding of the field of computer intelligence. It is intended as an introductory text suitable for a one-semester course, and assumes the students have only limited knowledge of calculus and little or no programming experience. In terms of the coverage, this edition introduces a new chapter on data mining and demonstrates several new applications of intelligent tools for solving complex real-world problems. The major changes are as follows: In the new chapter, 'Data mining and knowledge discovery', we introduce data mining as an integral part of knowledge discovery in large databases. We consider the main techniques and tools for turning data into knowledge, including statistical methods, data visualisation tools, Structured Query Language, decision trees and market basket analysis. We also present several case studies on data mining applications. In Chapter 9, we add a new case study on clustering with a self-organising neural network. Finally, we have expanded the book's references and bibliographies, and updated the list of AI tools and vendors in the appendix. Michael Negnevitsky Hobart, Tasmania, Australia September 2010
Preface to the third edition
Overview of the book
1 Introduction to knowledge-based intelligent systems
1.1 Intelligent machines, or what machines can do
1.2 The history of artificial intelligence, or from the Dark
Ages to knowledge-based systems
1.3 Summary
Questions for review
2 Rule-based expert systems
2.1 Introduction, or what is knowledge?
2.2 Rules as a knowledge representation technique
2.3 The main players in the expert system development team
2.4 Structure of a rule-based expert system
2.5 Fundamental characteristics of an expert system
2.6 Forward chaining and backward chaining inference techniques
2.7 MEDIA ADVISOR: a demonstration rule-based expert system
2.8 Conflict resolution
2.9 Advantages and disadvantages of rule-based expert systems
2.10 Summary
Questions for review
3 Uncertainty management in rule-based expert systems
3.1 Introduction, or what is uncertainty?
3.2 Basic probability theory
3.3 Bayesian reasoning
3.4 FORECAST: Bayesian accumulation of evidence
3.5 Bias of the Bayesian method
3.6 Certainty factors theory and evidential reasoning
3.7 FORECAST: an application of certainty factors
3.8 Comparison of Bayesian reasoning and certainty factors
3.9 Summary
Questions for review
4 Fuzzy expert systems
4.1 Introduction, or what is fuzzy thinking?
4.2 Fuzzy sets
4.3 Linguistic variables and hedges
4.4 Operations of fuzzy sets
4.5 Fuzzy rules
4.6 Fuzzy inference
4.7 Building a fuzzy expert system
4.8 Summary
Questions for review
5 Frame-based expert systems
5.1 Introduction, or what is a frame?
5.2 Frames as a knowledge representation technique
5.3 Inheritance in frame-based systems
5.4 Methods and demons
5.5 Interaction of frames and rules
5.6 Buy Smart: a frame-based expert system
5.7 Summary
Questions for review
6 Artificial neural networks
6.1 Introduction, or how the brain works
6.2 The neuron as a simple computing element
6.3 The perceptron
6.4 Multilayer neural networks
6.5 Accelerated learning in multilayer neural networks
6.6 The Hopfield network
6.7 Bidirectional associative memory
6.8 Self-organising neural networks
6.9 Summary
Questions for review
7 Evolutionary computation
7.1 Introduction, or can evolution be intelligent?
7.2 Simulation of natural evolution
7.3 Genetic algorithms
7.4 Why genetic algorithms work
7.5 Case study: maintenance scheduling with genetic algorithms
7.6 Evolution strategies
7.7 Genetic programming
7.8 Summary
Questions for review
8 Hybrid intelligent systems
8.1 Introduction, or how to combine German mechanics with
Italian love
8.2 Neural expert systems
8.3 Neuro-fuzzy systems
8.4 ANFIS: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
8.5 Evolutionary neural networks
8.6 Fuzzy evolutionary systems
8.7 Summary
Questions for review
9 Knowledge engineering
9.1 Introduction, or what is knowledge engineering?
9.2 Will an expert system work for my problem?
9.3 Will a fuzzy expert system work for my problem?
9.4 Will a neural network work for my problem?
9.5 Will genetic algorithms work for my problem?
9.6 Will a hybrid intelligent system work for my problem?
9.7 Summary
Questions for review
10 Data mining and knowledge discovery
10.1 Introduction, or what is data mining?
10.2 Statistical methods and data visualisation
10.3 Principal component analysis
10.4 Relational databases and database queries
10.5 The data warehouse and multidimensional data analysis
10.6 Decision trees
10.7 Association rules and market basket analysis
10.8 Summary
Questions for review
Appendix: AI tools and vendors
版权页:插图:The first work recognised in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) was presentedby Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts in 1943. McCulloch had degrees inphilosophy and medicine from Columbia University and became the Director ofthe Basic Research Laboratory in the Department of Psychiatry at the Universityof Illinois. His research on the central nervous system resulted in the first majorcontribution to AI: a model of neurons of the brain. McCulloch and his co-author Walter Pitts, a young mathematician, proposeda model of artificial neural networks in which each neuron was postulated asbeing in a binary state: that is, in either an on or off condition (McCulloch andPitts, 1943). They demonstrated that their neural network model was, in fact,equivalent to the Turing machine, and proved that any computable functioncould be computed by some network of connected neurons. McCulloch and Pittsalso showed that simple network structures could learn.
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与人工智能相关的算法和应用都有涉及,具备相关知识背景的人读起来不太费劲,对于理解这个学科和相关算法的内涵以及适用场合有很大的帮助。 若是作为教材,应该是相当合适了,帮助你从总体上把握相关的方法和理论,具体应用的话,你知道如何去选择。