金永兴,谢洁瑛 著
《航海英语阅读与写作》共分12章,内容包括航海图书资料、航海气象报告、导航设备操作、国际避碰规则及航行值班规定、安全管理体系和SMS文件、港口国检查和ISM规则、事故报告阅读、有关国际公约摘录、货物作业、船体结构及船舶修理、提单和租船合同、文件写作等。 《航海英语阅读与写作》为航海院校航海技术专业教学用书和海船船员适任考试培训的教材,也可作为航海专业技术人员、海事管理等相关专业人员的参考用书。
Chapter 1 Admiralty Charts and Nautical Publications1 Admiralty Charts2 Admiralty Notices to Mariners3 Admiralty Sailing Direction (Pilots)Chapter 2 Marine Weather Report1 Introduction2 Examples of a Marine Weather ReportsChapter 3 Navigational Aids1 Gyrocompass2 RADAR and ARPA3 Global Positioning System4 Electronic Chart Systems and ECDIS5 IBSIntegrated Bridge System6 Automatic Identification System (AIS)7 Voyage Data Recorder(VDR)Chapter 4 Ship Watchkeeping and Collisions Avoidance at Sea1 Watchkeeping (extracted on the STCW)2 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972Chapter 5 Safety Management System (SMS)1 SMM2 SMP3 SMO and SMRChapter 6 Port State Control1 History of PSC2 A short history of Paris MOU3 New inspection Regime(NIR) of PMOUChapter 7 Marine Accident Reports1 Collision2 Grounding3 Firing4 Pollution at SeaChapter 8 International Conventions Extractions1 SOLAS Convention2 Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil3 International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments4 Regulations for Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships5 Regulations for Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships6 ISPS CODE7 Maritime Labour Convention(MLC) ,2006Chapter 9 Cargo Work1 Main Type of the Cargoes2 Lashing and Securing Systems3 Cargo VentilationChapter 10 Ship Structure, Maintenance and Repairs1 Ship Structure2 Ship's Maintenance and Repairs in Dry DockChapter 11 Bill of Lading and Charter Party1 COSCO Standard Form 062 Charter Partythe "Gencon" Charter (As Revised 1922 and 1976)Chapter 12 Ship's Logbook and Correspondence1 Ship's Record in Logbook2 Ship's Correspondence3 Reports on Ship's AccidentVOCABULARYREFERENCES