盛楠,成利,宋惠珍 著
根据英国文化委员会1994一1995年进行的一项名为。English2000的大型调查,2l世纪英语教学将会发生很大的变化,最根本的变化是“将来的英语学习不再是单纯的英语学习”,“将来的英语教学是越来越多地与某一个方面的专业知识或某一个学科结合起来”。我国的研究结果也表明,社会对专门的外语类人才的需求会逐渐减少,对复合型人才的需求会越来越大,这意味着未来无论是英语专业的建设还是基础英语的教学都将会面临重大转折,“专门用途英语教学将成为21世纪的英语教学的主流”(刘润清1996)。 本教材吸收了国内外英语教材编写和练习设计的原则和方法,体现了我国高等职业技术教育课程设计和课程建设的最新理念,能力目标设计合理、清晰,十分有利于交际教学法的实施。 本教材的编写具有以下特点。交际任务和交际活动的设计十分易于操作,教师可以充分利用话题的趣味性、时代性和真实性,以课堂讨论的方式导入主题,采用“头脑风暴法”开展课堂教学。词汇表的布局吸收了国内外教材的设计优点,醒目方便,重视以人为本。第2版教材增设了自我评价的部分,有利于增加学生学习单词的自主性。练习设计的方法丰富多彩,而且听、说、读、写、译等语言技能的训练围绕同一主题展开,体现了综合语言技能的培养,科学对待语言输入和输出的关系,努力做到两者相辅相承,互相促进,以期达到语言学习的最佳效果。主题选择符合真实交际的原则,有利于实现语言学习的正迁移。基本采用真实选材,所以限于各种主题自身的特点,不同单元的教学内容如词汇和阅读文章在难度上略有差异,对于有些难度较大的材料,我们尝试通过不同形式的练习设计起到循序渐进的作用,唤起问题意识,激发学习兴趣,增加学习的成就感。交际活动和任务以及语言技能训练的练习均为自行设计,教材编写的很多设想和创意来源于教学实践的感悟和反思,另外本书还采用了部分学生的原创绘画作品,在使用中受到了学生的极大欢迎。本教材的编写为英语教材建设领域和教学法的研究提供了真实而富有价值的参考资料,锐意创新和大胆尝试的精神难能可贵,这也正是这本教材独具魅力的价值所在。我们更期望能籍此机会抛砖引玉,与志同道合的同仁切磋共勉,为我国高等职业教育英语教学的改革和英语课程建设、教材建设贡献自己的聪明才智。
《实用科技英语教程(第2版)》是2006年湖北省大学英语教学研究项目的预期研究成果之一,该项目为2009年湖北省大学英语教学改革研究项目的优秀结题项目。全书由十个单元组成,每个单元的内容分为三个部分,第一个部分是Leadill,第二个部分是。Further development,第三个部分是Cornltprehensive progress。《实用科技英语教程(第2版)》练习设计的方法丰富多彩,听、说、读、写、译等语言技能的训练围绕同一主题展开,体现了综合语言技能的培养手段。 《实用科技英语教程(第2版)》是针对高职高专理工科学生编写的必修课教材,亦适用于科技英语爱好者学习。作为英语教学改革的优秀研究成果,也可供英语教材建设和教学法研究的专家、学者和广大英语教师作为参考。
Unit 1 Computer ScienceLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive ProgressText A Application of ComputerText B Taking storage to the next dimensionUnit 2 The InternetLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive ProgressText A The InternetText B Hackers Are Enemy Number One on the InteractUnit 3 Automation TechnologyLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive ProgressText A Improving Industrial Efficiency through Robotics -"Text B Home AutomationUnit 4 The EnvironmentLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive ProgressText A Top 10: Conservation Successes and Failures.Text B Waste RecyclingUnit 5 Energy ScienceLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive ProgressText A 10 Easy Ways to Save on Energy at HomeText B Fuel for the FutureUnit 6 TransportationLead InFurther Development ~Comprehensive ProgressText A Top Ten Green Transportation Trends of 2008Text B Transportation Shapes CitiesUnit 7 Materials ScienceLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive ProgressText A Materials Science & Engineering: An Exciting Career Field for the Future.,Text B What Is Nanotechnology?Unit 8 BiotechnologyLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive Progress ""Text A Third Time LuckyText B BiotechnologyUnit 9 Space ScienceLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive ProgressText A Search Begins for "Earth" Beyond Solar SystemText B Careers in Space ScienceUnit 10 Earth ScienceLead InFurther DevelopmentComprehensive ProgressText A Earth ScienceText B How Continents Move?GlossaryReferences
The dawn of the new age——The Computer Era——glows before us with the promise of new and improvedways of thinking, living and working. The amount of information in the world is said to be doubling every six to seven years. The only way to keep up with these in creasedamounts of data and information is to understand howcomputers work and the ability to control them for aparticular purpose. A computer can be defined as an electronic dataprocessing device, capable of accepting data, applying aprescribed set of instructions to the data, and displaying in some manner or form. Any configuration of the devicesthat are interconnected and are programmed to operate is acomputer system. The computer is said to have literallyrevolutionized the way one person does his job or a wholemultinational organization operates their businesses.Together with this reason and many more, computers are considered more than just an essential piece of fancyequipment. Whether or not people know anything about it,they invoke computers in everyday lives when they make abank withdrawal, buy groceries at the supermarket and even when they drive a car. Today, millions of people arepurchasing fully functional personal computers forindividual reasons. In their homes, people use variousforms of computer technology for writing memos, for keeping track of bank accounts, for communication with friends and associates, for accessing knowledge, forpurchasing goods and many other countless tasks.