黄龙祥 人民卫生出版社 (2010-05出版)
黄龙祥 编
黄龙祥,Huang Long-xiang, Chief Professor of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, has been working painstakingly on the history, theory and standardization of acupuncture since the 1980s. In the acupuncture field, he has been tirelessly doing his best to develop a 'business card' to let the world know what acupuncture is, where it is from, and what makes it so special that it facilitates the dialogue and understanding between people of different cultures and different academic backgrounds.To realize this dream, he organized a writing and designing group in 2001 and gave it a unique name that reflects the integration between the East and the West——L.X. Huang 3A (Acupuncture, Anatomy, Art). Since then, they have published thirteen works, two of which are in English: Evidence-Based Surface Anatomy for Acupuncture, the representative work of acupuncture integrating anatomy and art, and the WHO Standard Wall Chart of Acupuncture Point Locations, the latest work unifying science and art.
WHO Standard Acupuncture Point Locations手太阴肺经中府云门天府侠白尺泽孔最列缺经渠太渊鱼际少商手阳明大肠经商阳二间三间合符阳溪偏历温溜下廉上廉手三里曲池肘髎手五里臂臑肩髃巨骨天鼎扶突口禾髎迎香足阳明胃经承泣四白巨倦地仓大迎颊车下关头维人迎水突气舍缺盆气户库房屋翳膺窗乳中乳根不容承满梁门关门太乙滑肉门天枢外陵大巨水道归来……足太阴脾经手少阴心经手太阳小肠经足太阳膀胱经足少阴肾经手厥引心包经手少阳三焦经足少阳胆经足厥阴肝经督脉任脉
《世界卫生组织标准针灸穴位挂图(女)》为世界针灸学会联合推荐。Personally designed and created by the head of the Chinese Expert Group for the Establishment of the Chinese National and International Standard of Acupuncture Point Locations. First to utilize real human body images along with x-ray image inlays of identical postures of me same model. First to add a new type of view——the plane figure——into an acupuncture wall chart. For some special points, vertical views, x-ray images, and layered anatomical images were meticulously designed and ingeniously organized with the main body image to form a harmonious whole. In the past half century, innovation has once again been brought to figure postures and picture composition in acupuncture charts, achieving a high level of integration within the areas of scientific expression and artistic presentation.