

泰勒 人民卫生











  《整形外科学》覆盖面已扩大到涵盖大部分医学临床专业,包括:急诊医学、家庭医学、神经病学、心脏病学、影像学、儿科学、妇产科学、精神病学、麻醉学、骨科学及外科学等专业。该套丛书是科学性的集中体现,无论在篇章设置、概念引用、文字表达,还是图表运用上都秉承严肃认真的科学态度,进行了合理的安排与控制。已成为美国广大医学生和住院医师获取专业知识的最佳读物,深受广大读者的喜爱,已被打造成为高质量、值得信赖的品牌丛书。  本套丛书采用中英文对照的形式,在获得丰富医学知识的同时还可以提高专业英语水平,该丛书可供医学生、住院医师、全科医师学习阅读,也可作为专科医生参考用书。


((Brain Tumor
Journal of Cancer》、《中华医学杂志英文版》、《中华神经外科杂志》特约审稿专家。


第1章 基本技术
第2章 伤口愈合
第3章 移植和皮瓣
第4章 皮肤和软组织
第5章 热损伤和化学灼伤
第6章 颅面手术
第7章 胸部和躯干整形
第8章 手和上肢
第9章 下肢和生殖器
第10章 美容外科
附录A 整形外科的时机
附录B 习题与参考答案
附录C 常用药


  Most nasal bone fractures can be managed by closed reduction techniques and splinting. Late deformities such as a dorsal hump,saddle-nose deformity, and deviation can be managed with formal thinoplasty (see Chapter 10).  Naso-Orbito-Ethmoidal Fractures  Fractures of the naso-orbito-ethmoidal complex of the central midface have a high potential for significant facial deformity because of displacement of the nose and eyes. Injury leads to lat- eralization of the frontal processes of the maxilla, which in tum leads to widening of the intercanthal distance, or telecanthus.Other common stigmata include a wide and shortened nose, epi-staxis, orbital hematomas, and crepitance over the involved area.The frontal processes of the maxilla are mobile on palpation.  Examination of the lacrimal apparatus, including the naso-lacrimal duct, reveals concomitant injury  Naso-orbito-ethmoidal complex fractures demand open  reduction and internal fixation to relieve telecanthus and nasal deformities. If injured, the lacrimal dua may be repaired with fine suture and stented with silastic tubing.  Zygomatic Fraaures  Because of the prominence of the cheek, the zygoma (cheek bone) is commonly fractured. The zygoma articulates with the maxilla medially and irtferiorly, the frontal bone superiorly, the sphenoid bone laterally, and the temporal bone via its arch. With the exception of isolated zygomatic arch fractures, all fractures of the zygoma affect the orbit, and thus diagnosis and treatment incorporates the orbit. Isolated zygomatic arch fractures are man- aged nonoperatively or through small incisions (the Gilles approach). Displaced fractures of the body of the zygoma with  resultant orbital and cheek deformity are treated with open reduction and intemal fixation.   Moxillary Fraaures  Fractures of the maxilla essentially involve the entire midface region, and are dassified by the Le Fort classification system. Le Fort fractures can occur unilateraUy, bilaterally, in combination (a left Le Fort II and right Le Fort rrd, and at multiple levels (a left Le Fort I and rrd . A Le Fort I fracture is a transverse fracture se-p- arating the lower, tooth-bearing segment of the maxilla from the rest of the midface. A Le Fort II fracture is pyramidal in shape, and separates the tooth-bearing, lower maxillary bone from the orbits and upper craniofaaal skeleton. A Le Fort III fracture, or craniofacial dysjunction, separates the upper maxilla from the skull base. The hallmark of a Le Fort fracture is mobility of the maxilla on physical examination. Other signs and symptomsinclude orbital hematomas, epistaxis, pain in the midface, facial elongation, midface retrusion, and tooth occlusal abnormalities  Nondisplaced Le Fort fractures may be managed nonopera- tively. Displaced Le Fort fractures often require open reduction and internal fixation, as well as maxillomandibular fixation.Important concerns include stabilization of tooth occlusion andreduction of facial buttresses.  Mandible Fractures  The prominent position of the mandible makes it the second most commonly fractured faaal bone. Because of its shape, it is commonly broken in two places. Areas that are weakest, like the subcondylar area, are the most frequendy fractured. A mandible fracture is sus-pected any time acute malocdusion exists in the trauma setting. Other signs and symptoms of a mandible fracture include pain,sweUing, trismus (pain on moving the jaw), inabdity to open or close the jaw, fractured teeth, discrepancies in the height of den-tition, and intraoral lacerations. Radiographic examination with a CT scan or Panorex aids in diagnosis. (A Panorex is a specialized  plain radiograph in which the x-rays rotate around the mandible,essentially transforming it from a curved structure to a flat  imageJ Treatment of mandible fractures always begins with restora-tion of ocdusion. It is essential that all stable teeth are reduced to their premorbid location so that the patient can continue to chew food.Restoration of proper occlusion usually requires binding the maxillary and mandibular teeth together with a series of wires, screws, or arch bars, so-called maxillomandibular fixation(MMF). Sometimes MMF is aU that is required to adequately treat a mandibular fracture.  Many mandibular fractures require open reduction and inter-nal fixation. This can be performed through intraoral lower gin-givobuccal sukus incisions, extraoral incisions, or percutaneous methods. Titanium plates and screws hold the reduced bony seg-ments in place. Complications of mandibular fracture treatment indude chin numbness from injury to the inferior alveolar nerve, malocclusion, nonunion of bony segments, and infection.  ……







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