

朱振武 国防工业出版社(图书发行部)(新时代出版社)











  朱振武,教授,博士后。上海市作家协会会员,上海市翻译家协会会员,学术兴趣主要为英美小说美学、英美文学与文化、比较文学和文学翻译。媒体称之为丹·布朗的“御用翻译家”。  专著有《在心理美学的平面上:威廉·福克纳小说创作论》等多部,译著有《御珠奇案》、《魔犬》和《丹·布朗传》等,领衔翻译的著作有《达·芬奇密码》、《数字城堡》、《天使与魔鬼》、《骗局》、《破解(达·芬奇密码)》和《达·芬奇骗局》等近20部,编著作品有《英语夜读15分钟》(四卷本)等多种。专题学术论文四十多篇,散文、诗歌多篇。


第一阶/00l1. Start School with a Click l002点击就开学2. Do the Shoes Fit? /008你的运动鞋合适吗?3. Bones from the Dawn of Dinosaurs/012早期恐龙的骸骨4. Electronic MaiI/016电子邮件5. Lost and Found in Orbit/020轨道上的失而复得6. Vaccine Jitters/024害怕接种7. A11一in-One Gizmo/032多功能小玩意8. Land of the Fat/036肥胖者的世界9. Elixirs for Your Memory/052记忆的良药10. HOW Hot Will It Get? /062会热到什么程度?11. Just Browsing/070看看而已12. A Brave New Web/080美好的新网络世界第二阶/093lI W. Il We Ever Cure… /094我们能否治愈……2. An 111 Tide up North/100朝北的恶潮3. The Spread of HIV…And Will We Ever Cure AIDS? /108HIV的传播……我们能治愈艾滋病吗?4. Why Cloning of Humans Must Forever Be Seen as Unethical? /114为什么人的克隆必须永远被看做是不道德的?5. CanWeMakeGARBAGEDisappear? /124我们能让垃圾消失吗?6. When Will We Cure Cancer? /132我们何时能治愈癌症?7. An Eye on the Future/142放眼未来8. Rage for the Machine/152对机器的狂热9. Pain Can Be Tamed/166疼痛可以被制服10. The Future of the Phone/172电话的未来11. What New Things Are Going tO KillMe? /184还有什么新东西能毁掉我?12. Snakes/192蛇13. The“Superstar”Nutrient/202“超级明星”营养素第三阶/2131. Focus on Global Warming/214关注全球气候变暖2. Rockets Make Yao Millg Their Man/222“火箭”慧眼识姚明3. Once the Intemet Connection Is Always on, Life Will Never Be the Same/230连通宽带网络,体验非凡生活4. Japan Wild Ones/238狂野的日本新生代5. King-Size Americans:Is It Good? /248特大块头的美国人:这样好吗?6. The MINI Makes A Big Comeback/258“迷你”之风再起7. Does Buddha Sleep Here7 /264这里便是卧佛的栖身之所吗?8. All about Americans/268美国人面面观9. The Cyberlonely/272网络孤独者10. What Makes Silicon Valley So Successful and Unique? /278是什么造就了成功而独特的硅谷?11. College Pressures/286大学里的压力


  Over the summer, parents of high school German students in  Ithaca, N.Y. got to be part of a class trip to Europe, through  their home computers.The class brought a digital camera and laptop  with them to Germany and docu-mented their visit on their web  page. Harry Ash, father of 16-year-old traveler Brian, found it  reassuring to see his sons smiling face from half a world  away.Before their kids left, parents checked the site for  scheduling information, a list of activities and advice on  cultural differences.  When its designed well, a district, school or classroom  website can change the relationship between the parent and the  school, says Cynthia Lapi-er, Ithacas director of information and  instructional technology. "The more you can involve parents in  school, the better. " Lapier says. "The technology gives us  another way to reach them, especially parents of secondary school  students, who tend to be less involved. "  Ithaca high school physics teacher Steve Wirt gets E-mail  from parents regularly, some from moms and dads he believes might  otherwise not pick up the phone with a concern. Using software  called Blackboard CourseInfo, Wirt conducts online chats with his  students often reviewing for a quiz or discussing homework  problems.  The way things are going, by the end of this year, many  parents may be fully converted--and in fact dependent upon their  schools technological capa-bilities. At a recently wired school  in Novi, Michigan, the school webmaster was just a few hours late  posting the lunch-menu calendar on the website. In that time, more  than a dozen parents called him by telephone to request the  in-formation. "A year ago, it never would have been there," says  Carson. And now parents are finding its tough to get by without  it. P4  今年夏天,纽约州伊萨卡中学的德语学生家长都通过家里的电脑,参与  了学校组织的学生赴欧班级旅行。这个班级赴德国时带了一架数码相机和一  台笔记本电脑,将旅程拍下并编辑入他们的网页。16岁的布莱恩的父亲哈里  ·阿什从半个地球外看到自己儿子的笑脸时感到放心多了。在孩子们出发前  ,家长就已查看过网站上的日程安排信息、活动清单和有关文化差异的建议  。  伊萨卡中学信息和教学技术主管辛西娅·拉皮尔说,如果网站设计良好  ,一个街区、一所学校或者一个班级的网站能够改变家长和学校的关系。她  说:“家长参与到学校中去越多,所取得的效果越好。技术给了我们另一种  方式去接近家长,特别是中学生的家长,因为他们都倾向于和学校少打交道  。”  伊萨卡中学物理老师斯蒂夫·沃特现在常常从家长那里收到电子邮件,  他认为有些家长所以发电子邮件而不是打电话可能是由于抓起电话筒时有些  顾虑。沃特使用一种被称为“黑板课程信息”的平台与他的学生进行网上对  话,常常就溅验进行讲评,或者讨论家庭作业中的问题。  事情如果这样进展下去,到今年年底,许多家长都将转而相信——事实  上是依赖于学校的技术能力。密歇根州诺维市的一所学校刚刚上网。这个学  校的网站管理师最近有一次由于仅仅迟了几个小时将学校午餐菜单安排表放  到网上,结果当时就有超过10名家长打电话给他,询问有关信息。卡尔森说  :“一年以前,这种信息是从不会在网上发布的。”但现在家长们发现,没  了网站他们都不知道怎么过了。P5




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