本书托胎于孙迎晖博士论文的修正稿。我认为有几个亮点值得一提。 第一个亮点表现在选题上。作者注意将自己的研究结合实际,具体说,重点分析研究生论文的引言部分,将语篇分析和语类研究落实到学术语篇上。这令人想起系统功能语言学派韩礼德最近几年所强调的适用语言学(appliable linguistics)的研究,语言学研究如不能为实用服务,便将失去其应有的光辉。 第二个亮点是对语料和数据的掌握。你批判原来的理论也好,你修正这些理论也好,你创建自己的理论也好,如果没有具体语料的佐证,只能是空对空的,难以服人,更没有学术价值。因此,作者以北京师范大学外文学院近几年应用语言学方向的100篇硕士研究生论文为语料进行分析,值得称道。
Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Genre analysis as a way of studying academic writing 1.2 Gaps existing in research on students' theses 1.3 Research objectives 1.4 Significance of the study 1.5 Outline of the hookChapter Two Literature Review on the Genre of Introduction 2.1 An overview of studies on the genre of introduction 2.2 Generic structure of introductions 2.2.1 Swales (1981, 1990) 2.2.2 Nwogu (1991, 1997) 2.2.3 Dudley-Evans (1986) 2.2.4 Bunton (2002) 2.3 Specific language features related to introductions 2.3.1 Citation behavior 2.3.2 Reporting verbs 2.3.3 Tense choices 2.4 Influencing factors on the genre of introduction 2.4.1 Variation across disciplines 2.4.2 Variation across cultures 2.5 Final comments on studies done on introductions and remaining issues 2.6 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Foundations and a Proposed Framework 3.1 Theories of genre 3.1.1 English for Specific Purposes (ESP) 3.1.2 Australian genre studies 3.1.3 New Rhetoric 3.1.4 Comments on the three traditions of genre 3.2 A contextual view towards genre 3.2.1 Context and genre 3.2.2 Contextual factors affecting academic discourse 3.3 Theoretical assumption and a proposed framework 3.4 Method for analyzing the texts 3.5 SummaryChapter Four Description of the Research 4.1 The corpus 4.2 Methodology 4.2.1 Criteria for identification of moves and steps 4.2.2 Identification of moves and steps ……Chapter Five Macro-level AnalysisChapter Six Micro-Level AnalysisChapter Seven DiscussionChapter Eight ConclusionsBibliography