谯莉 编
一、讲英语为什么开口难 开口说英语是许多在校大学生和社会白领倍感头疼的问题。“哑巴英语”成了全社会普遍关注的一个问题。国务院前副总理李岚清曾说:“我们的普通外语教学,从小学三年级直至大学三年级,花那么长的时间,一个普通大学生毕业出来,既不能看,又不能听,也不能讲,再不研究这个问题,能行吗?”那么,问题的症结在哪里? 为了回答这个问题,我们以发放问卷的方式在某大学随机调查了109名非英语专业学生(其中本科1年级~4年级每个年级各22名,研究生1年级21名)。在调查中,我们了解到几乎所有学生都有提高英语口头表达能力的意愿(针对“想不想提高英语口语”的问题,76.1%的学生选择了“非常想”,22.9%的学生选择了“一般”,仅有1.0%的学生选择“不想”)。那么,学生平常是通过什么途径练习口语的呢?77.1%的学生选择了“朗读”,33.0%的学生选择了“课堂上在老师的指导下练习”,29.4%的学生选择了“背诵”,20.2%的学生选择了“自言自语地练口语”。而明确表示参加口语角的学生只占11.0%,表示课后定期与朋友练习口语的学生只占4.6%,表示从不练口语的学生竟占13.8%。
《自言自语·流利说英语》由20课组成。所选文章,无论是新闻事件报道,还是产品介绍。都与使用者的生活、学习息息相关,或眼见过,或耳闻过,或亲身经历过,以方便使用者用英语开口说出这些熟悉的内容。所选文章根据内容的难易程度以及题材、体裁的变化等方面的综合考虑进行了先后顺序的编排,以便于使用者按照循序渐进的方式进行学习操练。 《自言自语.流利说英语》可供具有大学一年级及以上英语水平的在校学生、社会在职人士,以及准备参加各类口语考试的考生使用。
Lesson 1 ArchitectureLesson 2 Special CuisineLesson 3 Renowned UniversitiesLesson 4 PaperLesson 5 SpeechLesson 6 Cruise TourLesson 7 Talent ShowLesson 8 Global ConferenceLesson 9 I.osing WeightLesson 10 PresentationLesson 11 Drug ScandalLesson 12 Body BuildingLesson 13 Government ReportLesson 14 Death SentencesLesson 15 DaughterLesson 16 Mona LisaLesson 17 DinosaursLesson 18 Michael JacksonLesson 19 Hollywood BlockbusterLesson 20 Middle East ConflictKey to Note Taking in Step 2
When time moved on to Sui and Tand Dynasties, pavilions were constructed in the gardens of the wealthy officials and the scholars. Then the practical function of the pavilion changed into the aesthetic. They were not only used as a place to rest and enjoy the scenery, but also they became a part of the scenery because they were very attractive themselves: The construction of the pavilions had been greatly influenced by the taste of the scholar hermits during the period of Song Dynasty, because those persons had a great favour for the simplicity of a rustic life. The isolated pavilions in the mountainous areas drawn in the brush-and-ink landscape scolls of that period are the proof. Accordingly, the materials for the consturction of pavilions were extended from stone to bamboo, grass and wood. As far as the classification of pavilions is concerned, they have variant shapes if viewed from above. The common ones are round, square, hexagonal and octagonal, together with some unusual forms such as the Nanhai Pavilion with two round pavilions joined together, which is located at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. As pavilions often provide the places for people to rest, and the pronounciation of the Chinese character 亭 is the same as that of another Chinese character 停, people have developed the idea that the meaning of pavilions is to stay and rest. While as a fact, originally pavilions served the military and governmental purposes, which is completely different from the general perception.