韩彦枝 主编
本书是一本新型的融传统写作技巧与现代语言学研究成果于一体并结合高职高专学生的特点编写的英语写作教材。 严格按照教育部对高职院校英语教学提出的基本要求,坚持实用型人才培养的目标,注意把握“以应用为目的,实用为主,够用为度”的教材编写原则。本书编写的具体指导原则如下: (1)以大专层次的读者为主要使用对象,为提高他们的英语写作能力提供切实的指导。 (2)系统介绍写作英语文章的基本理论和基本技巧。 (3)通俗、简明地解释写作理论并配备丰富的典型例子,使本书的使用者能够轻松理解相关的理论知识。 (4)提供适量韵练习,以切实提高读者的学习效果。 本书具有如下特色: (1)针对性强。本书是专门为大专层次的读者提供英语写作的指导书,所以,本书的编者有意地控制了内容的广度和难度,以满足他们的需要。 (2)实用性强。本书按照人们学习文章写作的自然过程,从词语运用到全篇写作,循序渐进地提供完整的写作指南。同时,本书简明、通俗地讲解基本的理论并配备丰富的例子,提供适量的练习,使读者能够轻松理解相关的理论知识,扎实提高学习、训练的效果。 另外,考虑到读者参加英语考试的需要,本书把应试作文部分作为一章列出,就考试中常见的问题和应试技巧作了较为详细的说明。 本书由韩彦枝主编,赵萍主审。韩彦枝编写chapter2和chapter6,赵萍编写ch印ter1,田晓杰和牛震编写chapter3,张献玲和刘保华编写chapter4,黄瑞锋编写ch印ter8、Chapter9和AppendiX,闫晓红编写chapter7,郑帅、王典举、刘彦和万梅洁编写chapter5。 由于编者水平有限,加之编写时间仓促,书中不妥之处在所难免,恳请专家和广大读者批评指正。
本书是学习英语写作的初级指南,以大专层次的读者为主要使用对象,旨在为读者提供英语写作指导,为提高英语写作水平提供切实的帮助。针对读者的英语水平,在通俗、简明阐释英语写作理论的同时,配备丰富的典型例子,使他们能够轻松理解相关的理论知识。 全书分为9章,涉及英语写作的词、句、段、篇、应用文、论文、考试作文、修辞、格式与标点等9个方面,比较系统而具体地阐述了英语写作中的基本理论知识、写作要求和写作技巧。
Chapter 1 Applying Words Properly 1.1 Types of words 1.1.1 Common words, technical words and nonstandard words 1.1.2 Formal words and colloquial words 1.1.3 Abstract words and concrete words 1.1.4 General words and specific words 1.2 Meanings of words 1.2.1 Polysemy 1.2.2 Denotation and connotation 1.2.3 Context and meaning 1.3 Synonyms 1.4 The use of words 1.4.1 Collocation 1.4.2 The usage of a word 1.4.3 Variety in using words 1.5 Idiom 1.6 Diction 1.7 Exercises Chapter 2 Writing Correct and Effective Sentences 2.1 Types of sentences 2.1.1 Classified according to the elements 2.1.2 Classified according to function 2.1.3 Classified according to structure 2.1.4 Classified according to length 2.1.5 Classified according to rhetoric 2.1.6 Exercises 2.2 Effective sentences 2.2.1 Unity 2.2.2 Conciseness 2.2.3 Clarity 2.2.5 Variety 2.2.6 Emphasis within sentences 2.2.7 Emphatic sentences 2.2.8 Exercises 2.3 Sentence skills 2.3.1 Complete sentences, minor sentences and sentence fragments 2.3.2 Coherence and incoherence 2.3.3 Fused sentences or run-on sentences 2.3.4 Comma splices and comma faults 2.4 Effective sentence patterns for English writing 2.5 Exercises Chapter 3 Paragraph 3.1 Isolated paragraph 3.1.1 Controlling idea 3.1.2 Support of the controlling idea 3.2 Five-paragraph writing 3.2.1 Introductory paragraph 3.2.2 Topic sentence 3.2.3 Central paragraph 3.2.4 Concluding paragraph 3.2.5 Transitional words and phrases 3.2.6 Developing paragraph 3.2.7 Exercises Chapter 4 Writing a Whole Essay 4.1 Steps in writing a whole essay 4.1.1 Planning 4.1.2 Drafting 4.1.3 Revision 4.1.4 Finalizing 4.2 Main parts of an essay 4.2.1 The opening part 4.2.2 The developing part 4.2.3 The closing part 4.3 Types of writing 4.3.1 Description 4.3.2 Narration 4.3.3 Argumentation 4.3.4 Exposition 4.4 Exercises Chapter 5 Practical Writing Chapter6 CETWriting Chapter 7 Writing a Research Paper Chapter 8 Using Rhetoric Appropriately Chapter 9 Punctuation and Manuscript Form Appendix Answers to exercises References
An article is composed of sentences which consist of words. Word is to article what cell is tobody. The use of words closely affects the accuracy, clarity and power of expression. Therefore,learning to choose and use proper words is a fundamental step in practical writing. The English language has a large vocabulary which is not less than 500,000. Besides, it has beenincreasing because of continuous entry of new words. But, people use only a small part of them inordinary writing. For a Chinese student, it is necessary to master those words that are most useful andcommonly used for ordinary purposes. Although those commonly used words are limited, many of them are difficult to useappropriately in practical writing. In fact, during the writing process, almost all writers have to facethe uneasy task of choosing proper words and using them. A student who has studied English for afew years may have a vocabulary of several thousand words. But when he chooses words from hisvocabulary to express himself, he may choose improper words or use them inappropriately. It istherefore necessary for a learner of English writing to acquire a basic knowledge related to words. Although there are tens of thousands words in the English vocabulary, only several thousandwords are most often used in everyday life. These words, forming the kernel of the Englishvocabulary, can be used on all occasions. They are common words. A learner of English writing firstneed to master these useful words and try to use them freely and correctly in writing practice. Comparatively, some words are usually used on particular occasions. Technical words generallyoccur in special fields. For example, words like diabetes and poliomyelitis are most probably used totalk about something in medicine. Additionally, some words are often used in dialect or slang and soon. These words exist beyond standard English and can be termed nonstandard words. A student hadbetter avoid using these words unless he is quoting them.