沈艳,姚洋 著
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSACRONYMSEXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.Summary of findings CSRAwareness Labor Standards Environmental Standards Quality Control Corporate Governance The supply Chain and CSR CSR and Financial Performance 2.Recommendations for the government 3.Recommendations for companiesCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Concept of CSR Definitions of CSR Contents of CSR International Standards for CSR 1.2 The Business Case for CSR 1.3 Debates around CSR 1.4 Drivers of CSR 1.5 Phases of CSR in China 1.6 Debates on CSR in China A Chinese Definition of CSR? A Chinese Business Case for CSR? 1.7 The Arrangement ofthe ReportCHLAPTER 2 SAMPLING AND DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS 2.1 Organization of the Surveys and Interviews The Main Survey Interviews The city Survey The Supplementary Individual Survey 2.2 Profiles ofthe Sample Cities Geographic Locations Economic Indicators 2.3 Profiles ofthe Sample Firms Geographic Distribution Size Industrial Distribution Ownership Exports Financial Performanc 2.4 SummaryCHAPTER 3 CSR AWARENESS AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION IN SAMPLE FIRMS 3.1 CSR Awareness Knowledge of CSR Factors Affecting Firms Knowledge of CSR 3.2 CSR Implementations 3.3 Participafion in SociaHy Related CSR Activities 3.4 SummaryCHAPTER 4 LABOR PROTECTION IN CHINA:RECENT HISTORY, LEGISLATION,AND CURRENT ISSUES 4.1 Employment in China since the 1990s 4.2 Erosion and Rebuilding of the Social Safety-net 4.3 Framework for Labor Proteetion 4.4 Issues with the Legal Framework 4.5 Major Issues of Labor Protection at the Factory Floor 4.6 SummaryCHAPTER 5 LABoR PRoTECTIoN IN SAMPLE FIRMS 5.1 Labor Contracts Coverage of Contracts in Sample Firms Factors Affecting Written Contracts Contents of Contracts Termination of Contracts 5.2 Working Hours and Wages Working Hours Salaries Wage Arrears 5.3 Pensions,Medical Insurance,and Workplace Amenities Pensions Medical Insurance Workplace Safety and Amenities 5.4 Labor Disputes and Settlements Disputes Settlements Government Efrorts 5.5 Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining Labor Unions at the National Level LaborUnions inthe Sample Benefits of Unionization and Collective Bargaining 5.6 SummaryCHAPTER 6 ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS 6.1 The Status Quo of Environmental Protection Measures to Protect the Environment Environment Compliance Rates,Labeling,and ISO 14000 Certification Difficulties 6.2 Factors Affecting Firms'Environmental Protection Behavior Competition and Firm Environmental Protection Strategy CSR Awareness and Firm Environmental Protection Strategy Region and Firm Environmental Protection Strategy Industry and Firm Environmental Protection Strategy Government Policies and Firm Environmental Protection Strategies 6.3 Cleaner Production 6.4 SummaryCHAPTER 7 PRODUCT QUALITY 7.1 The Status Quo of Product Quality Existence of National Standard and Firm-specific Standards Product Quality Accreditation:ISO9001 Product Quality:Self_EValuation by Firms Product Safety 7.2 Measures to Manage Product Quality Brand Name Establishment Quality Control Department Quality Inspection 7.3 Factors Affecting Product Quality and Firm Effort in Product Quality Management Competition CSR awareness 7.4 SummaryCHAPTER 8 GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 8.1 Ownership Structure at a Glance 8.2 The Impacts of Gaizhi:Domestic Enterprises with and without Gaizhi 8.3 Management Systems Articles of A ssociation Auditing and Information Disclosure Copmetition CSR awarenes Importance of Each Player Risk Control and Education Levels The General Manager 8.4 Government and Unions ConclusionCHAPTER 9 MARKETS,LEGAL ENVIRONMENT AND CSR 9.1 Market Positions of the Sample Firms 9.2 The supply Chain and CSR Customers and CSR Requirements Sample Firms CSR Requirements on Suppliers 9.3 Commercial Deals and Dispute Settlements Dispute Settlements Firm Behavior in Commercial Deals 9.4 SummaryCHAPTER 10 CSR AND FIRM PERFORMANCE 10.1 CSR Records and Firm Performance 10.2 Supply Chain Requirements and Firm Performance 10.3 Causes Of CSR'S Positive Impacts CSR and External Finance Labor Standards and Human Capital The Porter Hypothesis 10.4 SummaryCHAPTER 11 CSR AND FIRM PERFORMANCE 11.1 Summary of findings Corporate Governance CSR and Financial Performance CSR Awareness Environmental Standards Labor Standards Quality Control The supply Chain and CSR 11.2 Recommendations for the government 11.3 Recommendations for companiesREFERENCES