Social progress lies in exchanges,as does the development of cultures as well as personal friendships.It has been proven through world historical practice that the achievement of cultural prosperity and social progress in the 21“century depends on mutual understanding and exchange. Thanks to the rapid development of transport and communications,mutual exchanges are becoming increasingly frequent day by day, but at the same time new problems have emerged under new circumstances. Human culture can be divided into two levels.The surface level,Or “living culture,”which involves all aspects of survival such as eating, drinking and clothing,has been universally propagated.Through fusion, integration and imitation of each other, living culture has played the role of deepening friendship and enhancing mutual understanding among different peoples.
This is a complete translation of Liu's Commentaries ofHistory (Lu Shi Chun Qiu), an ancient classic compiled in 239 B.C. by Lu Buwei, the Prime Minister of the state of Qin, who collected and arranged the writings of his "house guests" or followers into a book. The writings represented his ideas and aimed to serve as a guide to government for the Qin ruler. Dealing with a wide range of subjects in more than 20(3,000 words, the book is one of the longest of the early Chinese classics and an encyclopedic compendium of early Chinese thought and civilization.
IntroductionPart One Records I. Records of Early Spring Early Spring The Foundation of Life Attaching Importance to Self Attaching Importance to Impartiality Doing Away with Selfishness II. Records of Mid-Spring Mid-Spring Valuing Life Desires Dyeing Properly Fame III. Records of Late Spring Late Spring Completing the Natural Span of Life Beginning with Self Judging a Person The Circular Way ……Part Two ViewsPart Three CommentsNotes
Philistine rulers who did not control their sentiments appropriately perished in rapid succession.Because the desires of meir ears,eyes and mouth could not be satisfied,their bodies sweued,their muscles hardened.their blood circulat.ion was blocked and their nine openings”were depleted and could not function normally.Even if Peng Zu“were alive, he Would have been powerless to save them.With regard to material thines,the philistine rulers always sought after things that could not be obtained and nursed desires that could not be satisfied.In doing so,they totally destroyed the foundation of hfe.caused people to become dissatisfied and complain,and made formidable enemies.They were willful, changeable and constanty wavering;they flaunted their powers,played tricks and were crafty at heart;they were slow in practising virtue and rigteousness and quick in doing evil and seeking selfish gains.Even though they became remorseful when they found themselves in a woeful predicament,it was too late.They were close to the ctafty ones and alienated themselves from those who were upright,and thus brought their countries to a dangerous situation.When they became remorseful of t11eir past mistakes.there was already no way to save them.They became alarmed when they were told about she situation,but still did not know what had caused it.
The book Lus Commentaries of History was compiled by Ln Buwei,the Prime Minister of the state of Qin,near the end of the Warring States Period(475-221 B.C.), a period of chaotic wars between rival states.As the state of Qin was growing increasingly more powerful and had won many victorious battles against other states,it became clear that the whole country was about to be unified under the Qin empire.The purpose of compiling the book was to provide a guide to government for the future Qin ruler.It was a period when the Confucian,Taoist, Moist and Legalist schools of thought prevailed.But instead of following any particular school of thought,Ln adopted what was useful and rejected what was harmful from the various schools of thought. AS the book contains a wealth of political and philosophical ideas as well as writings concerning moral standards, human conduct,cultural undertakings, science, astronomy, calendar-making.medicine, agriculture and other subjects, it provides important materials for the study of the history of that period。 About the translator Born in 1925,Tang Bowen was a senior English editor and translator at the Foreign Languages Press.A graduate of Peking University in Beijing, he studied in England when he was young,Among the dozens of Chinese books he has translated into English are:Selected Works of Zhuang Zi(published by Chinese Literature Press);Mao Zedongs Art of War, Tales About Chinese Emperors,China’S Ethnic Minorities and Confucius(published by Peace Books in Hong Kong);The Summer Palace and Its Backs round Stories, Discovering the Forbidden City Tales of Ming Emperors and Empresses and Chinese Gods of 0 ld Trades(published by Foreign Languages Press);Best Chinese Idioms(published by Hai Feng Publishing Company in Hong Kong);Chinese Pottery and Porcelain (published by Long River Press of the United States),Ancient Chinese Bronzes (published by Oxford University Press);Chinese Persona l Names(published by Federal Publications in Singapore);and (with others)Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting(published by Yale University Press)