《劲雨煦风:唐家璇外交回忆录(英文版)》为唐家璇同志亲笔撰写,以第一人称记述了1998年到2008年他担任外交部长和国务委员期间,亲身经历的一些重大外交事件:中日关系转圜、印尼之行、四赴纽约、中俄黑瞎子岛边界谈判、中国驻南联盟使馆被炸事件、世纪之交拉美行、中越边界和北部湾海洋划界谈判、中美南海撞机事件、步入而立之年的中欧关系、印巴核试验、中非合作论坛北京峰会等。这十年国际形势经历了深刻复杂的变化,国际政治、经济格局出现重大调整,中国与世界的关系发生了历史性的转变,中国外交有许多值得记录和书写的历史。 《劲雨煦风:唐家璇外交回忆录(英文版)》为中国外交工作提供了有益的借鉴和参考,对进一步宣示中国独立自主的和平外交政策,展示中国政府维护祖国和人民利益不懈努力的良好形象,增强全社会的凝聚力和向心力具有重要意义。
Tang Jiaxuan was born in Shanghai in 1938. He graduated from
the Depart-ment of Foreign Languages, Fudan Uni-versity, and then
the Department of Oriental Languages, Peking University.He served
as Minister of Foreign Affairs and State Councilor, and is now
Chair of the Chinese Side of the China-Japan Friendship Committee
for the 21st Cen-tury, Honorary Advisor to the China-Japan
Friendship Association, Senior Advisor to the Chinese People's
Institute of Foreign Affairs, Honorary President of the Translators
Association of China,Honorary Advisor to the China-United States
Exchanges Foundation and Advi-sor to the China Center for
International Economic Exchanges.
Foreword by Yang Jiechi
The Tortuous Road of Sino-Japanese Relations
The New Foreign Minister's First Overseas Visit:
Four Trips to New York in Four Weeks:
Diplomatic Struggles Before the Iraq War of 2003
Sino-Russian Negotiations over Heixiazi Island
Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia
Visit to Latin America in the New Millerinium
Land Boundary and Marine Delimitation:
Negotiations with Vietnam
The China-US South China Sea Air Collision Incident
The Maturing of China-EU Relations
The Nuclear Tests by India and Pakistan
The Beijing Summit of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum.
版权页: 插图: According tohim, the problem lay not in allowing the UN inspectors more time, butin how much more the Security Council would tolerate Iraq. In the lightof Iraq's invasion of other countries in the past, its attempt to controlthe whole of the Middle East, and its determination to keep and developWMD, the United States would not and could not let Saddam Husseinkeep and use WMD at the risk of world security. Mr. Powell finally said that Resolution 1441 had given Iraq one lastchance. However, the inspections of the last two months had proven thatIraq had no intention of seizing this chance, but continued to breach itsobligations under the Security Council resolutions. In this situation, theSecurity Council must not shrink from its responsibilities. Mr. Powell's statement actually kicked off a new round of diplomaticinitiatives and media support for America's eventual declaration of war on Iraq. The United States did indeed present new things at this meeting,and to some extent, these gave the impression that Iraq was holdingand concealing WMD. However, later facts proved that the so-calledinformation and evidence were faulty, and Mr. Powell's presentation at theSecurity Council became his Waterloo. In September 2005, retired Secretary of State Colin Powell publiclyadmitted, in an interview given to American ABC TV, that his presentationat the Security Council was inaccurate. Describing it as "a blot" on hisrecord, he said, "It's painful for me." After Powell's presentation, foreign ministers from other participatingnations began to deliver speeches. The order of speaking had beendecided by drawing lots, and I was the first to speak. I made five points in my speech. First, I noted that foreign ministersfrom a majority of the Security Council member states were present,which indicated that all parties valued the authority and function of theSecurity Council and supported the political settlement of the Iraq issueunder the UN framework.