本书讨论了信号与系统的基本理论和基本分析方法及其应用,从输入输出描述到状态描述,从连续到离散,从时域到变换域,共包括十一章的内容。第一章至第七章,是信号与系统的基本内容,分别讨论了时域中信号与系统各种的特性以及连续和离散时间系统的各种模型;从频域的观点分析了信号与系统,讨论了离散时间傅里叶变换(DTFT)和离散傅里叶变换(DFT),系统的傅里叶分析,拉普拉斯变换,z变换和线性时不变系统的传输函数表示法等内容;从第八章开始讨论扩展内容,包括利用传输函数表示法对线性时不变连续时间系统进行了分析,将传输函数思想用于控制问题;将拉普拉斯和z-变换的思想用于数字滤波器和控制器的设计;对线性时不变连续时间和离散时间系统进行状态描述的基本理论。另外,本书还给出了大量的MATLAB软件仿真实例,提供了MATLAB实用程序及网上在线演示。 本书可作为电类各专业信号与系统课程的教材或参考书,也可供工程技术人员参考。
CHAPTER 1 Fundamental Concepts 1.1 Continuous-Time Signals 1.2 Discrete-Time Signals 1.3 Systems 1.4 Examples of Systems 1.5 Basic System Properties ProblemsCHAPTER 2 Time-Domain Models of Systems 2.1 Input/Output Representation of Discrete-Time Systems 2.2 Convolution of Discrete-Time Signals 2.3 Difference Equation Models 2.4 Differential Equation Models 2.5 Solution of Differential Equations 2.6 Convolution Representation of Continuous-Time Systems ProblemsCHAPTER 3 The Fourier Series and Fourier Transform 3.1 Representation of Signals in Terms of Frequency Components 3.2 Trigonometric Fourier Series 3.3 Complex Exponential Series 3.4 Fourier Transform 3.5 Spectral Content of Common Signals 3.6 Properties of the Fourier Transform 3.7 Generalized Fourier Transform 3.8 Application to Signal Modulation and Demodulation ProblemsCHAPTER 4 Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals 4.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 4.2 Discrete Fourier Transform 4.3 DFT of Truncated Signals 4.4 FFT Algorithm 4.5 Application to Data Analysis ProblemsCHAPTER 5 Fourier Analysis of Systems 5.1 Fourier Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems 5.2 Response to Periodic and Nonperiodic Inputs 5.3 Analysis of Ideal Filters 5.4 Sampling 5.5 Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems 5.6 Application to Lowpass Digital Filtering ProblemsCHAPTER 6 The Laplace Transform and the Transfer Function Representation 6.1 Laplace Transform of a Signal 6.2 Properties of the Laplace Transform 6.3 Computation of the Inverse Laplace Transform 6.4 Transform of the Input/Output Differential Equation 6.5 Transform of the Input/Output Convolution Integral 6.6 Direct Construction of the Transfer Function ProblemsCHAPTER 7 The z-Transform and Discrete-Time Systems 7.1 z-Transform of a Discrete-Time Signal 7.2 Properties of the z-Transform 7.3 Computation of the Inverse z-Transform 7.4 Transfer Function Representation 7.5 System Analysis Using the Transfer Function Representation ProblemsCHAPTER 8 Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems by Use of the Transfer Funcion RepresentationCHAPTER 9 Application to ControlCHAPTER 10 Design of Digital Filters and ControllersCHAPTER 11 State RepresentationAppendix A Briet Review of Cottnplex VariablesAppendix B Brief Review of MatricesBibliographyIndex