宋建桐,朱春红 主编
近年来,汽车技术的发展日新月异,我国汽车行业也发展迅速,亟需大批熟悉外国汽车技术特点、能够熟练阅读英文技术资料、掌握扎实的专业英语知识的应用型人才。本书旨在向读者介绍汽车的新结构与新技术,使读者了解当今汽车领域发展的前沿技术和最新动态,力争在帮助读者提高汽车专业英语知识水平的同时,提高读者对英语文献资料的翻译和阅读能力,同时提高读者对英语的听、说、读、写能力。 本书共分20单元,内容涵盖汽车发动机、底盘以及相关的新技术等。每个单元包括课文、生词及专业词汇解析、长难句解析、课后练习题和课文的中文翻译等内容。为了便于学生查阅、学习,书后还附有汽车专业常用的词汇和术语的中英文对照表。 本书由长期从事高职高专汽车专业教学的教师与专业英语教师共同编写,对专业知识与英语知识两手抓。本书在编写过程中参阅了大量外文原著资料和外文网站内容,力图为读者呈现出原汁原味的英语语言表达和专业术语运用,同时我们在课文中插入大量图片,力求图文并茂,帮助读者更清晰明了地学习和掌握知识。 本书由宋建桐、朱春红担任主编,方芳、张贺达、任小龙担任副主编。其中宋建桐编写了Chapter 3、Chapter 4、Chapter 6、Chapter 11、Chapter 12、Chapter 14、Chapter 19、Chapter 20,朱春红编写了Chapter 2、Chapter 5、Chapter 7~Chapter 10,张贺达编写了Chapter 1、Chapter 13、Chapter 15~Chapter 18,方芳负责核对每篇英文课文的语法、时态,并编制课后注释,任小龙负责编制词汇、术语表。
本书内容涵盖汽车发动机、底盘以及相关的新技术等,共分20个单元,每个单元包括课文、生词及专业词汇解析、长难句解析、课后练习题、课文的中文译文等内容。本书针对最新技术,甄选技术资料,力争在帮助学生提高汽车专业英语知识水平的同时,提高学生对英语文献资料的翻译和阅读能力,同时提高学生对英文的听、说、读、写能力。为了便于学生查阅、学习,书后还附有汽车专业常用的词汇和术语的中英文对照表。 本书可作为高职高专院校、成人高等院校及本科院校高职教育的汽车专业英语教材,也可供汽车生产及营销企业、汽车运输企业的从业者及相关技术人员学习、参考。
chapter 1 automotive historical background chapter 2 introduction to engines chapter 3 the basic engine chapter 4 engine systems chapter 5 four-stroke gasoline engine chapter 6 electrical and electronic systems chapter 7 variable valve timing chapter 8 electronic fuel injection chapter 9 electronic ignition systems chapter 10 emission control systems chapter 11 drivetrain chapter 12 automatic transmission chapter 13 four-wheel drives chapter 14 running system chapter 15 active suspensions chapter 16 wheel alignment chapter 17 antilock brake chapter 18 automatic traction control chapter 19 heating and air-conditioning systems chapter 20 hybrid electric vehicles glossary
The starting system is responsible for getting the engine started (Figure 6-2). When the ignitionkey is turned to the start position, a small amount of current from the battery flows to a solenoid orrelay. This activates the solenoid or relay and closes another electrical circuit that allows full batteryvoltage to reach the starter motor. The starter motor then rotates the flywheel mounted on the rear of the crankshaft. As the crankshaft turns, the pistons move through their strokes. At the correct time for each cylinder, the ignition system provides the spark to ignite the air-fuel mixture. If goodcombustion takes place, the engine will now rotate on its own without the need of the starter motor.The ignition key is now allowed to return to the "on" position. From this point on, the engiiae willcontinue to run until the ignition key is turned off. The electrical power for the engine and the rest of the car comes from the cars battery. The battery is especially important for the operation of the starting system. While the starter is rotating the crankshaft, it uses a lot of electricity. This tends to lower the amount of power in the battery. Therefore, a system is needed to recharge the battery so that engine starts can be made in the future.