钱永梅,庞平 主编
专业英语是根据大学英语教学大纲的要求设置的基础英语的后续课程。目的是通过专业英语课程的学习,培养学生阅读和翻译英文专业书刊的能力,掌握阅读翻译专业文献资料的质量和速度,熟悉科技论文写作的基本知识,为扩大专业词汇量以及今后学习工作中获取专业信息、掌握学科发展动态、参加国际间学术交流等奠定良好的基础。 编者结合在建筑工程专业英语教学实践中的经验和体会,融合建筑行业的发展状况,专门为高等院校土木工程专业(建筑工程方向)学生学习专业英语编写而成本书。本书亦可供广大从事建筑工程专业、工程管理专业工作,并具备一定英语基础的工程技术人员及自学者学习使用。 新编教材共分四个部分。第一部分为基础知识,包括三个单元:第一单元,主要介绍专业英语的基本特点;第二单元,专业英语的翻译,阐述专业英语的翻译方法和技巧;第三单元,科技论文的写作,介绍科技英语的基本体例和写作基本知识。第二部分为工程方面英文文献的选编。结合专业英语专业性比较强的特点,本部分集中选编了建筑工程方面的英文文献16篇,涉及基本知识、力学、材料学、建筑组成、结构形式、设计原理、结构性能、建筑施工、计算机辅助设计、工程合同等建筑工程专业各个方面的内容。第三部分为阅读材料,为了给读者进一步学习有关专业英语知识提供方便,进一步扩大本书的知识覆盖面,本书又选编了15篇阅读材料作为辅助材料。第四部分为词汇表,除了汇总了选编的英文文献中的生词和主要专业词汇外,还汇编了最新建筑工程相关规范中的专业术语词汇表,使学习者能准确掌握专业词汇的标准英文表达。 本教材英文文献选材针对性较强,选材广泛,难度适中,结合了学生专业知识学习的特点。同时,为了便于英语学习者使用,本书最后附录还包括了专业英语常用词缀、常用数学符号的文字表达、土木工程中常用的度量衡和单位换算等内容。 本书由吉林建筑工程学院土木工程系钱永梅、庞平主编,王若竹、付秀华副主编,金玉杰、田伟、张文宝参编。全书由雷国光教授主审。本书在编写过程中得到哈尔滨工业大学邹超英教授和吉林建筑工程学院钟春玲老师的帮助,并参考了有关文献的部分资料,在此一并表示感谢!由于作者水平有限,书中难免存在疏漏和不足之处,恳请广大读者和同行、专家批评指正。
本书是《土木工程专业英语(建筑工程方向)》的修订版。在第一版的基础上,编者结合建筑工程专业英语的经验和体会编写成本书。本书由浅入深地介绍了专业英语的基础知识、翻译和写作方法,并选编了部分英文文献,训练了读者的阅读能力和技巧。为了便于读者检索和学习,本书还在书后整理出了词汇表和专业英语常用词缀、常用数学符号的文字表达、土木工程中常用的度量衡和单位换算,增加了实用性。 本书为高等院校土木工程专业(建筑工程方向)学生学习专业英语而编写,也可作为广大从事建筑工程专业、工程管理专业工作,并具备一定英语基础的工程技术人员及自学者的参考资料。
PartⅠ The Basic Knowledge Unit 1 The Basic Characters of English for Special Purpose 1.1 The Characters of Language语言特点 1.2 The Characters of Grammar语法特点 1.3 The Characters of Words and Expressions词汇特点 1.4 The characters of Structure结构特点 Unit 2 The Translation of English for Special Purpose 2.1 Introduction引言 2.2 Contrast between English and Chinese英汉语言对比 2.3 Selecting and Extending the Meaning of a Word词义选择及引申 2.4 Method of Changing the Syntactical Func tions词性的转换译法 2.5 Methods of Adding and Omitting增译和省译法 2.6 Translation of Special Sentence Pattern特殊句型的翻译 2.7 Translation of Long Sentence长句的翻译 2.8 Translation of Subordinate Clause从句的翻译 2.9 Translation about Quantity有关数量的翻译 Unit 3 Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers 3.1 Stylistic Rules of Papers论文体例 3.2 Title and Sign标题与署名 3.3 Abstract摘要 3.4 Writing and Organizing of the Main Text正文的组织与写作PartⅡ Collection of English Literatures about Engineerings Unit 1 Careers in Civil Engineering Unit 2 Modern Buildings and Structural Materials Unit 3 Building Types and Design Unit 4 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials Unit 5 Loads Unit 6 Subsoils and Foundations Unit 7 Philosophy of Structural Design Unit 8 Safety Concepts Unit 9 Design Criteria for Tall Building Unit 10 Durability at Concrete Structures Unit 11 Prestressed Concrete Unit 12 Structure Steel Unit 13 Earthquake Prediction and Effect of Earthquake on Structures Unit 14 Computer?Aided Drafting and Design Unit 15 Construction Engineering Unit 16 Civil Engineering ContractsPartⅢ The Reading Materials Unit 1 Components of A Building Unit 2 Building Materials Unit 3 Special Concrete Unit 4 The Procedures of Structural Design Unit 5 Reinforced Concrete Columns in a Frame Unit 6 Structural Reliability Unit 7 Bond of Prestressing Tendons Unit 8 Cable Structure Unit 9 Yield Line Theory of Slabs Unit 10 Concrete Operations Unit 11 Future Trends in Construction Unit 12 Scheduling and Control of Construction Unit 13 Contractors′ Management Game Unit 14 The Construction Process May Be Automated In the Future Unit 15 FIDIC Tendering ProcedurePartⅣ Words and Phrases Unit 1 Words and Phrases of Literatures Unit 2 Words and Phrases of Engineering Codes 2.1 荷载 2.2 地基基础 2.3 木结构 2.4 混凝土结构 2.5 钢结构 2.6 砌体结构 2.7 高层建筑 2.8 结构抗震 2.9 建筑施工 2.10 地基处理 2.11 地基基础及防水施工 2.12 地面、屋面及装饰装修施工AppendixAppendix Ⅰ 专业英语常用词缀Appendix Ⅱ 常用数学符号的文字表达Appendix Ⅲ 土木工程中常用的度量衡和单位换算References
1. Environmental Planning Consideration. In any environment the addition of a tallbuilding will certainly influence the operation of the traffic system, as well as the flow ofpeople in the entire neighborhood. Therefore, a tall building project must be resolved interms of pedestrian, auto and other traffic, and also resolve the overall need for space atthe ground level. While an open plaza may be a viable solution under certain climatic andplanning conditions, it may not be a reasonable solution where weather conditions are ex-treme either for winter or for summer. In such cases alternate to open plazas must be con-sidered as a pan of the total solution, and the structural system must respond to it. 2. The Overall Proportions of the Tower. The relationship of the building to the sur-rounding environment and other existing buildings and plazas may dictate the proportions ofthe tower itself. It is, of course, obvious that a flat narrow tower will have a higherheight-to-width ratio, which normally would mean more lateral sway. The increase inheight-to-width ratio will generally mean increase in premium for height caused by addition-al material required to reduce lateral sway, as well as to increase resistance to overturning.Therefore, where slender buildings is an important requirement it is essential to find alter-nate structural solutions of higher efficiency even though such a system may increase fabri-cation and construction costs relative to more standard forms of construction. 3. Permissible Floor Area Ratio. The construction of buildings in the city area is gen-erally controlled by zoning. Zoning; in most cases, unfortunately, is the product of politi-cal and economic consideration. Zoning would normally allow a maximum number of squarefeet that can be built at any given site. In dense urban centers this becomes a critical con-sideration, particularly because in terms of high land cost the more area that can be built ona given piece of land, the more the potential for economic return. Under the free enterprisesystem, therefore, there is every reason to believe that investors would like to build the fillallowable floor area ratio, which will then mean a taller building than otherwise consideredconsistent with the environment. Here again, the challenge to the architects and engineersis to provide viable alternatives using different structural systems from which a more ra-tional and a more satisfying solution can be chosen. 4. Inner Space Criteria. Only a few years back, column spacing of 20ft. was acceptedas a structural limitation that could not be overcome. Newer structural systems have giventhe architect and developers the choice to create larger column free spaces in the office, aswell as residential buildings. In the office buildings for instance, 35 ft. clear spacing is nownormally considered the minimum and most developers would not mind if they can get a 60ft. clear span between the core and the exterior walls. It is this kind of design considera-tion that has led to the development of a number of structural systems which do not requireany column in the space between the core and the exterior walls. For apartments and hotelbuildings the reverse is normally the case, that is, the maximum distance from the corridorto the outer wall does not normally exceed 30 ft.
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