克里斯汀·史蒂西 编
在热衷于浩大声势和徒有其表的时代,还原本质的、不虚张声势的建筑以其极为纯朴的设计风格抚慰着人们的心灵。DETAlL建筑细部系列丛书的这本新书阐述了简单建筑的范围和复杂性,从功能和经济要求到生态及能源方面,再及设计与建造的必要条件。 开篇介绍性的论文主要说明了这一课题将继续面临的挑战.而后面的工程案例则清晰地显示出,简单建筑事实上能生产出独特而具有创新风格的建筑产品。这些来自世界各地的广泛案例按照其主要建筑材料分类编排,记录了简洁中的多样性。在这些具有明确建筑概念的案例中,分别简单介绍了建筑细部的处理和一些实用技巧,从简单的木桥到住宅楼、工厂和仓库。均一的大比例平面和细部线图更加便于人们比较建筑的构造质量。 DETAIL建筑细部系列丛书的《简单建筑》一书在当今众多的建筑可行性中对人们提出了一种挑战:将建筑想象为一个创作过程.公平对待材料的性质和质量.并具体通过项目的资金和资源使“简单”的潜力得以显现。
Christian Schittich (editor),Born 1956 studied architecture at the University of Technology, Munichfollowed by seven years office experience and work as author;from 1991 editorial board of DETAIL, Review of Architecturefrom 1992 responsible editor, from 1998 editor-in-chief;author and editor of numerous textbooks and articles. Florian Musso,Born 1956 studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Virginia;from 1984 to 1989 technical assistant at the Federal Institute of Technology,Lausanne, the Rhine-Westphalia University of Technology, Aachen and theFederal Institute of Technology, Zurich;from 1989 partnership with Claudine Lorenz in Sion, Switzerland and Munich;1990 to 2000 lecturer for building construction at the University of AppliedSciences Fribourg, Switzerland;1998 to 2002 guest professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia;from 2002 professor for design, construction and material science at the Universityof Technology, Munich. Christoph Affentranger,Born 1965 studied architecture at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich and at theUniversity of Technology, Helsinki;from 1991 own practice; 1996 guest researcher at the University of Architecture, Oslo;intensive contact with Scandinavian architecture and the theories of timberconstruction; numerous lectures, textbooks and publications on both subjects. Martin Rauch,Born 1958studied at the Technical College for Ceramics and Kiln Engineering, Stoob, Austria;studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, specialising in ceramics;from 1984 independently active in the fields of ceramics and adobe constructiontechniques; 1999 foundation of the Loam Clay Earth Architecture GmbH in Schlins;realization of innovative adobe clay construction projects in Austria, Italy, Switzer-land and Germany. Stefan Schafer,Born 1963 studied architecture in Kaiserslautern and Stuttgart; worked as an architect in theRenzo Piano Building Workshop in Genoa until 1994; from 1994 free-lance architectin Stuttgart; 1995 to 1998 technical assistant at the Institute for LightweightStructures and Conceptual Design in Stuttgart under Werner Sobek;from 1998 professor at the University of Technology, Darmstadt specialising instructural design and building construction;from 2000 own practice Architekten.3P in Stuttgart.
简单建筑 极简主义倾向在建筑发展过程中总是会周期性地重复出现,随之而来的是简单建筑外形的回归。在今天这个多元化的时代背景下,许多相互冲突、甚至是相对立的建筑思想都呈现共存状态。无论是弗兰克?盖里和扎哈?哈迪德的变幻莫测的雕塑建筑,或是那些难以名状的仿生建筑,都与看似有些落伍的简单建筑势不两立,后者的外形怎么看都是简单的盒子。与此同时,在森帕的具有争议的“服装理论”支持下,装饰装修也被重新挖掘出来,并被赋予了新的含义。 同一位建筑师的作品往往也具有不同的、甚至相反的设计风格.比如有的是简约风格,而有的是装饰风格。甚至,同一座建筑具有两种风格。那些“有装饰的盒子”就是此类建筑的代表。最为典型的案例无疑就是赫尔佐格&德梅隆设计的埃伯斯瓦尔德的林学图书馆了,其建筑的外立面完全由摄影作品覆盖。但这到底是对充斥着彩色图像、令人刺目的世界的回应,还是对寻求感官刺激的泛滥的一种反映?这也正引发了极简主义思潮。抑或是对日益复杂的世界的一种解答?但其更深一层的关系无法再被人们认知。