

刘春廷,马继 主编 化学工业出版社





刘春廷,马继 主编  




本书是根据教育部最新颁布的课程教学基本要求和课程改革的精神编写的,以英文为表达形式,在内容和形式上有较大的更新,为材料性能学课程开展双语教学提供适用教材。 全书共十章,以工程材料的强度—硬度—塑性—韧性力学性能为主线,前七章详细阐述金属材料的力学性能,后三章分别阐述高分子材料、陶瓷材料和复合材料的力学性能,重点阐述工程材料在静载荷、冲击载荷和交变载荷及在环境介质(高温和腐蚀条件)作用下的力学性能,并从断裂力学的角度出发,重点阐述工程材料的抗断裂性能等。本书以阐述宏观规律为主,将宏观规律与微观机理相结合,同时强调理论与实际相联系。 本书作为机械类和材料类学生的专业基础课程材料性能学的教学用书,适用于48~64学时教学,主要面向机械类和材料类专本科学生,也可供近机类和近材料类专业选用,还可供有关工程技术人员学习参考。


Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Mechanical Properties of Metals 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Concepts Of Stress And Strain 2.3 Stress-Strain Behavior  2.4 Anelasticity (or Viscoelasticity)  2.5 Elastic Properties of Materials  2.6 Tensile Properties   2.6.1 Yield Strength   2.6.2 Tensile Strength   2.6.3 Ductility   2.6.4 Toughness   2.6.5 Resilience  2.7 True Stress And Strain  2.8 Elastic Recovery After Plastic Deformation  2.9 Compressive, Shear, And Torsion Deformation  2.10 Hardness   2.10.1 Brinell Hardness Tests   2.10.2 Rockwell Hardness Tests   2.10.3 Knoop and Vickers Microindentation Hardness Tests   2.10.4 Correlation Between Hardness and Tensile Strength  SUMMARY  IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONCEPTS  REFERENCES  QUESTIONS AND PROBLEM Chapter 3 Micro-fracture of metals  3.1 Introduction   3.1.1 Ductile fracture   3.1.2 Brittle fracture  3.2 Process of fracture   3.2.1 Crack Nucleation   3.2.2 Ductile Fracture   3.2.3 Brittle fracture  SUMMARY  IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONCEPTS  REFERENCES  QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS Chapter 4 Principles of Fracture Mechanics  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Theoretical Cleavage Strength  4.3 Stress Concentration   4.3.1 Stress Concentrations   4.3.2 Stress Concentration Factor  4.4 Griffith Criterion of Fracture  4.5 Fracture Toughness   4.5.1 Hypotheses of LEFM   4.5.2 Crack-Tip Separation Modes   4.5.3 Stress Field in an Isotropic Material in the Vicinity of a Crack Tip   4.5.4 Details of the Crack-Tip Stress Field in Mode I   4.5.5 Plastic-Zone Size Correction  4.6 Fracture Toughness Parameters   4.6.1 Crack Extension Force G   4.6.2 Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD)   4.6.3 J Integral   4.6.4 R Curve   4.6.5 Relationships among Different Fracture Toughness Parameters  4.7 Impact Fracture   4.7.1 Impact Testing Techniques   4.7.2 Ductile-to-Brittle Transition  SUMMARY  IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONCEPTS  REFERENCES  QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS Chapter 5 Fatigue of metals  5.1 Introduction  5.2 Cyclic Stresses  5.3 The S-N Curve  5.4 Crack Initiation and Propagation  5.5 Factors That Affect Fatigue Life   5.5.1 Mean Stress   5.5.2 Surface Effects   5.5.3 Design Factors   5.5.4 Surface Treatments  5.6 Environmental Effects  SUMMARY  IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONCEPTS  REFERENCES  QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS Chapter 6 Creep of metals Chapter 7 Corrosion and Degradation of Metals Chapter 8 Mechanical properties of ceramics Chapter 9 Mechanical properties of PolymersChapter 10 Mechanical properties of Composite Materials




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