李凤霞 编
随着我国大学英语教学改革的不断深入,艺术院校的英语教学也面临新的挑战。如何结合艺术院校的专业特点进行英语语言教学,培养综合素质高的专业人才,是摆在我们面前的亟需解决的问题,而编写与艺术专业知识相结合的新型教材不失为一种新的尝试。 《艺术英语阅读教程》是由在艺术院校多年从事英语教学的教师们编写而成。本教程编者在编写过程中,以教育部高教司颁发的《大学英语教学基本要求》为指导,在广泛调研的基础上,遵循发展性和拓展性原则,注重选材的科学性、趣味性和开放性,选材内容广泛。本书的特点是以英语语言为引导,结合艺术知识和文化,让学生通过阅读学习获取大量的与专业相关的信息和知识,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,同时提高学生的英语综合应用能力,为他们在今后的学习和工作中能有效地以英语为工具进行本专业的研究和学术交流打下良好的基础。本书的适用对象是艺术院校和综合性大学艺术专业的学生以及对英语感兴趣的广大的艺术爱好者。 本教程共分二十个单元,每个单元由两篇难易程度接近、题材相关的文章组成,其中每篇文章的编排设计如下: 1.中文相关背景简介和关键词。 2.英文正文。选材内容广泛,涉及艺术领域的多个方面,包括绘画、书法、摄影、影视、装饰、装潢、建筑景观、服装设计、妆扮艺术及手工艺制作等相关学科和专业的内容,并配有与主题相关的插图,精美新颖。文后注明正文字数及阅读速度自测公式。 3.文后注解。详细注解所选文章和图片的来源及相关信息。
《艺术英语阅读教程》共分二十个单元,每个单元由两篇难易程度接近、题材相关的文章组成,其中每篇文章的编排设计如下:中文相关背景简介和关键词。英文正文。选材内容广泛,涉及艺术领域的多个方面,包括绘画、书法、摄影、影视、装饰、装潢、建筑景观、服装设计、妆扮艺术及手工艺制作等相关学科和专业的内容,并配有与主题相关的插图,精美新颖。文后注明正文字数及阅读速度自测公式。 文后注解。详细注解所选文章和图片的来源及相关信息。
Unit 1Passage A Chinese PaintingPassage B Xu Beihong,Pioneer of Contemporary Realistic PaintingUnit 2Passage A Leave Something for the ImaginationPassage B Rhythmic Vitality:the Highest Ideal of Chinese ArtUnit 3Passage A PapercutsPassage B Nineteenth-Century American Folk ArtUnit 4Passage A Manifestation of Prehistoric Residents Artistic Talent Painted PotteryPassage B Chinese Brush PaintingUnit 5Passage A Silk HandicraftPassage B Ethical AestheticsUnit 6Passage A The PyramidsPassage B ColosseumUnit 7Passage A Stained GlassPassage B The Flower ClockUnit 8Passage A Art TheftPassage B Leonardo da VinciUnit 9Passage A Design HistoryPassage B Claude Monets Impression SunriseUnit 10Passage A FashionPassage B Modern ArtUnit 11Passage A Kira PlastininaPassage B Classical ChanelUnit 12Passage A Wearing History——Chinese Dress Since 1949Passage B 3D Takes OffUnit 13Passage A Orientalism:Visions of the East in Western DressPassage B Primary Considerations about Our HouseUnit 14Passage A Interior Design IdeasPassage B Psychological Need:A Factor Causing the Green Revolu- tionlOlUnit 15Passage A Design Icon:Coca-ColaPassage B AdvertisementsUnit 16Passage A Design DefinedPassage B Design Definedcontinued1Unit 17Passage A The Human Body——Source of DesignPassage B The Human Body——Source of DesigncontinuedUnit 18Passage A Street PhotographyPassage B Philosophical Thinking in the Classic Presentation of Pho-tographyUnit 19Passage A Photography and ArtPassage B Did You Ever Wonder Who Designed the Current American Flag?Unit 20Passage A Transformers ReviewPassage B The Future of the Cartoon Feature FilmAppendix Ⅰ Glossary [1]Appendix Ⅱ Glossary [2]Appendix Ⅲ Answers
Bamboos cover a wine-shop by the bridge. Many competitors tried to concentrate on the wine-shop as the center of the picture.There was one man,however,who painted on一‘Y a bridgea bamboo grove by its side,and hidden in that grove,on-ly a shop-sign bearing the character“wine”but no wine-shop at ail.And this picture won because the wine-shop was hidden in the imagination. Another subject given was a line from Wei Ingwu’s poem: At the deserted ferry,a boat drifts across by its 1f. The poet had already used the method of suggestion in conveying the atmosphere of silence and desolation by showing that the boat.1eft alone’drifted across by the force of the current,but the painter camed the method of suggestion further.The winning picture was one which conveyed this feeling of silence and desolation by drang a brd resting on the boat,and another one about tO perch 0n it.The presence of the birds near the boat suggests that the boat Wfls desert-ed and no human beings were about.