

张秀苹//布占廷|主编:何莘莘 山东人民









  近年来,英语专业考研竞争日趋激烈。考研专业课非常关键,而英美文化是很多高校必考的重要内容。另一方面,国内英美文化方面的教材虽然众多,但是其中多是内容的讲解,缺少具有针对性的练习。所以说,考生急需一本内容全面、高度概括、重点突出的备考书。本书是《丛书》中的一种,专门为英语专业考研学生设计。在本书的策划和编写过程中,我们认真研究了国内各大学英语专业选用的相关教材,以及国内重点大学英语专业硕士研究生入学考试英语国家文化有关的试题。  本书主要有以下特色:  1.内容全面,系统权威。本书主要参考的教材为朱永涛等编著的《英语国家社会与文化入门》,其发行面广,涉及的内容比较系统全面。另外还参考了多种同类教材。本书第一部分介绍英国,第二部分介绍美国。每个国家分别主要涉及国家简介、政体、教育、经济、文学、外交等。第三部分为附录,收录美国历任总统、美国50个州、英国历任首相、历史大事年表等知识以拓展学生的知识面。  2.重点突出,条理清晰。每个章节首先给出“要点图解”,呈现本章的知识体系,梳理重要概念,其次进行“要点详解”,将知识进行条理化概括总结,再给出“名词解释”,解读关键词的文化内涵,接下来精选“模拟练习”,编选国内数十所重点高校“考研真题”,并配以答案解析。  3.高度概括,图文并茂。每个章节用较小的篇幅对所涉及的核心知识点进行了高度的概括和系统梳理,涵盖了练习部分以及考研真题的全部要点。相信通过本书的学习和练习,考生可以进一步牢固地掌握英美文化知识。同时,结合知识点和关键词,我们附上具有代表性的图片四十多张,带给您全新的学习体验,同时可以增加感性认识,加深理解。  本书的编者均为高校的优秀一线教师,有着多年教授英语国家文化的经验。在总结多年教学与研究的基础上,配以图表、中英文注释、插图等有效方式,系统全面、重点突出、脉络清晰、浅显易懂地概括了英美文化的知识要点。在此基础上,每个章节精选模拟练习一套,主要有多项选择、填空、名词解释、简短回答问题以及话题讨论等。  本书既适用于英语专业考研学生,也适用于各类大专院校英语专业一二年级英美概况结业考试的学生和备考英语专业八级人文知识部分的学生,以及有一定英语基础并对英美文化感兴趣的读者,希望本书会对读者的备考和学习有所帮助。  本书由于时间仓促,编者水平有限,纰漏之处在所难免,敬请批评指正。


  内容全面,系统权威。《英语专业硕士研究生入学考试:英美文化辅导全书(最新版)》主要参考的教材为朱永涛等编著的《英语国家社会与文化入门》,其发行面广,涉及的内容比较系统全面。另外还参考了多种同类教材。《英语专业硕士研究生入学考试:英美文化辅导全书(最新版)》第一部分介绍英国,第二部分介绍美国。每个国家分别主要涉及国家简介、政体、教育、经济、文学、外交等。第三部分为附录,收录美国历任总统、美国50个州、英国历任首相、历史大事年表等知识以拓展学生的知识面。  重点突出,条理清晰。每个章节首先给出“要点图解”,呈现本章的知识体系,梳理重要概念,其次进行“要点详解”,将知识进行条理化概括总结,再给出“名词解释”,解读关键词的文化内涵,接下来精选“模拟练习”,编选国内数十所重点高校“考研真题”,并配以答案解析。  高度概括,图文并茂。每个章节用较小的篇幅对所涉及的核心知识点进行了高度的概括和系统梳理,涵盖了练习部分以及考研真题的全部要点。相信通过《英语专业硕士研究生入学考试:英美文化辅导全书(最新版)》的学习和练习,考生可以进一步牢固地掌握英美文化知识。同时,结合知识点和关键词,我们附上具有代表性的图片四十多张,带给您全新的学习体验,同时可以增加感性认识,加深理解。  《英语专业硕士研究生入学考试:英美文化辅导全书(最新版)》的编者均为高校的优秀一线教师,有着多年教授英语国家文化的经验。在总结多年教学与研究的基础上,配以图表、中英文注释、插图等有效方式,系统全面、重点突出、脉络清晰、浅显易懂地概括了英美文化的知识要点。在此基础上,每个章节精选模拟练习一套,主要有多项选择、填空、名词解释、简短回答问题以及话题讨论等。


前言Part One The United KingdomChapter 1 An Introduction to theUnited Kingdom·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 2 British Government·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 3 Politics,Class and Race·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析Chapter 4 British Economy·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 5 British Literature·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 6 British Education System·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 7 British Foreign Relations·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·参考答案·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 8 British Media·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 9 Sports,Holidays and Festivalsin the United Kingdom·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Part Two The United States of AmericaChapter 1 An Introduction to the United States·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 2 The Political System in the United States·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 3 American Economy·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 4 Religion in the United States·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 5 American Literature·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 6 Education System in the United States·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 7 Social Movements of the 1960s·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 8 Social Problems in the United States·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 9 Technology in the United States·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 10 P0st.WWH American Foreign Policy·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter II Sports and Scenic Spots in America·要点图解·要点详解·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Chapter 12 Early American Jazz·要点图解·要点详解·名词解释·模拟练习·答案解析·考研真题·参考答案Appendix Ⅰ1.A List of British Kings2.A List of Prime Ministers of the UK3.Outstanding Events in British HistoryAppendix Ⅱ1.A List of Presidents of the UnitedStates2.A List of the Fifty States of the United States3.Outstanding Events in American History参考文献


  They are called roundheads because the men defied popular fashion and wore theirhair cut very short. Led by Oliver Cromwell ,#they defeated royalists in 1642, and executed the kingin 1649.4. Civil War: Caused by a dispute over the power of the king against Parliament, the civil warbroke out in the 17th century. The Republican Roundheads,led by Oliver Cromwell ,wanted toabolish the monarchy and to reassert the rights of the Parliament. In 1642, the royalists weredefeated and the king Charles I,were executed in 1649.5. Ma Carta:This is a Medieval Latin name meaning Great Charter. In 1215, King John wasforced by a group of feudal barons and the church to grant them a charter of liberty and politicalfights. Magna Carta placed some limits on the king s ability to abuse his royal power. This is stillregarded as an expression of the rights of citizens against the Crown.6. The Great Council:In medieval times, this referred to a gathering of leading, wealthy barons who were summoned several times a year to give the king some extra money. By the 13thcentury ,representatives of counties, cities and towns were also included in order to raise moremoney for the kings projects. This is the beginning of what we know as Parliament today.7. The Bill of Rights of 1689: In 1688 ,King James Hs daughter Mary and her husband Williamwere invited by the politicians and church authorities to take the throne, on condition that theywould respect the rights of Parliament. The Bill of Rights was passed in 1689 to ensure that theKing would never be able to ignore Parliament.8. The House of Lords: It consists of the Lords Spiritual, who are the Archbishops and mostprominent bishops of Church of England, and the Lords Temporal, which refers to everyone elsewho either have inherited the seats from forefathers or they have been appointed. The lords mainlyrepresent themselves only.9. Life peers:In the United Kingdom, a life peer is a person who is given a peerage that is nothanded on to his or her descendents, usually as a reward for public service. Life peers have theright to speak and vote in the House of Lords. Women life peers are addressed in the same wav asa hereditary peer.10. The House of Commons: The House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives ( Members of Parliament) make and debate policy. These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.11. The Speaker:The speaker is the head of the House of Commons. He presides over the meeting in the House of Commons and sees that parliamentary procedure is followed.






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