郭庆民 张卫平
《普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材·大学专业英语系列教材:人文科学专业英语教程(第2版下)》有以下特点: 一、按照人文学科特点,上册共涵盖四大学科领域:哲学、历史学、宗教学和文学,下册涵盖社会学、文化学、语言学和新闻学四个领域。 二、考虑到我国大学生学完两年大学英语后所达到的实际水平,课文的选材、注释和练习基本上都以《大学英语课程教学要求》的“一般要求”为基础。 三、每册教材涉及的四个领域按上文提到的顺序依次循环排列,每册循环三次,形成十二单元——即:哲学、历史学、宗教学、文学;哲学、历史学、宗教学、文学……这种安排主要是便于我们贯彻教材在选材难度上的循序渐进原则。 四、从知识的角度,我们也注意到了知识的循序渐进性,因此,涉及某个专业领域的第一个单元基本上只涉及这个专业领域里的基础知识和基本原理。 五、考虑到《大学英语课程教学要求》对英语学习质和量上的要求,我们采用“主、副”课文制:对主要课文从注解和练习两个方面都进行了重点处理,用作教师课堂内重点讲解的内容;副课文主要供学生课后自学,以便对课文从语言和知识两方面起到巩固作用。 六、本教材强调培养学生准确理解文章内容的能力,相应地,每单元三篇文章都配有阅读理解练习。
Unit OneText: An Invitation to SociologyReading Passage One: The Sound of SilenceReading Passage Two: Structuralism in Anthropology: Claude Levi StraussUnit TwoText: The Analysis of CultureReading Passage One: Looking Backward at Cultural StudiesReading Passage Two: The Influence of American Culture on Post-War AustriaUnit ThreeText: Sign, Signified, SignifierReading Passage One: What Is Language?Reading Passage Two: Language and ThoughtUnit Four.Text: The Mass Media: What Is Newsworthy?Reading Passage One: Electronic NewspapersReading Passage Two: Journalism Education Marked by FragilityUnit FiveText: The Sociological ImaginationReading Passage One: Durkheims Solution to Modemitys RiddleReading Passage Two: The Interactional Basis of Self and OtherUnit SixText: Constructing Cultural MetaphorsReading Passage One: Shoring Up the WestReading Passage Two: What Is Global Culture?Unit Seven.Text: Language and LiteratureReading Passage One: The Whorfian HypothesisReading Passage Two: Language as a Social BehaviorUnit Eight..Text: In All FairnessReading PassageOne: The Pulitzer PrizesReading Passage Two: Public Sphere, Complex Citizenship and NewsUnit NineText: Social Capital and Americas IllsReading Passage One: Social Isolation Growing in USReading Passage Two: The Differences of Habermass Ideas with MarxUnit TenText: Postmodernism and the Pluralism of ValueReading Passage One: Popular-Common Culture.Reading Passage Two: GlobalizationUnit Eleven.Text: The Language GameReading Passage One: Language as Human BehaviorReading Passage Two: The Relationship Between Language and ThoughtUnit TwelveText: News Agencies and CyberspaceReading Passage One: Journalism and Moral InnocentsReading Passage Two: The Sweet Sound of ConflictAppendix Ⅰ Key to ExercisesAppendix Ⅱ Chinese Translation of the TextsAppendix Ⅲ Glossary