尼克尔森 (Walter Nicholson)、 森德尔 (Christopher Snyder) 中国人民大学出版社 (2009-03出版)
尼克尔森 等 著
作者:(美国)尼克尔森 (Walter Nicholson) (美国)森德尔 (Christopher Snyder)
第一篇 介绍第1章 经济模型附录:微观经济学中使用的数学T具第二篇 需求第2章 效用和选择第3章 个人需求曲线第4章 市场需求和弹性第三篇 不确定性和策略第5章 不确定性第6章 博弈论第四篇 生产、成本和供给第7章 生产第8章 成本第9章 利润最大化和供给第五篇 完全竞争第10章 单一市场中的完全竞争第11章 竞争性模型的应用第12章 一般均衡和福利第六篇 市场势力第13章 垄断第14章 不完全竞争第七篇 更深入的话题第15章 要素市场定价附录:劳动力供给第16章 资本和时间附录:复合利率第17章 信息不对称第18章 外部性和公共产品奇数问题答案小测验答案术语表索引
插图:How people feel about getting more of some good when they must give up anamount of some other good iS probably themost important reason for studying preferences.The areas identified with question marks in Fig-ure 2-l are difficult to compare to X*.Y* be-cause they involve more of one good and less ofthe other Whether a move from X*,y* intothese areas would increase utility iS not clear.Tobe able to look into this situation.we need someadditional tools.Because giving up units of onecommodity(for example,money)to get backadditional units of some other commodity (say,candy bars)iS what gives rise to trade and orga-nized markets,these new tools provide the foun-dation for the economic analysis of demand.IndifieFence CurvesTo study voluntary trades,we use the concept of an indifference curve.Such acurve shows all those combinations of two goods that provide the same utility toan individual;that is,a person iS indifferent about which particular COmbinationof goods on the curve he or she actually has.Figure 2-2 records the quantity ofsoft drinks consumed by a person in one week on the horizontal axis and thequantity of hamburgers consumed in the same week on the vertical axis.Thecurve U,in Figure 2-2 includes all those combinations of hamburgers and softdrinks with which this person is equally happy.For example,the curve showsthat he or she would be iust as happy with six hamburgers and two soft drinksper week(point A)as with four hamburgers and three soft drinks(point B)orwith three hamburgers and four soft drinks(point C).The points on U T allprovide the same level of utility;therefore,he or she does not have any reasonfor preferring any point on U, to any other point.
不是说满99元就送一本畅销书和一张券吗?我花了150多,啥都没有。还有,这本书和 微观经济学:基本原理与扩展 根本就不是同层次的,这本书更简单,还以为版本更新,内容更新呢,结果缩回去了,