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《21世纪实用英语》自2005年出版使用以来,受到了广泛关注和好评。2006年,该套教材被教育部确立为“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”。’为适应高职高专教育的发展,为更加切合英语教学特点、方便教师使用、适合学生自学和复习巩固,在广泛征求使用院校广大师生意见的基础上,我们于2007年初针对第一版的1至3册教材进行了修订。经过一年多的教学实践,为了更好地满足高职高专公共英语教学任务的要求,我们组织了本套教材第4册的修订。 在修订过程中,为使学生的英语学习能够承上启下,我们仍遵循前三册修订的教材结构,即: (1)文化背景知识(Cultural Background)部分由学生用书调整到教学参考用书,并适当增加了有关课文内容的背景材料,为教师备课和学生自学提供了方便。 (2)设置独立的练习册,提供更多贴近课文语言点和高等学校英语应用能力考试的练习。 (3)提供网络版录音材料。 (4)教学参考用书除各部分语言点的详解之外,仍设置教学提示(TeachingTips),从重点词汇、重要句型、语言技能等三个大的方面提出教学建议。 (5)每单元都注重梯度控制,体现“听、说、读、写、译”技能训练的系统性、连续性和渐进性。每单元遵循由易到难、由浅人深的原则。 (6)教材形式活泼、版面生动、图文并茂。每单元各部分保持相对完整。学生用书、练习册和教学参考用书构成一个整体,相辅相成,既便于课堂教学,也便于学生自学和自我检测。 第4册的改革同样遵循紧扣教学大纲、降低难度的宗旨。 (1)教材主体部分中的Integrated Course部分仍保持两篇短文章的形式以适应学时要求和学生对课文难易程度的要求。 (2)课文的选材更加贴近生活,使学生能从中感悟生活的哲理,既富有教育和启发意义,又加强学生对英文的阅读与理解。
c1 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Renting an Apartment Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Renting an Apartment Part Ⅲ Integrated Course: We're Raising Children, Not Flowers! ( Ⅰ) We're Raising Children, Not Flowers! ( Ⅱ ) Part Ⅳ Reading Training Part Ⅴ Writing Work: Writing by Given ScenesUnit 2 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Tests and Examinations Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Tests and Examinations Part Ⅲ Integrated Course: Window Home Sickness Part Ⅳ Reading Training Part V Writing Work: Description of Tables and GraphsUnit 3 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Going to the Cinema Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Going to the Cinema Part Ⅲ Integrated Course: The Boy at the Track Babes in the Woods Part Ⅳ Reading Training Part V Writing Work: Writing by Key WordsUnit 4 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: A Job Interview Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: A Job Interview Part Ⅲ Integrated Course: Surf's Up! Festivals Part Ⅳ Reading Training Part V Writing Work: How to Make a SummaryUnit 5 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Having a Party or a Get-together Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Having a Party or a Get-together Part Ⅲ Integrated Course: The Gift of Understanding ( Ⅰ) The Gift of Understanding (Ⅱ) Part Ⅳ Reading Training Part V Writing Work: Writing by OutlinesUnit 6 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Phone Service Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Phone Service : Part Ⅲ Integrated Course: A Man Who Had No Eyes ( Ⅰ ) A Man Who Had No Eyes ( Ⅱ ) Part Ⅳ Reading Training Part V Writing Work: Frequent Mistakes in WritingUnit 7 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Emergency Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Emergency Part Ⅲ Integrated Course: For Blooming in Wards--Nightingale ( Ⅰ ) For Blooming in Wards--Nightingale ( Ⅱ ) Part Ⅳ Reading Training Part V Writing Work: Cause Analysis for Tables and GraphsUnit 8 Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension: Leisure Time Part Ⅱ Speaking Development: Leisure Time Part Ⅲ Integrated Course: The Smart Way to Live A Change for the Better? Part Ⅳ Reading Training Part V Writing Work: Writing by First Sentences of Each Paragraph
Riding the waves can be the thrill of a life-time. But what does it take to become a surfer? If you have ever dreamt about incredibly big seas with huge powerful waves crashing onto sandy beaches, then you should definitely think about learning to surf. Its the most exciting watersport there is. Serious surfers must be very brave, love adventure and have lots of energy. Once theyve experienced the excitement of a ride on top of the waves, they never want to stop. Many surfers travel around the world searching for the perfect wave, moving from one surf festival to another and checking weather forecasts to see where the really exciting waves are expected next. Some even carry pagers which beep when there are weather reports of perfect conditions. A surfers greatest disappointment would be missing the opportunity to surf in the best weather conditions. Hawaii is where the sport began——the place which most surfers see as their "true home". They love nature and the excitement you get from the deep waters. Enormous waves crash along mile after mile of beautiful sand, and every surfer dreams of experiencing surfing in Maul or Oahu. Other great surfing locations include Australia, the west coast of the U.S., the Caribbean, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong, South Africa, the Canary Islands, and Cornwall. Experienced surfers are always in search of the best waves in some totally unspoilt paradise that hardly anyone has heard of. It takes time for a beginner to learn the technique, but during a long hot summer, who minds practicing? The professionals, of course, are in the sea every day, then come back onto the beach to do some exercises with weights. You need to be a strong swimmer with good balance and plenty of courage to be an expert surfer.