纪宝成 编
A financial crisis is spreading across the globe and having a tremendousimpact on the world economy and financial system. Learning lessons from thiscrisis is a crucial task faced by the government and scholars in China. It isimportant to further analyze the following related theoretical issues." the rootcauses of this worldwide financial crisis, the relationship between the realeconomy and the virtual economy, the reform of the international monetarysystem, the reestablishment of international financial order, financial innovationand regulation, the balance between government intervention and free marketprinciple, the reasons why investment banks failed, high financial leverage, thefuture of asset-securitization, and the alternative targets for monetary policy.
ECONOMICSWU XIAOQIUHow the Financial Crisis Is Changing the World:Ten Issues Surrounding the Financial CrisisWANG XIAOJUN, QIAN ZHENCan China Construct a Unified Non-ContributoryOld-Age Pension System?WANG SHENGBANG, CHEN Y1NGThe Macroeconomic Impact of the Internal RatingsBased Approach in the Basel II: A Perspective on ProcyclicalityWU ZHENJUN, CUI CHUANYIIncome Growth among Returned Migrants: TheUnderlying Effect of Human CapitalMANAGEMENTZHANG LIHUA, SUN JIANMIN, CHEN XUYAA Case Study of Cross-Cultural ManagementSOCIOLOGYLI YITIAN, ZHANG RONGNANEarthquake in Sichuan and EcologicalCivilization in ChinaHUMANITIESWANG DUNChanging Lanes: Fiction Translation and Modern Imagination in 1900's ChinaMENG GUANGLINAbsolute or Limited:A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Feudal MonarchiesINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSYU WANLIUS-China Relations in G.W.Bush's YearsRESEARCH REPORTSTHE RESEARCH TEAMS, RENMIN UNIVERSITY OF CHINAChina's Economic Stability and Growth in the Global Financial Crisis Integration of Disciplines and Focus on Hotspots Moving towards a Society with More Common Consciousness:Challenges to Social Identity and Coping PoliciesTHE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS RESEARCH TEAM, RENM1N UNIVERSITY OF CHINAChina's Macroeconomy in the Course of Profound Downturn (Part II)
2.The Design of a National Unified Retirement System 2.1 Basic theory Regarding the design of a retirement security system, the International Labor Organizationand the World Bank suggest that the fundamental objective of a public pension system isto ensure old age security and to reduce old-age poverty. The farther objective is to providean income-replacing benefit in retirement. To achieve the goals, the system should, inprinciple, include the income redistribution to promote the social equitable, should engage theresponsibilities of government, employer, the family and the individual, should try to meetdifferent level's retirement demands. Apparently, the system should be a multi-pillar system.The most basic pillar should cover all citizens, eliminate old-age poverty and offer basicincome security to the elderly. And on a higher level, other pillars should provide the adequateretirement benefit and ensures unreduced living standard for old age. According to the basicprinciples discussed above, China's pension system should be a multi-pillar one, should coverwhole citizen to prevent poverty. Meanwhile, the system should have incentive mechanism toencourage individuals and families to participant and to meet hierarchy of retirement needs.