William H. Greene
《计量经济分析》是计量经济领域“圣经”般的教材。它对计量经济学领域的知识做了全面概述及整合,并且保持及时的更新,因而无论对社会学、医学、环境经济学还是政治学、经济学等领域,都能提供独特的研究视角和方法。 本书可作为社会科学领域本科高年级或研究生学习计量经济学的教材。它有两个目标:一是将学生引入应用计量经济学的殿堂,包括回归分析的基本方法,以及在发现线性模型不充分或不适当时所使用的各种模型;二是向读者充分介绍理论背景,并让读者认识到,这里所学习的一些新模型,就是我们所熟悉的某些模型在同一原理下的自然引申。
威廉·H·格林,1976年毕业于美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin,Madison),获经济学博士学位。现任美国纽约大学(University of New York)斯特恩商学院(Stern School of Business)经济学教授、丰田汽车讲席教授。曾任教于康奈尔大学,并担任宾夕
第一部分 线性回归模型 第1章 引言 第2章 经典多元线性回归模型 第3章 最小二乘法 第4章 最小二乘估计的统计特性第二部分 广义回归模型 第5章 广义回归模型与异方差 第6章 面板数据模型 第7章 回归方程组第三部分 工具变量与联立方程模型 第8章 工具变量估计 第9章 联立方程模型第四部分 估计方法 第10章 最小距离估计与广义矩估计法 第11章 极大似然估计第五部分 时间序列与宏观计量经济学 第12章 序列相关 第13章 带有滞后变量的回归模型第六部分 横截面、面板数据及微观计量经济学 第14章 离散选择模型 第15章 截断、设限与样本选择附录 实际应用中的数据
插图:We can make a useful distinction between theoretical and applied econometrics. The-orists develop new techniques for estimation and hypothesis testing and analyze theconsequences of applying particular methods when the assumptions that justify thosemethods are not met. Applied econometricians are the users of these techniques andthe analysts of data ("real world" and simulated). Of course, the distinction is farfrom clean; practitioners routinely develop new analytical tools for the purposes ofthe study that they are involved in. This book contains a large amount of economet-ric theory, but it is directed toward applied econometrics. I have attempted to surveytechniques, admittedly some quite elaborate and intricate, that have seen wide use "inthe field."Another useful distinction can be made between microeconometrics and macro-econometrics. The former is characterized largely by its analysis of cross section andpanel data and by its focus on individual consumers, firms, and micro-level decisionmakers. Macroeconometrics is generally involved in the analysis of time-series data,usually of broad aggregates such as price levels, the money supply, exchange rates,output, investment, and so on. Once again, the boundaries are not sharp. The very largefield of financial econometrics is concerned with long time-series data and occasionallyvast panel data sets, but with a very focused orientation toward models of individualbehavior. The analysis of market returns and exchange rate behavior is neither macro-nor microeconometric, or perhaps it is some of both. Another application that we willexamine in this text concerns spending patterns of municipalities, which, again, restssomewhere between the two fields.Applied econometric methods will be used for estimation of important quantities,analysis of economic outcomes, markets or individual behavior, testing theories, and forforecasting. The last of these is an art and science in itself, and (fortunately) the subjectof a vast library of sources. Although we will briefly discuss some aspects of forecasting,our interest in this text will be on estimation and analysis of models. The presentation,where there is a distinction to be made, will contain a blend of microeconometric andmacroeconometric techniques and appications. The first 11 chapters of the book arelargely devoted to results that form the platform of both areas. Chapters 12 to 13 focuson time series modeling while Chapters 14 to 15 are devoted to methods more suitedto cross sections and panels, and methods used more frequently in microeconometrics.We will not be spending any time on financial econometrics. For those with an interestin this field, I would recommend the celebrated work by Campbell, Lo, and Mackinlay(1997) and, for a more time-series-oriented approach, Tsay (2005). It is also necessaryto distinguish between time-series analysis (which is not our focus) and methods thatprimarily use time-series data. The former is, like forecasting, a growth industry servedby its own literature in many fields. While we will employ some of the techniques oftime-series analysis, we will spend relatively little time developing first principles.The techniques used in econometrics have been employed in a widening vari-ety of fields, including political methodology, sociology [see, e.g., Long (1997) andDeMaris (2004)], health economics, medical research (how do we handle attrition frommedical treatment studies?) environmental economics, transportation engineering, andnumerous others. Practitioners in these fields and many more are all heavy users of thetechniques described in this text.
学计量 必读国外教材
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书很好 ,应该是正版了,尽管运输过程中,有褶皱,破算,但是从包装来看,是很用心的。内容不用说了,不然买它何用。