THiS book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to thestudy of politics. It is designed to be of use to students taking courses in anyfield of the discipline, as well as general readers with an interest in the subject.Politics stubbornly (and splendidly) refuses to stand still. The idea thathistory is 'speeding up' was not just a symptom of fin de siele anxiety; in asense, history is speeding up. For instance, the final decades of the twentiethcentury saw the end of the Cold War, the emergence of a global economy, atechnological revolution in production and communications and the rise ofpolitical Islam. Indeed, we appear to be living in a kind of 'post-world'; ideassuch as postmodernism, postmaterialism, post-Fordism, post-socialism andpostindustrialism vie with one another to demonstrate how much and whichbits of the familiar world have now disappeared. And yet not all is flux andconfusion. The pace of change may have increased, but certain aspects of soc-ial existence and important features of the political landscape have proved tobe remarkably resilient to change. Therefore, while this book gives full weightto modern developments such as globalization, the growth of feminism andgreen politics, the upsurge of ethnic nationalism and the emergence of newsocial movements, conventional approaches to the discipline are not neglected,and the contribution of classical thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Marx andMill is not ignored.
安德鲁 海伍德(Andrew Heywood),克罗伊登学院(Croydon College)副院长,政府与政治A-Level课程首席考试官。除本书外,他还有《政治理论教程》、《政治学观念与概念》、《政治意识形态》等著作,都是可读性非常强、知识含量非常丰富的政治学作品。
序言 致谢 第一部分:政治理论 第1章:什么是政治? 1.1 政治的界定 作为政府艺术的政治 作为公共事务的政治 作为妥协与共识的政治 作为权力的政治 1.2 政治的研究 政治研究的取向 哲学传统 经验传统 科学传统 近来的发展 政治研究能够科学化吗? 概念、模型和理论 总结 问题讨论 扩展阅读 第2章:政府、体系和政体 2.1 传统的分类体系 为何划分政治体系? 古典的分类 “三个世界”的划分 2.2 现代世界的政体 西方的多头制 新民主制 东亚政体 伊斯兰政体 军事政体 总结 问题讨论 扩展阅读 第3章 政治意识形态 3.1 什么是政治意识形态? 3.2 自由主义 自由主义的要素 古典自由主义 现代自由主义 3.3 保守主义 保守主义的要素 家长式保守主义 新右派 新自由主义 新保守主义 3.4 社会主义 社会主义的要素 马克思主义 马克思主义的要素 正统共产主义 现代马克思主义 社会民主主义 第三条道路 3.5 其他的意识形态传统 法西斯主义 无政府主义 女性主义 环境保护主义 宗教原教旨主义 3.6 意识形态的终结? 总结 问题讨论 扩展阅读 ……第二部分 政治互动 第三部分 政府设置
插图:'Politics is not a science ... but an art', Chancellor Bismarck is reputed to have told the German Reichstag. The art Bismarck had in mind was the art of government, the exercise of control within society through the making and enforcement of collective decisions. This is perhaps the classical definition of politics, developed from the original meaning of the term in Ancient Greece.The word 'politics' is derived from polls, meaning literally city-state. Ancient Greek society was divided into a collection of independent city-states, each of which possessed its own system of government. The largest and most influential of these city-states was Athens, often portrayed as the cradle of democratic government. In this light, politics can be understood to refer to the affairs of the polis - in effect, 'what concerns the polis'. The modern form of this definition is therefore 'what concerns the state'. This view of politics is clearly evident in the everyday use of the term: people are said to be 'in politics' when they hold public office, or to be 'entering politics' when they seek to do so. It is also a definition that academic political science has helped to perpetuate.In many ways, the notion that politics amounts to 'what concerns the state' is the traditional view of the discipline, reflected in the tendency for academic study to focus upon the personnel and machinery of government. To study politics is in essence to study government, or, more broadly, to study the exercise of authority. This view is advanced in the writings of the infuential US political scientist David Easton (1979, 1981), who defined politics as the 'authoritative allocation of values'. By this he meant that politics encompasses the various processes through which government responds to pressures from the larger society, in particular by allocating benefits, rewards or penalties. 'Authoritative values' are therefore ones that are widely accepted in society, and are considered binding by the mass of citizens. In this view, politics is associated with 'policy': that is, with formal or authoritative decisions that establish a plan of action for the community.
不错呢~ 不过是英文的,所以还蛮考验的哈~边做阅读理解边学专业知识~~哈哈