

(美)杰伊·M·沙夫里茨//艾伯特·C·海德//桑德拉·J·帕克斯 中国人民大学











Be assured——the editors are not so bold as to assert that these are the classics of public ad- ministration. The field is so diverse that there can be no such list. However, we do contend that it is possible to make a list of many of the discipline's most significant writers andprovide representative samples of their work. That is what we have attempted here. It is readily ad-mitted that writers of equal stature have not found their way into this collection and that equally im-portant works of some of the authors included here are missing. Considerations of space and balancenecessarily prevailed. The primary characteristic of a classic in any field is its enduring value. We have classic automo-biles, classic works of literature, classic techniques for dealing with legal, medical, or military prob-lems, and so on. Classics emerge and endure through the years because of their continuing abilit~~ tobe useful. The Three Musketeers is as good an adventure story today as it was in 1844 when Alexan-dre Dumas wrote it. But how many other nineteenth-century novels can you name? Few have generalutility for a twenty-first-century audience. It has been no different with the professional literature ofpublic administration. Much has been written, but what is still worth reading today or will be tomor-row? The intent of this collection is to make readily available some of the worthwhile material fromthe past that will be equally valuable for tomorrow. We had three criteria for including a selection. First the selection had to be relevant to a maintheme of public administration. It had to be a basic statement that was consistently echoed or attackedin subsequent years. It also had to be important————of continuing relevance. This leads to our secondcriterion——significance. The selection had to be generally recognized as a significant contribution tothe realm and discipline of public administration. An unrecognized classic seems to us to be a contra-diction: As a role of thumb, we asked ourselves, "Should the serious student of public administrationbe expected to be able to identify this author and his or her basic themes?" If the answer was yes, thenit was so because such a contribution has long been recognized by the discipline as an importanttheme by a significant writer. Whereas the editors can and expect to be criticized for excluding this orthat particular article or writer, it would be difficult to honestly criticize us for our inclusions. Thewriters chosen are among the most widely quoted and reprinted practitioners and academics in publicadministration. The basic idea of this book was simply to bring them together. The final criterion forinclusion was readability. We sought selections that would be read and appreciated by people with orwithout a substantial background in public administration.




编者:(美国)杰伊·M·沙夫里茨(Jay M.Shafritz) (美国)艾伯特·C·海德(Albert C.Hyde) (美国)桑德拉·J·帕克斯(Sandra J.Parkes)杰伊·M·沙夫里茨(Jay M.Shafritz),美国匹兹堡大学公共与国际事务教授。曾执教于科罗拉多大学丹佛分校、休斯顿大学明湖分校、纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校、伦斯勒理工学院等多所大学。在公共事务、组织理论、管理学等领域撰写专业性和学术性著作达30多部。艾伯特·C·海德(Albert C.Hyde),美国布鲁金斯研究所公共政策教育中心高级顾问。曾在匹兹堡大学、旧金山州立大学、休斯顿大学、印第安纳大学等校执教,还曾供职于美国国务院和纽约州立法委员会。撰写有《政府预算:理论、过程和政治》、《政府人事管理》等著作。桑德拉·J·帕克斯(Sandra J.Parkes),美国犹他大学政治学系公共行政专业教师,主要教学和研究领域是组织行为、组织领导和变革、人力资源管理等。在企业、非营利组织和政府部门有十年的管理咨询经历。


第一篇 早期的呼声和首个25年(19世纪80年代—20世纪20年代) 1.英国文官制度改革(1880,多曼•B•伊顿) 2.行政学研究(1887,伍德罗•威尔逊) 3.政治与行政(1912,弗兰克•J•古德诺) 4.市政管理问题研究(1904,珍妮•亚当斯) 5.科学管理、(1912,弗雷德里克•W•泰勒) 6.政府预算改革运动(1918,威廉•F•威洛比) 7.官僚制(1922,马克斯•韦伯) 8.公共行政学研究导论(1926,伦纳德•D•怀特) 9.发布命令(1926,玛丽•帕克•芙丽特)第二篇 新政至20世纪中期(20世纪30年代—20世纪50年代) 10.组织理论按语(1937,卢瑟•古利克) 11.总统行政管理委员会报告(1937,路易斯•布朗洛、查尔斯•E•梅里安和卢瑟•古利克) 12.非正式组织及其同正式组织的关系(1938,切斯特•I•巴纳德) 13.官僚制结构和人格(1940,罗伯特•K•默顿) 14.预算理论的缺乏(1940,V.O.凯伊) 15.人类动机论(1943,A.H.马斯洛) 16.政府不同于企业(1945,保罗•阿普尔比) 17.行政谚语(1946,赫伯特•A•西蒙) 18.行政国家:结论(1948,德怀特•沃尔多) 19.吸纳机制(1949,菲利普•塞尔兹尼克) 20.政府行政机构组织委员会报告(1949,摘自胡佛委员会报告) 21.企业的人性面(1957,道格拉斯•默里•麦格雷戈) 22.“渐进调适”的科学(1959,查尔斯•E•林德布洛姆)第三篇 从肯尼迪被刺至公务员制度改革(20世纪60年代—20世纪70年代) 23.组织与系统概念(1966,丹尼尔•卡茨、罗伯特•L•卡恩) 24.PPB之路:预算改革的诸阶段(1966,艾伦•希克) 25.美国的制度(1966,莫顿•格罗津斯) 26.未来的组织(1967,沃伦•本尼斯) 27.政策分析家:政府机构中的一种新职业角色(1967,叶海卡•德罗尔) 28.官僚组织的生命周期(1967,安东尼•唐斯) 29.将政策分析从PPBS中拯救出来(1969,艾伦•韦尔达夫斯基) 30.行政分权与政治权力(1969,赫伯特•考夫曼) 31.自由主义的终结:诉状(1969,西奥多•洛伊) 32.冗余、理性及重叠与重复的问题(1969,马丁•兰道) 33.论新公共行政学(1971,H•乔治•弗雷德里克森) 34.社会行动的系统思维(1971,爱丽丝•M•里夫琳) 35.执行(1973,杰弗里•L•普来斯曼、艾伦•威尔达夫斯基) 36.水门事件:责任政府的启示(1974,弗雷德里克•C•莫舍尔等) 37.代议官僚制(1974,塞缪尔•克里斯罗夫) 38.组织衰减与精简管理(1978,查尔斯•H•列文)第四篇 里根时代至政府再造(20世纪80年代—20世纪90年代) 39.公共事业管理和私营企业管理:它们在所有不重要的方面是基本相同的吗?(1980,格雷厄姆•T•阿利森) 40.基层官僚制:基层官僚的重要角色(1980,迈克尔•林普斯基) 41.不确定和不稳定环境中的公共预算(1981,内奥米•凯顿) 42.民主与公共服务:集体服务(1982,弗雷德里克•C•莫舍) 43.公共行政学理论与分权(1983,戴维•H•罗森布罗姆) 44.行政伦理的可能性(1985,丹尼斯•F•汤普森) 45.探索私有化的极限(1987,罗纳德•C•莫) 46.公共行政理论中的女性主义视角(1990,卡米拉•史蒂弗斯) 47.理解组织文化(1989,J•史蒂文•奥特) 48.从平等权利法案到肯定多样性(1990,小R•罗斯福•托马斯) 49.一种普适性的公共管理?(1990,克里斯托弗•胡德) 50.联邦主义、府际关系与府际管理:历史反思和概念比较(1990,戴尔•S•怀特) 51.突破官僚制(1992,麦克尔•巴泽雷著;巴贝尔•J•阿玛加尼协作) 52.从过程到结果:创造一个少花钱多办事的政府 (1993,国家绩效评估委员会) 53.思想从何而来?议程、备选方案与公共政策(1995,约翰•W•金登) 54.政策悖论:政治决策的艺术(1997,德博拉•斯通)


插图:This subject of orders has led us into theheart of the whole question of authority andconsent. When we conceive of authority andconsent as parts of an inclusive situation, doesthat not throw a flood of light on this question?The point of view here presented gets rid ofseveral dilemmas which have seemed to puzzlepeople in dealing with consent. The feeling ofbeing "under" someone, of "subordination," of"servility," of being "at the will of another,"comes out again and again in the shop stewards' movement and in the testimony beforethe Coal Commission. One man said before theCoal Commission, "It is all right to work withanyone; what is disagreeable is to feel too distinctly that you are working under anyone."With is a pretty good preposition, not because itconnotes democracy, but because it connotesfunctional unity, a much more profound con-ception than that of democracy as usually held.The study of the situation involves the withpreposition. Then Sadie is not left alone by thehead of the cloak department, nor does shehave to obey her. The head of the departmentsays, "Let's see how such cases had better behandled, then we'll abide by that." Sadie is notunder the head of the department, but both areunder the situation.Twice I have had a servant applying for aplace ask me if she would be treated as a me-nial. When the first woman asked me that, I hadno idea what she meant, I thought perhaps shedid not want to do the roughest work, but later Icame to the conclusion that to be treated as amenial meant to be obliged to be under someone, to follow orders without using one's ownjudgment. If we believe that what heightensself-respect increases efficiency, we shall be onour guard here.







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