

(美) 洛夫洛克 等 著 克里斯托弗·洛夫洛克(Christopher Lovelock)、约亨·沃茨(Jochen Wirtz)、 帕特里夏·周(Patricia Chew) 中国人民大学出版社 (2011-03出版)



克里斯托弗·洛夫洛克(Christopher Lovelock)、约亨·沃茨(Jochen Wirtz)、 帕特里夏·周(Patricia Chew) 中国人民大学出版社 (2011-03出版)  


(美) 洛夫洛克 等 著  




  《服务营销精要英文版》是洛夫洛克服务营销领域权威著作的精要版,编写目的在于易于阅读与理解。  《服务营销精要英文版》围绕一个崭新的框架结构展开,目的是创建强调服务供应商与消费者之间价值交换的有效服务营销策略。该框架提供了一种更加灵活的教学方式,并构成了《服务营销精要英文版》结构的有机组成部分,易于读者了解不同章节的内容是如何相互联系的。  精心筛选的美国、欧洲和亚洲的案例配合理论内容的学习,为读者提供了国际化的视野。  《服务营销精要英文版》配套中文版已推出,供读者参照阅读。


作者:(美国)克里斯托弗·洛夫洛克(Christopher Lovelock) (美国)约亨·沃茨(Jochen Wirtz) (美国)帕特里夏·周(Patricia Chew)


前言第1篇 理解服务产品、消费者和市场第1章 服务营销概述第2章 服务情境下的消费者行为第3章 竞争市场中的服务定位第2篇 4P在服务业中的应用第4章 开发服务产品:核心和附加要素第5章 实体与电子渠道的服务分销第6章 服务定价和利润管理第7章 服务促进与消费者教育第3篇 管理顾客界面第8章 开发管理服务流程第9章 平衡生产能力与需求第10章 服务环境的管理艺术第11章 管理员工培育服务优势第4篇 实施盈利性服务战略第12章 管理顾客关系与创造忠诚第13章 抱怨管理与服务补救第14章 提升服务质量与生产力第15章 面向变革管理和服务领导的组织案例1 沙利文福特汽车世界案例2 悦榕庄:无形资产的品牌化案例3 Ginger:Smart Basics TM品牌经济型酒店案例4 Capital:One:发起一场大众媒体运动案例5 澳洲行动狗案例6 Menton银行案例7 GoodLife健身俱乐部案例8 DHL亚洲公司的顾客资产管理案例9 用技术改革新加坡读者的图书馆体验案例10 Beckett博士的牙科诊所术语表


版权页:插图:Process line extensions are less innovative than process innovations. However, they often represent new ways of delivering existing products. The intention is either to offer more convenience and a different experience for existing customers, or to attract new customers who find the traditional approach unappealing. Most commonly, they involve adding a lower contact distribution channel to an existing high-contact channel, such as creating telephone-based or Internet-based banking service. Barnes and Noble, the leading bookstore chain in the United States, added a new Internet subsidiary, BarnesandNoble.com to help it compete against Amazon.com. Such dual-track approaches are sometimes referred to as "Clicks and Mortar." Creating self-service options to complement delivery by service employees is another form of process line extension.Product line extensions are additions to current product lines by existing firms. The first company in a market to offer such a product may be seen as an innovator. The others are merely followers, often acting to defend themselves. These new services may be targeted at existing customers to serve a broader variety of needs, or designed to attract new customers with different needs (or both). For example, many banks now sell insurance products in the hope of increasing the number of profitable relationships with existing customers.Major process innovations consist of using new processes to deliver existing core products in new ways with additional benefits. For example, the University of Phoenix competes with other universities by cleiivering undergraduate and graduate degree programs in a non-traditional way. It has no permanent campus, but offers courses either online or at night in rented facilities. Its students get most of the benefits of a college degree in half the time and at a much lower price than other universities.12 In recent years, the growth of the Internet has led to the creation of many service process innovations that exclude the use of traditional stores and save customers time and travel. Often, these models add new, timely, information-based benefits such as the opportunity to visit chat-rooms with fellow customers, and suggestions for additional products that match well with what has already been bought.






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