《新托福真题详解:口语分卷(第1册)》对于托福口语来说,广大考生遇到的问题大多数为:如何最快的速度让自己开口,并且流利的回答托福口语题目?《新托福真题详解:口语分卷(第1册)》将这个问题作为贯穿始终的核心命题。经过深入的思考,紧密的编排,针对新托福口语真题进行了深度分析,总结出几套适合不同考生使用的答题套路。另外,《新托福真题详解:口语分卷(第1册)》还配有作者对于托福口语真题所精心制作的参考答案以及详细解析等,方便独自备考的考生进行参考和对比。 《新托福真题详解:口语分卷(第1册)》在编写过程中充分考虑了不同程度考生进行备考时的学习规划,列举了从口音纠正到临场答题全方面的知识细节,并且对每个阶段都有精心的设计。
第一章 新托福考试口语部分方法论第一节 新托福考试口语部分方法论总述第二节 口语考试答案的各项评分标准第三节 分题详述第二章 口语答案示例(TPO 1~18)TPOTPOTPOTP0TPOTPOTPOTPOTPOTPOTPOTPOTPOTPOTPOTP0TPOTPO第三章 口语部分听力材料文本译文(TPO 1~18)TP0TPOTP0TPOTPOTPOTPOTP0TPOTP0TPOTP0TPOTPOTPOTPOTPOTPO附录 口译笔记小技巧
response 1 by native This is a bad situation for the woman; mid-term exams are coming at her university, but a water pipe problem is forcing her to move out of her apartment. She talks to the man, and they come up with two possible solutions. For one, she could move in with her friends. Alternatively, she can live in a hotel for a week or two. I believe that she should live with her friends. While the hotel has more private study space, it will cost her money that she does not need to spend. She can sleep in her friend's room but spend most of her day studying at the library or somewhere else on campus. response 2 by non-native Since there is no water at all in the woman's apartment, she needs to move out and she has no idea where to live. There are two solutions. The first solution is to live with her friends. The second solution is to live in a hotel for some while. If I were her, I would choose the second solution for two reasons. The first one is that her friends' house is too crowded' and is not ideal for the upcoming exams preparation. The second reason is that the hotel is quite close to her school and the price is quite reasonable. Though it would cost some money, if the woman spend her money wisely she still can afford this hotel. 9-6 请用课堂中的观点来解释西潘莲和马铃薯对昆虫的防御机制。 response 1 by native Many plants protect themselves from being eaten by insects by using either physical or chemical methods. The professor talks about the passion plant and the potato plant. The passion plant is densely covered in spiky hairs that are all over the plant and its leaves. These spiky hairs give the insects no space to land, and so physically protect the plant from being eaten by flies. The potato plant uses chemical methods to keep bugs off. When bugs land on its leaves and eat, the potato plant releases a chemical that makes the bug feel full, and so it will stop eating more of the plant because it feels' like it doesn't need to. These two kinds of method both help keep plants healthy and alive. response 2 by non-native In the lecture, the professor talks about two ways that plants defend themselves from insects. The first method is physical, which means that plants develop physical characters that prevent insects from landing -on the plants. For example, the passion plant has leaves with little spiky hairs. The hair protects the plant by preventing insects from landing on the plant. Since insects cannot land on the leaves they cannot eat the leaves. Another method is chemical defense, such as the case with the potato plant. If attacked by an insect, potato plants release a chemical which makes the insect feel full. The insect swallows the chemical while it eats and soon, the insect no longer wants to eat. Thus, the potato plant protects itself with this chemical method. TPO10 10-1 请谈一次你超越自己完成了一件你本以为自己不能成功的事情的经历。你完成了什么事情?为什么你当初认为自己可能无法完成呢? response 1 by native I once took the Graduate Record Examination one week before the test date. Originally I had planned on taking a job, but due to special circumstances I had to reconsider graduate school. I did not think I could do it since I was not a good test taker and I only had one week to prepare for a test that most people spent months studying for. I memorized over 3,000 words in the week and prepared as much as I could for the test. Surprisingly, I scored in the 99% percentile on the exam, 710 verbal, 750 math, and it became my most proud achievement. response 2 by non-native Last semester, I had my very first public performance, which I never thought I could achieve. Before that, I even blushed every time I had to talk to a stranger. However, a friend of mine encouraged me to overcome my shyness by taking part in that show. After three months' practice, I found myself standing right on the stage. At first my heart was beating really fast and I have almost forgotten my lines. But I soon told myself to take a deep breath and then I calmed down. The show turned out to be a success and I believed I did really a good job. ……