任林静 编
Module1 Lesson Pla
Unit One
Communication Skills:Conveational Skills
Unit Two
Communication Skills:Nonverbal Communication
Unit Three
Communication Skills:Cross-Cultural Communication
Unit Four
Communication Skills:Classroom Communication
Unit Five
Communication Skills:Listening Skills
Unit Six
Communication Skills:Telephone Skills
Unit Seven
Communication Skills:Male-Female Communication
Unit Eight
Communication Skills:Team Skills
Unit Nine
Communication Skills:Problem-Solving Skills
Unit Ten
Communication Skills:Debating Skills:Expressing Opinio
Unit Eleven
Communication Skills:Presentation Skills(1)
Unit Twelve
Communication Skills:Presentation Skills(2)
Unit Thirteen
Communication Skills:Job Interviewing Skills
Module2 Awer Keys
Unit One
Conmunication Skills:Conveational Skills
Unit Two
Communication Skills:Nonverbal Communication
Unit Three
Communication Skills:Cross-Cultural Comrntmication
Unit Four
Communication Skills:Classroom Communication
Unit Five
Communication Skills:Listening Skills
Unit Six
Communication Skills:Telephone Skills
Unit Seven
Communication Skills:Male-Female Communication
Unit Eight
Communication Skills:Team Skills
Unit Nine
Communication Skills:Problem-Solving Skills
Unit Ten
Communication Skills:Debating Skills:Expressing Opinion
Unit Eleven
Communication Skills:Presentation Skills(1)
Unit Twelve
Communication Skills:Presentation Skills(2)
Unit Thirteen
Communication Skills:Job Interviewing Skills
Module3 CD Scripts
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Unit Seven
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
Unit Eleven
Unit Twelve
Unit Thirteen
Module4 Video Scripts
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Unit Seven
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
Unit Eleven
Unit Twelve
Unit Thirteen
OK, now we turn to social relationships. As far as social relationships are concerned, Americans are informal and egalitarian. They value equality and the belief that all people cancontribute and should be a part of decision making. In this "horizontal" culture Americans feel most com for table with their social equals. The importance of social rankings is reduced to the minimum. In Asian cultures, however, social relationships are formal and hierarchical. Rank or class is of great importance. People are most comfortable in the presence of a hierarchy in which they know their position and the customs and rules for behavior in the situation. In these "verticalcultures," leaders are supposed to be revered, obeyed, and never questioned. Some in dividuals who aren't leaders become strongly dependent-and are often comfortable in their dependency. The next difference we see between American culture and some Asian cultures is friendship. Americans are characterized by making friends everywhere. But as the English proverb goes, "easy come, easy go"-those "instant friendship" will not last long, which is quite typical of Americanculture. Their collection of "friends" and acquaintances changes over time and involves on lylimited mutual obligations. Asian people, in contrast, take time to get to know each other be for ethey build up a relationship. But once such a relationship is built up, they take it in a serious way. Ofien they have a small number of close, lifelong frjends who feel deeply obligated to give each other whatever form of help might seem required. So when American people meet Asian people, confiicts can develop because of opposingcultural values. In fact, it may be difficult even to discuss problems because communication stylesalso vary from culture to culture. Well, this is the last point I want to mention, the difference of communication styles between American culture and Asian culture. American people tend to be more direct. They initiate conversations and get right to the point. They like to show the mselves to impress others. They are willing to confront directly, criticize, and discuss controversial to pics,having little concern with "face". Asian people, on the other hand, are more indirect. Theirmessages are often implied, rather than stated specifically. They have learned to be modest in whatever they say or do, which is just the opposite of "showing yourself'. Having concern with"face", they avoid direct confrontation, open criticism, and controversial topics. It is there for enot surprising that people with such different styles of communication often have troubleunder standing each other. Yet, despite the differences in values and communication styles, people from diverse culturescan break down their communication barriers and resolve their conflicts if they understand and respect each other's cultures. It is important to emphasize that the cultural differences we'vecovered so far may not apply to all Asian cultures. Let's take a break now, and when we come back, we'll leam how to deal with cultural differences by looking at some real cases of communication between Chinese and American business people. ……