The Epistle Dedicatory
The Epistle to the Reader
BOOK I: Of Innate Notions
I Introduction
II No Innate Principles in the Mind
III No Innate Practical Principles
IV Other Considerations concerning Innate Principles, both
Speculative and Practical
BOOK II: Of Ideas
I Of Ideas in General, and their Original
II Of Simple Ideas
III Of Ideas of One Sense
IV Of Solidity
V Of Simple Ideas of Divers Senses
VI Of Simple Ideas of Reflection
VII Of Simple Ideas of both Sensation and Reflection
VIII Some further Considerations concerning our Simple Ideas
IX Of Perception
X Of Retention
XI Of Discerning, and other Operations of the Mind
XII Of Complex Ideas
XIII Of Simple Modes; and first, of the Simple Modes of Space
XIV Of Duration, and its Simple Modes
XV Of Duration and Expansion, considered together
XVI Of Number
XVII Of Infinity
XVIII Of other Simple Modes
XIX Of the Modes of Thinking
XX Of Modes of Pleasure and Pain
XXI Of Power
XXII Of Mixed Modes
XXIII Of our Complex Ideas of Substances
XXIV Of Collective Ideas of Substances
XXV Of Relation
XXVI Of Cause and Effect, and other Relations
XXVII Of Identity and Diversity
XXVIII Of Other Relations
XXIX Of Clear and Obscure, Distinct and Confused Ideas
XXX Of Real and Fantastical Ideas
XXXI Of Adequate and Inadequate Ideas
XXXII Of True and False Ideas
XXXIII Of the Association of Ideas
版权页: 24. How such principles come to be held. This will appear vertlikely, and almost unavoidable to come to pass, if we consider thenature of mankind, and the constitution of human affairs; whereirmost men cannot live, without employing their time in the daily labours oftheir callings; nor be at quiet in their minds, without some foundation orprinciple to rest their thoughts on. There is scarcely anyone so floatingand superficial in his understanding, who hath not some reverencedpropositions, which are to him the principles on which he bottomshis reasonings; and by which he judgeth of truth and falsehood, rightand wrong; which some, wanting skill and leisure, and others theinclination, and some being taught, that they ought not, to examine;there are few to be found, who are not exposed by their ignorance,laziness, education, or precipitancy, to take them upon trust. 25. Further explained. This is evidently the case of all childrenand young folk; and custom, a greater power than nature, seldomfailing to make them worship for divine, what she hath inured themto bow their minds, and submit their understandings to, 'tis nowonder, that grown men, either perplexed in the necessary affairs oflife, or hot in the pursuit of pleasures, should not seriously sit downto examine their own tenets; especially when one of their principlesis, that principles ought not to be questioned. And had men leisure,parts, and will, who is there almost, that dare shake the foundationsof all his past thoughts and actions, and endure to bring uponhimself, the shame of having been a long time wholly in mistake anderror? Who is there, hardy enough to contend with the reproach,which is everywhere prepared for those, who dare venture to dissentfrom the received opinions of their country or party? And where isthe man to be found, that can patiently prepare himself to bear thename of whimsical, sceptical, or atheist, which he is sure to meetwith, who does in the least scruple any of the common opinions?And he will be much more afraid to question those principles, when heshall think them, as most men do, the standards set up by God in hismind, to be the rule and touchstone of all other opinions. And whatcan hinder him from thinking them sacred, when he finds them theearliest of all his own thoughts, and the most reverenced by others? 26. A worship of idols. 'Tis easy to imagine, how by these meansit comes to pass, than men worship the idols that have been setup in their minds; grow fond of the notions they have been longacquainted with there; and stamp the characters of divinity, uponabsurdities and errors, become zealous votaries to bulls and monkeys;and contend too, fight, and die in defence of their opinions. 'Dumsolos credit habendos esse Deos, quos ipse colit.' For since thereasoning faculties of the soul, which are almost constantly, thoughnot always warily nor wisely employed, would not know how tomove, for want of a foundation and footing, in most men, whothrough laziness or avocation, do not; or for want of time, or truehelps, or for other causes, cannot, penetrate into the principles ofknowledge, and trace truth to its fountain and original, 'tis naturalfor them, and almost unavoidable, to take up with some borrowedprinciples; which being reputed and presumed to be the evidentproofs of other things, are thought not to need any other proofthemselves.